Recensioni ed esperienze sui prodotti per
TAMIYA 1:10 Elektro Porsche 934 RSR Black Bausa

17 recensioni
4,88 / 5,00

Recensioni dei prodotti

16 valutazioni
14 recensioni
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TAMIYA 1:10 Elektro Porsche 934 RSR Black Bausa
1 valutazioni
1 recensioni
0 recensioni
0 recensioni
0 recensioni
0 recensioni

Tamiya 47362 Porsche Turbo RSR Type 934 Black Edition Ta02sw

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 29/03/2018 fino al 03/01/2021
| | 03/01/2021
| | 17/11/2020
| | 05/08/2020
I helped my son build this and we had a great time. The wheels look sweet and so does the body--it has that classic old school wide body Turbo look that I love so much.My only gripes:- I wish it had hex screws throughout, but this is to be expected from Tamiya.- The stickers for the body and the masking tape all have to be cut out. The stickers alone are a lot of work to cut out individually.Other than that, it's a great car and pretty cheap to maintain/upgrade.I wish I bought two of them,
| | 07/06/2020
Still building. Always great kits to build. This is one of best
| | 13/12/2019
My husband loves this!
| | Macht Spaß beim Zusammenbau und ist ein richtiger Blickfang. | 26/09/2019
Ist ein toller Bausatz. Alles wie immer bei Tamiya super beschrieben und auch komplett von den Bauteilen her.
| | 23/08/2019
Nice kit for the money.
| | Must buy for any tamiya fan | 29/03/2018
Great kit of the greatest model tamiya ever sold, highly recommend
Periodo da 29/03/2018 fino al 17/11/2020
| | 17/11/2020
| | 05/08/2020
I helped my son build this and we had a great time. The wheels look sweet and so does the body--it has that classic old school wide body Turbo look that I love so much.My only gripes:- I wish it had hex screws throughout, but this is to be expected from Tamiya.- The stickers for the body and the masking tape all have to be cut out. The stickers alone are a lot of work to cut out individually.Other than that, it's a great car and pretty cheap to maintain/upgrade.I wish I bought two of them,
| | 07/06/2020
Still building. Always great kits to build. This is one of best
| | 13/12/2019
My husband loves this!
| | Macht Spaß beim Zusammenbau und ist ein richtiger Blickfang. | 26/09/2019
Ist ein toller Bausatz. Alles wie immer bei Tamiya super beschrieben und auch komplett von den Bauteilen her.
| | 23/08/2019
Nice kit for the money.
| | Must buy for any tamiya fan | 29/03/2018
Great kit of the greatest model tamiya ever sold, highly recommend
Periodo da 03/01/2021 fino al 03/01/2021
| | 03/01/2021
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo

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Trustami è un fornitore di servizi indipendente per la visualizzazione di recensioni esterne. Trustami importa le valutazioni dei clienti da piattaforme di terze parti. Purtroppo non possiamo verificare l'autenticità di tutte le numerose recensioni che raccogliamo automaticamente. Nel caso di rating importati, Trustami non può quindi garantire che tali rating provengano esclusivamente da consumatori che hanno effettivamente utilizzato o acquistato i beni o servizi.

Informazioni sul prodotto

TAMIYA 1:10 Elektro Porsche 934 RSR Black Bausa
Descrizione: Dieser Bausatz ist eine Wiederauflage der Artikelnummer 300058172 im neuem Design. Das Original wurde 1995 als 911 GT2 präsentiert und beinhaltete einen 3,6 Liter 6 Zylinder Turbomotor mit 430 PS. Die Karosserie wurde verbreitert, größere Lufteinlässe verbaut und ein hoher Heckspoiler spendiert. Damit war er ein kraftvoller Sportler, der in kurzer Zeit weltweit sehr beliebt wurde. Das Modell ist baugleich mit dem 300084399 - nur im anderen Design. Benötigtes Zubehör: Fernsteuerung mit Empfänger ...
Sports, Leisure & Hobby | House & Garden

Ultimo aggiornamento: 17/02/2025

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5 / 5 stelle
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Scala di valutazione Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
4,75 - 4,25 Molto bene
4,25 - 3,75 Bene
3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
2,75 - 1,75 Sufficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato