Produktbewertungen und Erfahrungen für
55t Electric Motor for Rock Crawler by Axial Ax24007

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55t Electric Motor for Rock Crawler by Axial Ax24007
Neue Bewertungen im Zeitraum von 01.04.2024 bis 12.03.2025


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Zeitraum von 21.10.2015 bis 28.09.2024
| | Great Motor, Keeps Burning up tho | 28.09.2024
Bought this twice, run it 4-5 times. Then the motor gets super hot and the brushed mechanism melts off inside the motor. This has happened 2 times. Motor got really hot, fast.
| | Great crawler motor | 30.06.2022
Put it in a Redcat Wendigo. It a big, heavy truck. Lots of power on3S
| | Strong motor | 25.06.2022
I bought this as an upgrade from a 35t motor. I mostly do crawling so having more torque was a better option. This is a strong motor and I have had no issues yet. The speed is about similar to an adult jog, not fast but strong!
| | Great | 25.10.2021
| | Solid motor for a good price. | 12.06.2021
Solid motor for a good price.
| | good motor | 21.04.2021
love it
| | i wouldnt buy | 12.04.2021
good motor at start then went through water once and doesn't work anymore
| | Stalls out real easy | 18.03.2021
Get in a good bind the motor stalls out real easy in my axial scx10 ii with stock gearing. 2s with hobbywing 1080esc
| | Nice crawler motor | 11.02.2021
Worked really great for grandsons crawler.
| | Super torque motor | 28.12.2020
I’m glad I got this motor for rock crawling because the other motor turns way too fast this way you can crawl very slow with a lot of torque
| | Does Not Last | 07.12.2020
These as well as other Axial motors last at most a day. The internal fans come loose then cause the motors to overheat and burn up. I will not be buying any more Axial motors.
| | Good motor for crawlers | 03.08.2020
A lot of torque
| | Great power | 27.06.2020
Running it in my Gmade R1 rock buggy I modded and I love it. Its perfect for what i needed. So much power!
| | Good upgrade for a Rock crawler RC car. | 16.05.2020
Good upgrade if you want an electric motor for an RC crawler car that turns more slowly, but supplies more torque. It is a direct plug-in replacement for the stock motor on some crawler cars, which don't have as many turns. Good value for the price.
| | 55t going good | 21.03.2020
Definitely a slow motor, lacking in wheel speed a bit but seems to crawl a lot better. Have been running it hard every chance I get and this motor has taken it.
| | Ehh | 05.02.2020
Motor had really good torque but only lasted about a month :(
| | Reliable | 30.01.2020
Exactly what I wanted
| | I love this thing | 21.01.2020
This motor isn't actually that much slower than the stock 20t motor but it has so much more torque. it has no problem powering your rig over any obstacle. And I have yet to have it get even a little warm.
| | Great torque | 26.12.2019
Great torque been using it for a few weeks now.
| | Burned bridges | 18.12.2019
Slow and easy now. Motor doesn't get nowhere near as hot as the 27t that comes installed.
| | Buy it! | 10.11.2019
True Axial brand. Worth every penny.
| | worth it | 05.08.2019
works great
| | Axial 55t | 05.04.2018
Exactly what I needed thanks!
| | Als Tuning für Kindermotorrad | 08.12.2016
Habe ihn zum Tuning in ein PEG Perego 6V Motorrad gebaut - natürlich inkl 12V Akku.Wird auch nach 5km nicht heiß, nur warmTop
| | It runs forward AND backwards | 06.11.2016
It runs forward AND backwards
| | Axial 55T motor review. | 12.01.2016
These axial motors run hard and seem to last longer than the Atomik fireballs my local hobby shop sells.
| | 55T motor | 17.12.2015
This motor makes my Rubicon crawl nice and slow, with a 13t pinion. speed is way down but it still has a little wheel speed when needed, just a little. It may be a bit slow for most, I like it, I crawl as scale as I can and don't bash, so it is a good choice for me. It is however just a factory wound motor, so nothing special.
| | Works well in my kids crawler. | 21.10.2015
Good motor, good torque. I bought another just to have a backup.
Zeitraum von 21.10.2015 bis 30.06.2022
| | Great crawler motor | 30.06.2022
Put it in a Redcat Wendigo. It a big, heavy truck. Lots of power on3S
| | Strong motor | 25.06.2022
I bought this as an upgrade from a 35t motor. I mostly do crawling so having more torque was a better option. This is a strong motor and I have had no issues yet. The speed is about similar to an adult jog, not fast but strong!
| | Great | 25.10.2021
| | Solid motor for a good price. | 12.06.2021
Solid motor for a good price.
| | good motor | 21.04.2021
love it
| | Nice crawler motor | 11.02.2021
Worked really great for grandsons crawler.
| | Super torque motor | 28.12.2020
I’m glad I got this motor for rock crawling because the other motor turns way too fast this way you can crawl very slow with a lot of torque
| | Good motor for crawlers | 03.08.2020
A lot of torque
| | Great power | 27.06.2020
Running it in my Gmade R1 rock buggy I modded and I love it. Its perfect for what i needed. So much power!
| | Good upgrade for a Rock crawler RC car. | 16.05.2020
Good upgrade if you want an electric motor for an RC crawler car that turns more slowly, but supplies more torque. It is a direct plug-in replacement for the stock motor on some crawler cars, which don't have as many turns. Good value for the price.
| | 55t going good | 21.03.2020
Definitely a slow motor, lacking in wheel speed a bit but seems to crawl a lot better. Have been running it hard every chance I get and this motor has taken it.
| | Reliable | 30.01.2020
Exactly what I wanted
| | I love this thing | 21.01.2020
This motor isn't actually that much slower than the stock 20t motor but it has so much more torque. it has no problem powering your rig over any obstacle. And I have yet to have it get even a little warm.
| | Burned bridges | 18.12.2019
Slow and easy now. Motor doesn't get nowhere near as hot as the 27t that comes installed.
| | Buy it! | 10.11.2019
True Axial brand. Worth every penny.
| | worth it | 05.08.2019
works great
| | Axial 55t | 05.04.2018
Exactly what I needed thanks!
| | Als Tuning für Kindermotorrad | 08.12.2016
Habe ihn zum Tuning in ein PEG Perego 6V Motorrad gebaut - natürlich inkl 12V Akku.Wird auch nach 5km nicht heiß, nur warmTop
| | It runs forward AND backwards | 06.11.2016
It runs forward AND backwards
| | Axial 55T motor review. | 12.01.2016
These axial motors run hard and seem to last longer than the Atomik fireballs my local hobby shop sells.
| | Works well in my kids crawler. | 21.10.2015
Good motor, good torque. I bought another just to have a backup.
Zeitraum von 17.12.2015 bis 26.12.2019
| | Great torque | 26.12.2019
Great torque been using it for a few weeks now.
| | 55T motor | 17.12.2015
This motor makes my Rubicon crawl nice and slow, with a 13t pinion. speed is way down but it still has a little wheel speed when needed, just a little. It may be a bit slow for most, I like it, I crawl as scale as I can and don't bash, so it is a good choice for me. It is however just a factory wound motor, so nothing special.
Zeitraum von 28.09.2024 bis 28.09.2024
| | Great Motor, Keeps Burning up tho | 28.09.2024
Bought this twice, run it 4-5 times. Then the motor gets super hot and the brushed mechanism melts off inside the motor. This has happened 2 times. Motor got really hot, fast.
Zeitraum von 18.03.2021 bis 18.03.2021
| | Stalls out real easy | 18.03.2021
Get in a good bind the motor stalls out real easy in my axial scx10 ii with stock gearing. 2s with hobbywing 1080esc
Zeitraum von 07.12.2020 bis 12.04.2021
| | i wouldnt buy | 12.04.2021
good motor at start then went through water once and doesn't work anymore
| | Does Not Last | 07.12.2020
These as well as other Axial motors last at most a day. The internal fans come loose then cause the motors to overheat and burn up. I will not be buying any more Axial motors.

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55t Electric Motor for Rock Crawler by Axial Ax24007
Beschreibung: Produktbeschreibung Ziel von Axial ist es, den Kunden viele qualitativ hochwertige Produkte anzubieten und die Bedürfnisse aller Kunden zu befriedigen. Um dies zu erreichen, wird Axial mehr Zeit für die Nutzung und das Design der Produkte aufwenden. In unserem Geschäft finden Sie immer mehr klassische, modische Produkte. Warnhinweise Warnung: Lesen und befolgen Sie alle Vorsichtsmaßnahmen und Anweisungen vor der Verwendung. Eine unsachgemäße Verwendung von Batterien kann zu Feuer oder Bersten ...
Sport, Freizeit & Hobby

Letztes Update: 17.02.2025

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Trustami Bewertungsskala
5,00 - 4,75 Ausgezeichnet
4,75 - 4,25 Sehr Gut
4,25 - 3,75 Gut
3,75 - 2,75 Befriedigend
2,75 - 1,75 Ausreichend
1,75 - 1,00 Mangelhaft