Produktbewertungen und Erfahrungen für
Axial Ax10 CVD Universal Set Ax30464

Sehr Gut
55 Bewertungen
4,29 / 5,00


5 Sterne
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1 Sterne
Zeitraum von 27.01.2013 bis 10.05.2024
| | Awesome axles | 10.05.2024
Awesome axles but you have to glue the rings on to get them to stay, I am perfectly fine with that to have axles that don't break easy
| | Not worth the price | 11.01.2022
Installed these immediately and went out for a run on my SCX10 which btw is a light rig. The small pin broke causing my C-hub to break. When disassembling I noticed these weren't even hardened steel. Going to buy a cheap sent from Banggood and try them. Can't POSSIBLY be any worse. Don't waste your money, seriously.
| | junk | 23.10.2019
I would give these 0 stars if I could, but the scale starts at 1. They are junk. The weak link is the 1.5mm pin that holds them together. They chew up pins like crazy. I had them in a week and went through 7 pins. I took them back out of my SCX10 and went back to stock axle shafts. I haven't had a problem since switching back.
| | Tuff stuff | 26.06.2019
Great set of axles
| | Poor | 26.03.2019
Quality of shafts are great but the pin that holds them together is tiny. Broke pins within first 20 minutes of use.
| | Axial universal set | 19.06.2018
A must have for upgrading to the vp stage 1 kit. Definitely increases the steering angle.
| | Broke first pack | 03.06.2018
I installed these on a 1/6 scale hardbody scx10 the pin broke almost isntantly and cracked the main housing i dident even get a pack out of them i did the big pin mod but there already messed up im thinking the xr mod would work alot better
| | Great product. | 06.02.2018
Good quality !!
| | Axial AX30464 | 23.12.2016
So zusagen ein Muss.
| | Nice quality. | 21.09.2016
Got these as an upgrade for my SCX10. Can honestly say that they're not much of an upgrade (more complicated) than the stock dog bone shafts. I heard you can run more steering angle, but these will not with my setup. I get serious tire shake full lock left or right. Still they're very good quality, just not a "must-have" upgrade.
| | Do not buy, you will be disappointed. | 17.09.2016
Very disappointed in the last 5 or so Axial products I have purchased. As I was bolting the product up to my rig I was thinking it wouldn't last. Talk about cheaply made, I literally snapped the pin in this CVD within 30 seconds of driving my rig. If you are running brush-less this is NOT the product with you. Deeply regretting my decision and wish I would have purchased the Vanquish version. Boo on you Axial for making a unsturdy product once again. Step up your quality please.
| | Five Stars | 27.06.2016
One of the best upgrades I've ever bought
| | All | 23.05.2016
All perfect
| | Awesome | 14.03.2016
It's exactly eat I expected
| | Good product but I am having issues | 01.03.2016
Good product but I am having issues. The pin falls out way too easy. If I didn't have this problem this would be a 100 % satisfied review.
| | Solved me issues with breaking axles and what not. ... | 12.02.2016
Solved me issues with breaking axles and what not. The slide over ring to retain the pin is a game changer. No worry about it coming out and ripping up for c hub. A must have for any serious crawler.
| | Five Stars | 27.01.2016
Great product Used for rear steering on my scx10
| | Five Stars | 19.01.2016
Buy it
| | Axial cvds! | 03.11.2015
Exellent upgrade over the stock part,great turning radius!!
These increased my steering greatly! Gives me almost 45 degree turning angle! WOW! I will be ordering another set of these for my next build!
| | Five Stars | 13.11.2014
have worked awesome all summer and still going strong
| | Five Stars | 31.07.2014
Awesome service awesome product....
| | Awesome upgrade for Axial SCX10 | 11.09.2013
Smoother operation especially when at full turn. Good quality and finish. These were installed on my SCX10 jeep wrangler unlimited rubicon.
| | Good timing and good product | 27.01.2013
The product came in the amount of time it was supposed to and it is in great shape! I have nothing to complain about
Zeitraum von 27.01.2013 bis 10.05.2024
| | Awesome axles | 10.05.2024
Awesome axles but you have to glue the rings on to get them to stay, I am perfectly fine with that to have axles that don't break easy
| | Tuff stuff | 26.06.2019
Great set of axles
| | Axial universal set | 19.06.2018
A must have for upgrading to the vp stage 1 kit. Definitely increases the steering angle.
| | Axial AX30464 | 23.12.2016
So zusagen ein Muss.
| | Five Stars | 27.06.2016
One of the best upgrades I've ever bought
| | All | 23.05.2016
All perfect
| | Awesome | 14.03.2016
It's exactly eat I expected
| | Solved me issues with breaking axles and what not. ... | 12.02.2016
Solved me issues with breaking axles and what not. The slide over ring to retain the pin is a game changer. No worry about it coming out and ripping up for c hub. A must have for any serious crawler.
| | Five Stars | 27.01.2016
Great product Used for rear steering on my scx10
| | Five Stars | 19.01.2016
Buy it
| | Axial cvds! | 03.11.2015
Exellent upgrade over the stock part,great turning radius!!
These increased my steering greatly! Gives me almost 45 degree turning angle! WOW! I will be ordering another set of these for my next build!
| | Five Stars | 13.11.2014
have worked awesome all summer and still going strong
| | Five Stars | 31.07.2014
Awesome service awesome product....
| | Awesome upgrade for Axial SCX10 | 11.09.2013
Smoother operation especially when at full turn. Good quality and finish. These were installed on my SCX10 jeep wrangler unlimited rubicon.
| | Good timing and good product | 27.01.2013
The product came in the amount of time it was supposed to and it is in great shape! I have nothing to complain about
Zeitraum von 21.09.2016 bis 06.02.2018
| | Great product. | 06.02.2018
Good quality !!
| | Nice quality. | 21.09.2016
Got these as an upgrade for my SCX10. Can honestly say that they're not much of an upgrade (more complicated) than the stock dog bone shafts. I heard you can run more steering angle, but these will not with my setup. I get serious tire shake full lock left or right. Still they're very good quality, just not a "must-have" upgrade.
Zeitraum von 01.03.2016 bis 03.06.2018
| | Broke first pack | 03.06.2018
I installed these on a 1/6 scale hardbody scx10 the pin broke almost isntantly and cracked the main housing i dident even get a pack out of them i did the big pin mod but there already messed up im thinking the xr mod would work alot better
| | Good product but I am having issues | 01.03.2016
Good product but I am having issues. The pin falls out way too easy. If I didn't have this problem this would be a 100 % satisfied review.
Wir konnten keine Erfahrungen in Textform finden
Zeitraum von 26.03.2019 bis 11.01.2022
| | Not worth the price | 11.01.2022
Installed these immediately and went out for a run on my SCX10 which btw is a light rig. The small pin broke causing my C-hub to break. When disassembling I noticed these weren't even hardened steel. Going to buy a cheap sent from Banggood and try them. Can't POSSIBLY be any worse. Don't waste your money, seriously.
| | junk | 23.10.2019
I would give these 0 stars if I could, but the scale starts at 1. They are junk. The weak link is the 1.5mm pin that holds them together. They chew up pins like crazy. I had them in a week and went through 7 pins. I took them back out of my SCX10 and went back to stock axle shafts. I haven't had a problem since switching back.
| | Poor | 26.03.2019
Quality of shafts are great but the pin that holds them together is tiny. Broke pins within first 20 minutes of use.

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Axial Ax10 CVD Universal Set Ax30464
Beschreibung: Produktbeschreibung Universal-Set AX10 (2). Warnhinweise Warnung: Lesen und befolgen Sie alle Vorsichtsmaßnahmen und Anweisungen vor der Verwendung. Eine unsachgemäße Verwendung von Batterien kann zu Feuer oder Bersten führen und schwere Verletzungen und Sachschäden verursachen. Lassen Sie Batterien niemals in der Nähe von Feuer, Wasser oder extremen Temperaturen. Überschreiten Sie niemals die empfohlene Laderate (C-Bewertung). Batterien oder zugehörige Kabel niemals kurzschließen oder ...
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Letztes Update: 17.02.2025

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Trustami Bewertungsskala
5,00 - 4,75 Ausgezeichnet
4,75 - 4,25 Sehr Gut
4,25 - 3,75 Gut
3,75 - 2,75 Befriedigend
2,75 - 1,75 Ausreichend
1,75 - 1,00 Mangelhaft