Reseñas de productos y experiencias para
Axial AX80045 Light Bucket Set, Black

Muy bien
64 reseñas
4,58 / 5,00

Reseñas de productos

5 estrellas
4 estrellas
3 estrellas
2 estrellas
1 estrellas
Período de 06/09/2015 hasta 12/10/2021
| | Looks great on my truck | 12/10/2021
They look really good and you have a lot of options.
| | Axial light set | 25/03/2020
Axial always makes great products. Would reccomend to anyone.
| | 25/07/2018
Everything went good!
| | Five Stars | 24/07/2018
Everything went good!
| | 19/07/2018
Used on my Axial Wraith Spawn look great
| | 02/07/2018
Fantastic assorted light lens and bucket kit; Just what I needed!
| | 17/04/2018
Nice light buckets, j7st keep in mind they don't come with mounting screws.
| | Five Stars | 16/04/2018
Nice light buckets, j7st keep in mind they don't come with mounting screws.
| | 27/07/2017
Great product and seller!
| | Missing some of ordrr | 07/07/2017
Haven't received the drop hitch or my light kit
| | Great fit and finish. Very handy kit provides lots of install options. | 08/06/2017
Quality in line with RC4WD and Tamiya parts. Lights are rugged and very scale in appearance. Lots of size, style and lens color options. Enough lights to finish a couple rigs. Includes clear instructions and hardware required to install. Believe this is the bast deal going for a quality light kit with lots of appearance options.
| | Axial light tree | 10/03/2017
Very nice light bucket kit.
| | Buckets Buckets Buckets | 03/02/2017
Light buckets alright. Quick ship!
| | Works well. You'll probably need screws to mount the ... | 03/09/2016
Works well. You'll probably need screws to mount the lights.
| | 16/08/2016
Very nice looking at nighttime. The large lenses are a little difficult to install without damaging the car frame.
| | Five Stars | 15/08/2016
Very nice looking at nighttime. The large lenses are a little difficult to install without damaging the car frame.
| | 23/05/2016
It fit right on my wraith like it's supposed to.
| | Five Stars | 22/05/2016
It fit right on my wraith like it's supposed to.
| | 21/05/2016
looks awesome fits great, only problem is they give you everything needed to put light in light buckets but no hardware to mount buckets to vehicle...extra screws needed.
| | Awesome accesory! | 18/05/2016
I was looking for a general LED light bucket to enhance my RC rally project. This very detailed and well made accessory really made the standout on my project. The option to have clear or yellow crystal parts is a plus. I recommend it.
| | Just good looking | 06/09/2015
Great addition to my Wraith. Really adds to the coolness of an already very cool RC. No screws are included, but I was able to find a suitable size at Ace Hardware.
Período de 06/09/2015 hasta 12/10/2021
| | Looks great on my truck | 12/10/2021
They look really good and you have a lot of options.
| | Axial light set | 25/03/2020
Axial always makes great products. Would reccomend to anyone.
| | 25/07/2018
Everything went good!
| | Five Stars | 24/07/2018
Everything went good!
| | 19/07/2018
Used on my Axial Wraith Spawn look great
| | 02/07/2018
Fantastic assorted light lens and bucket kit; Just what I needed!
| | 17/04/2018
Nice light buckets, j7st keep in mind they don't come with mounting screws.
| | Five Stars | 16/04/2018
Nice light buckets, j7st keep in mind they don't come with mounting screws.
| | 27/07/2017
Great product and seller!
| | Great fit and finish. Very handy kit provides lots of install options. | 08/06/2017
Quality in line with RC4WD and Tamiya parts. Lights are rugged and very scale in appearance. Lots of size, style and lens color options. Enough lights to finish a couple rigs. Includes clear instructions and hardware required to install. Believe this is the bast deal going for a quality light kit with lots of appearance options.
| | Axial light tree | 10/03/2017
Very nice light bucket kit.
| | Buckets Buckets Buckets | 03/02/2017
Light buckets alright. Quick ship!
| | 16/08/2016
Very nice looking at nighttime. The large lenses are a little difficult to install without damaging the car frame.
| | Five Stars | 15/08/2016
Very nice looking at nighttime. The large lenses are a little difficult to install without damaging the car frame.
| | 23/05/2016
It fit right on my wraith like it's supposed to.
| | Five Stars | 22/05/2016
It fit right on my wraith like it's supposed to.
| | Awesome accesory! | 18/05/2016
I was looking for a general LED light bucket to enhance my RC rally project. This very detailed and well made accessory really made the standout on my project. The option to have clear or yellow crystal parts is a plus. I recommend it.
| | Just good looking | 06/09/2015
Great addition to my Wraith. Really adds to the coolness of an already very cool RC. No screws are included, but I was able to find a suitable size at Ace Hardware.
Período de 21/05/2016 hasta 07/07/2017
| | Missing some of ordrr | 07/07/2017
Haven't received the drop hitch or my light kit
| | Works well. You'll probably need screws to mount the ... | 03/09/2016
Works well. You'll probably need screws to mount the lights.
| | 21/05/2016
looks awesome fits great, only problem is they give you everything needed to put light in light buckets but no hardware to mount buckets to vehicle...extra screws needed.
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No pudimos encontrar ninguna experiencia en forma de texto
No pudimos encontrar ninguna experiencia en forma de texto

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Información del Producto

Axial AX80045 Light Bucket Set, Black
Descripción: Produktbeschreibung Licht Eimer Set Schwarz. Warnhinweise Warnung: Lesen und befolgen Sie alle Vorsichtsmaßnahmen und Anweisungen vor der Verwendung. Eine unsachgemäße Verwendung von Batterien kann zu Feuer oder Bersten führen und schwere Verletzungen und Sachschäden verursachen. Lassen Sie Batterien niemals in der Nähe von Feuer, Wasser oder extremen Temperaturen. Überschreiten Sie niemals die empfohlene Laderate (C-Bewertung). Batterien oder zugehörige Kabel niemals kurzschließen oder ...
Sports, Leisure & Hobby

Última actualización: 17/02/2025

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Escala de calificación de Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Excelente
4,75 - 4,25 Muy bien
4,25 - 3,75 Bien
3,75 - 2,75 Satisfactorio
2,75 - 1,75 Suficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadecuado