Productbeoordelingen en ervaringen voor
Axial Scx10 Roll Cage Flat Bed Set Axi80046

Zeer goed
63 Beoordelingen
4,49 / 5,00


5 Sterren
4 Sterren
3 Sterren
2 Sterren
1 Sterren
Periode vanaf 15-05-2013 naar 24-05-2021
| | well made, looks good, saves paint. | 24-05-2021
no directions
| | 21-05-2020
Quality Axial product, can't wait to get it mounted to my 2nd Honcho body, but looks like it will have to wait... I only got 5 of the 6 screws needed to mount it to the body. So, while I can paint and assemble the cage, I cannot screw it onto the body. Hopefully Amazon/Horizon will send me the missing screws. Other than that, seems very nice.Update: 2 weeks later and no resolution.Update: Finally get a response from Horizon that they can't find my previous response. Not great
| | 👍👍 | 31-10-2019
Great product and fast shipping
| | Back up | 30-07-2019
It is perfect so I can have a 2nd body for my Honcho
| | Thank you | 03-05-2018
This product is exactly what I wanted
| | Five Stars | 05-03-2018
Merci ce produit répond à mes attentes
| | I would give 5 stars but it didn't come with ... | 16-11-2017
I would give 5 stars but it didn't come with all the pieces. The bars that conect the cage to the bed where not in the pack. So I cant use any of it.
| | 14-04-2017
I love this thing!! Well worth it!!
| | 13-02-2017
I love it. Like the style and easy to modify for custom builds.
| | Five Stars | 08-12-2016
Fast shipping great product
| | 18-11-2016
great axial quality
| | Awesome looking rear cage | 19-10-2016
As above good quality good looking easy to make
| | Five Stars | 15-09-2016
good stuff
| | Buy It | 09-05-2016
Factory Axial flat bed. Paint it, cut it out, put the cage together, mount to cab, it's that simple added it to the SCX10 power wagon. Looks good and made my crawler wheel so much better.
| | 24-04-2016
I didn't want to have one flatbed and have to move it around to my other truck cabs. Requires painting and assembly so be aware. Okay though, I can make it look different than the one that came on my Honcho.
| | 17-04-2016
This product came on time product did she walk put product together product does not match up parts are too short.
| | Five Stars | 16-03-2016
Looks awesome
| | Axial rear cage flat bed | 08-03-2016
Excellent! Durable and looks great. I'm very happy with it!
| | Five Stars | 08-02-2016
Great kit, so many scale possibilitys!
| | Five Stars | 19-01-2016
Looks good on the truck, easy to change and make work on the truck.
| | 12-12-2015
Made for the hancho but will fit any 1/10 scale cab. I have it on my ram power wagon. Looks mean.
| | Made for the hancho but will fit any 1/10 scale ... | 11-12-2015
Made for the hancho but will fit any 1/10 scale cab. I have it on my ram power wagon. Looks mean.
| | 17-11-2015
awesome product with fast shipping
| | Five Stars | 16-11-2015
awesome product with fast shipping
| | 22-06-2015
What a great upgrade for my Axial Dodge truck!
| | Five Stars | 21-06-2015
What a great upgrade for my Axial Dodge truck!
| | 05-01-2015
very good, would order again
| | 05-02-2014
needs a coat of paint and some assembly, fairly easy to do. instructions are detailed, comes with a spare tire mount which gives it a realistic look.
| | great upgrade to a crawler | 04-02-2014
needs a coat of paint and some assembly, fairly easy to do. instructions are detailed, comes with a spare tire mount which gives it a realistic look.
| | Rc crawler | 15-05-2013
Seems to be a pretty good product just what I needed seems to work well with my Truck that I built
Periode vanaf 05-02-2014 naar 24-05-2021
| | well made, looks good, saves paint. | 24-05-2021
no directions
| | 👍👍 | 31-10-2019
Great product and fast shipping
| | Back up | 30-07-2019
It is perfect so I can have a 2nd body for my Honcho
| | Thank you | 03-05-2018
This product is exactly what I wanted
| | Five Stars | 05-03-2018
Merci ce produit répond à mes attentes
| | 14-04-2017
I love this thing!! Well worth it!!
| | 13-02-2017
I love it. Like the style and easy to modify for custom builds.
| | Five Stars | 08-12-2016
Fast shipping great product
| | 18-11-2016
great axial quality
| | Awesome looking rear cage | 19-10-2016
As above good quality good looking easy to make
| | Five Stars | 15-09-2016
good stuff
| | Buy It | 09-05-2016
Factory Axial flat bed. Paint it, cut it out, put the cage together, mount to cab, it's that simple added it to the SCX10 power wagon. Looks good and made my crawler wheel so much better.
| | 24-04-2016
I didn't want to have one flatbed and have to move it around to my other truck cabs. Requires painting and assembly so be aware. Okay though, I can make it look different than the one that came on my Honcho.
| | Five Stars | 16-03-2016
Looks awesome
| | Axial rear cage flat bed | 08-03-2016
Excellent! Durable and looks great. I'm very happy with it!
| | Five Stars | 08-02-2016
Great kit, so many scale possibilitys!
| | Five Stars | 19-01-2016
Looks good on the truck, easy to change and make work on the truck.
| | 12-12-2015
Made for the hancho but will fit any 1/10 scale cab. I have it on my ram power wagon. Looks mean.
| | Made for the hancho but will fit any 1/10 scale ... | 11-12-2015
Made for the hancho but will fit any 1/10 scale cab. I have it on my ram power wagon. Looks mean.
| | 17-11-2015
awesome product with fast shipping
| | Five Stars | 16-11-2015
awesome product with fast shipping
| | 22-06-2015
What a great upgrade for my Axial Dodge truck!
| | Five Stars | 21-06-2015
What a great upgrade for my Axial Dodge truck!
| | 05-01-2015
very good, would order again
| | 05-02-2014
needs a coat of paint and some assembly, fairly easy to do. instructions are detailed, comes with a spare tire mount which gives it a realistic look.
Periode vanaf 15-05-2013 naar 15-05-2013
| | Rc crawler | 15-05-2013
Seems to be a pretty good product just what I needed seems to work well with my Truck that I built
We konden geen ervaring als tekst vinden
We konden geen ervaring als tekst vinden
Periode vanaf 16-11-2017 naar 21-05-2020
| | 21-05-2020
Quality Axial product, can't wait to get it mounted to my 2nd Honcho body, but looks like it will have to wait... I only got 5 of the 6 screws needed to mount it to the body. So, while I can paint and assemble the cage, I cannot screw it onto the body. Hopefully Amazon/Horizon will send me the missing screws. Other than that, seems very nice.Update: 2 weeks later and no resolution.Update: Finally get a response from Horizon that they can't find my previous response. Not great
| | I would give 5 stars but it didn't come with ... | 16-11-2017
I would give 5 stars but it didn't come with all the pieces. The bars that conect the cage to the bed where not in the pack. So I cant use any of it.

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Axial Scx10 Roll Cage Flat Bed Set Axi80046
Beschrijving: Produktbeschreibung Rollkäfig Flachbett SCX10. Warnhinweise Warnung: Lesen und befolgen Sie alle Vorsichtsmaßnahmen und Anweisungen vor der Verwendung. Eine unsachgemäße Verwendung von Batterien kann zu Feuer oder Bersten führen und schwere Verletzungen und Sachschäden verursachen. Lassen Sie Batterien niemals in der Nähe von Feuer, Wasser oder extremen Temperaturen. Überschreiten Sie niemals die empfohlene Laderate (C-Bewertung). Batterien oder zugehörige Kabel niemals kurzschließen oder ...
Sports, Leisure & Hobby

Laatste update: 17-02-2025

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5,00 - 4,75 Uitstekend
4,75 - 4,25 Zeer goed
4,25 - 3,75 Goed
3,75 - 2,75 Bevredigend
2.75 - 1.75 Voldoende
1,75 - 1,00 Arm