Reseñas de productos y experiencias para
Axial Wraith Tube Frame Skid Plate Battery Tray Ax80079

Muy bien
75 reseñas
4,72 / 5,00

Reseñas de productos

5 estrellas
4 estrellas
3 estrellas
2 estrellas
1 estrellas
Período de 26/07/2015 hasta 01/03/2022
| | Perfect stock replacement, except the battery tray. | 01/03/2022
Good factory replacement. Fits like the original. Only problem is that you can’t get it (as far as I know) without the silly battery tray. I think they should be sold separate so you don’t waste your money. I would otherwise give it 5 stars for the skid plate.
| | Good price | 06/07/2021
Good product
| | Oem parts | 03/12/2020
This is one place where plastic is better than aluminum, it slides easier over obstacles and doesn't require locktite.Also it minimizes the sprung weight on a steel cage.
| | Axial | 09/09/2020
Axial products are very good and this piece was no different.
| | Exact factory replacement | 24/07/2020
Great factory replacement! Works and fits as it should.
| | Thumbs up | 02/10/2019
Fit my wraith perfect good product.
| | Factory part | 15/09/2019
It was a Factory part that showed up quickly with no problems
| | Right part | 14/08/2019
Good price. Just what I needed
| | Alles top | 22/07/2019
Passt perfekt
| | Good quality | 27/11/2018
Works for me
| | Well made product. | 11/07/2018
It looks pretty well made not brittle , i was going to use it for a custom build.
| | good | 02/04/2018
| | 24/01/2018
Great product, great price and fast shipping.
| | Wraith skid | 25/10/2017
| | Genuine Axial Parts | 23/10/2017
Not sure what else to say. They were Axial stock parts. Worked and fit like one would expect.
| | 30/09/2017
We purchased this for our newest build. You can view it on the forums under RC Command's Low Life Buggy Build. Not much to report here. It showed up on time, it wasn't damaged, and it fit as necessary. We order a lot of these, and never use the battery tray. One wish we have is for Axial to sell the skid by itself. Regardless, 5 stars.RCCLTW!
| | RC Command Product Review | 29/09/2017
We purchased this for our newest build. You can view it on the forums under RC Command's Low Life Buggy Build. Not much to report here. It showed up on time, it wasn't damaged, and it fit as necessary. We order a lot of these, and never use the battery tray. One wish we have is for Axial to sell the skid by itself. Regardless, 5 stars.RCCLTW!
| | Five Stars | 19/01/2017
Fit was perfect!
| | Five Stars | 29/12/2016
| | good job! need this for my steel roll cage | 08/09/2015
| | Five Stars | 26/07/2015
as expected
Período de 26/07/2015 hasta 06/07/2021
| | Good price | 06/07/2021
Good product
| | Oem parts | 03/12/2020
This is one place where plastic is better than aluminum, it slides easier over obstacles and doesn't require locktite.Also it minimizes the sprung weight on a steel cage.
| | Axial | 09/09/2020
Axial products are very good and this piece was no different.
| | Exact factory replacement | 24/07/2020
Great factory replacement! Works and fits as it should.
| | Thumbs up | 02/10/2019
Fit my wraith perfect good product.
| | Factory part | 15/09/2019
It was a Factory part that showed up quickly with no problems
| | Right part | 14/08/2019
Good price. Just what I needed
| | Alles top | 22/07/2019
Passt perfekt
| | Good quality | 27/11/2018
Works for me
| | Well made product. | 11/07/2018
It looks pretty well made not brittle , i was going to use it for a custom build.
| | good | 02/04/2018
| | 24/01/2018
Great product, great price and fast shipping.
| | Wraith skid | 25/10/2017
| | Genuine Axial Parts | 23/10/2017
Not sure what else to say. They were Axial stock parts. Worked and fit like one would expect.
| | 30/09/2017
We purchased this for our newest build. You can view it on the forums under RC Command's Low Life Buggy Build. Not much to report here. It showed up on time, it wasn't damaged, and it fit as necessary. We order a lot of these, and never use the battery tray. One wish we have is for Axial to sell the skid by itself. Regardless, 5 stars.RCCLTW!
| | RC Command Product Review | 29/09/2017
We purchased this for our newest build. You can view it on the forums under RC Command's Low Life Buggy Build. Not much to report here. It showed up on time, it wasn't damaged, and it fit as necessary. We order a lot of these, and never use the battery tray. One wish we have is for Axial to sell the skid by itself. Regardless, 5 stars.RCCLTW!
| | Five Stars | 19/01/2017
Fit was perfect!
| | Five Stars | 29/12/2016
| | good job! need this for my steel roll cage | 08/09/2015
| | Five Stars | 26/07/2015
as expected
No pudimos encontrar ninguna experiencia en forma de texto
Período de 01/03/2022 hasta 01/03/2022
| | Perfect stock replacement, except the battery tray. | 01/03/2022
Good factory replacement. Fits like the original. Only problem is that you can’t get it (as far as I know) without the silly battery tray. I think they should be sold separate so you don’t waste your money. I would otherwise give it 5 stars for the skid plate.
No pudimos encontrar ninguna experiencia en forma de texto
No pudimos encontrar ninguna experiencia en forma de texto

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Información del Producto

Axial Wraith Tube Frame Skid Plate Battery Tray Ax80079
Descripción: Inferno
Sports, Leisure & Hobby | Gaming, Toys & Board Games

Última actualización: 17/02/2025

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5 / 5 estrellas
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Trustami busca regularmente en Internet nuevas reseñas para agruparlas en un solo lugar y ponerlas a disposición de las partes interesadas de un vistazo.

Queremos que sea lo más fácil posible para todos los usuarios de Internet conocer los productos. En lugar de depender de una sola fuente, ofrecemos un único punto de contacto para obtener todas las reseñas de un producto con poco esfuerzo.

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Trustami surgió como un proyecto de la Universidad Técnica de Berlín (TUB) con el objetivo de hacer que Internet sea más confiable. El trabajo de investigación en el área de "Social Media Analytics & Big Data" en la Cátedra de Gestión de la Información y la Comunicación (IKM) proporcionó un primer prototipo que permitió la recopilación y recopilación de información de reputación. Esto luego se desarrolló aún más como parte de una beca patrocinada y ahora es un derivado independiente.

Escala de calificación de Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Excelente
4,75 - 4,25 Muy bien
4,25 - 3,75 Bien
3,75 - 2,75 Satisfactorio
2,75 - 1,75 Suficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadecuado