Recensioni ed esperienze sui prodotti per
Hugo Boss Men’s Watch 1512803

Molto bene
13 recensioni
4,31 / 5,00

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Hugo Boss Men’s Watch 1512803
KL 1 valutazioni
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Hugo Boss 1512803 Herrenuhr Chronograph

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 28/10/2013 fino al 30/04/2016
| | Beautiful with great features | 30/04/2016
When I first decided to buy the watch, I really appreciated the design of the Hugo Boss Chronograph. Why this particular seller? Because he has an excellent track record with no negative feedbacks. and I do understand why because when I received the parcel, It was so well packed and protected. I really appreciated. Everything in the watch works to the perfection and I love the small details like the (Boss) engraved in the crown. The low part is only the price but when we think well Hugo Boss is
| | 02/12/2015
Great watch good supplier
| KL | Bonny62 | 07/06/2015
Alles in Ordnung, sehr zufrieden. Hoffe die Ware hält was sie verspricht, denke aber es wird alles gut sein. Die Verpackung der Uhr sieht nur leider etwas "mitgenommen" aus. Aber das ist auch kein allzu großes Problem.
| | 20/11/2014
Exactly what I wanted great quality. Took longer than I thought to deliver though.
| | 26/08/2014
I saw this watch in John Lewis at £295.00 so I knew I was getting a bargain at the price I have paid. Delivery was excellent, the watch arrived the day after I ordered. It is absolutely gorgeous! It is a present for my husband and I know he will love it. I couldn't be more pleased and would highly recommend.
| | Traumhaft schoen! | 13/07/2014
Ich war sehr ueberascht, die Uhr ist noch besser als Ich mir vorgestelllt habe, sehr schoener als im Bild. Elegant und trotzdem sportlich. Mein Mann mah keine schweren Uhren, mit diesem Uhrband aus Silikon mit Unterseite in Leder habe Ich genau das Richtige fuer ihn gewaehlt. wir sind sehr sehr zufrieden
| | 23/06/2014
Really class bit of kit it's as good as it looks in the pictures worth the money true Hugo Boss.
| | Edles Stück | 17/11/2013
Sehr schöne, elegante Uhr. Aufgrund des Silikonarmbandes aber auch sportlich. Innen ist das Armband mit Leder gefüttert!Lieferung in schöner BOSS Uhrenschachtel, leider etwas spärliche Bedienungsanleitung (für die Zeiteinstellung muss die Krone erst herausgeschraubt, dann gezogen werden).
| | 28/10/2013
This is very elegant watch, I like it.It is a quite big, but it is not too heavy. I'm very happy for my new Boss Watch.
Periodo da 17/11/2013 fino al 30/04/2016
| | Beautiful with great features | 30/04/2016
When I first decided to buy the watch, I really appreciated the design of the Hugo Boss Chronograph. Why this particular seller? Because he has an excellent track record with no negative feedbacks. and I do understand why because when I received the parcel, It was so well packed and protected. I really appreciated. Everything in the watch works to the perfection and I love the small details like the (Boss) engraved in the crown. The low part is only the price but when we think well Hugo Boss is
| | 02/12/2015
Great watch good supplier
| KL | Bonny62 | 07/06/2015
Alles in Ordnung, sehr zufrieden. Hoffe die Ware hält was sie verspricht, denke aber es wird alles gut sein. Die Verpackung der Uhr sieht nur leider etwas "mitgenommen" aus. Aber das ist auch kein allzu großes Problem.
| | 26/08/2014
I saw this watch in John Lewis at £295.00 so I knew I was getting a bargain at the price I have paid. Delivery was excellent, the watch arrived the day after I ordered. It is absolutely gorgeous! It is a present for my husband and I know he will love it. I couldn't be more pleased and would highly recommend.
| | Traumhaft schoen! | 13/07/2014
Ich war sehr ueberascht, die Uhr ist noch besser als Ich mir vorgestelllt habe, sehr schoener als im Bild. Elegant und trotzdem sportlich. Mein Mann mah keine schweren Uhren, mit diesem Uhrband aus Silikon mit Unterseite in Leder habe Ich genau das Richtige fuer ihn gewaehlt. wir sind sehr sehr zufrieden
| | 23/06/2014
Really class bit of kit it's as good as it looks in the pictures worth the money true Hugo Boss.
| | Edles Stück | 17/11/2013
Sehr schöne, elegante Uhr. Aufgrund des Silikonarmbandes aber auch sportlich. Innen ist das Armband mit Leder gefüttert!Lieferung in schöner BOSS Uhrenschachtel, leider etwas spärliche Bedienungsanleitung (für die Zeiteinstellung muss die Krone erst herausgeschraubt, dann gezogen werden).
Periodo da 20/11/2014 fino al 20/11/2014
| | 20/11/2014
Exactly what I wanted great quality. Took longer than I thought to deliver though.
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo

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Trustami è un fornitore di servizi indipendente per la visualizzazione di recensioni esterne. Trustami importa le valutazioni dei clienti da piattaforme di terze parti. Purtroppo non possiamo verificare l'autenticità di tutte le numerose recensioni che raccogliamo automaticamente. Nel caso di rating importati, Trustami non può quindi garantire che tali rating provengano esclusivamente da consumatori che hanno effettivamente utilizzato o acquistato i beni o servizi.

Informazioni sul prodotto

Hugo Boss Men’s Watch 1512803
Descrizione: GEHÄUSE Gehäuse ausEdelstahl (poliert), Edelstahl (gebürstet/poliert)Form des GehäusesRundFarbe des GehäusesSilberFunktion der LünetteMinutenskala, Linksseitig drehbar, DrehbarLünette ausEdelstahl (poliert)GlasMineralglasBodenVerschraubter Boden UHRWERK Art der AnzeigeChronograph (59min, 59sek), 24h Zeiger, ChronographUhrwerkQuarzKalenderDatumKomplikationen3 (Chronograph: Minuten, Sekunden) & 24h Zeiger ZIFFERNBLATT Farbe des ZiffernblattsDunkelblau, BlauZiffernblatt ...

Ultimo aggiornamento: 19/02/2025

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5 / 5 stelle
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Trustami cerca regolarmente in Internet nuove recensioni per raggrupparle in un unico posto e renderle immediatamente disponibili agli interessati.

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Trustami è nato come progetto dell'Università tecnica di Berlino (TUB) con l'obiettivo di rendere Internet più affidabile. Il lavoro di ricerca nell'area "Social Media Analytics & Big Data" presso la Cattedra di Information and Communication Management (IKM) ha fornito un primo prototipo che ha consentito la raccolta e la raccolta di informazioni sulla reputazione. Questo è stato poi ulteriormente sviluppato come parte di una borsa di studio sponsorizzata ed è ora uno spin-off indipendente.

Scala di valutazione Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
4,75 - 4,25 Molto bene
4,25 - 3,75 Bene
3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
2,75 - 1,75 Sufficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato