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Botanica Non Greasy and Easy to Apply Healing Energy, Small

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4,65 / 5,00

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Botanica Non Greasy and Easy to Apply Healing Energy, Small
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Botanica Non Greasy and Easy to Apply Healing Energy Small

Avis sur les produits

5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoiles
Période à partir du 28.12.2015 jusqu'au 16.02.2020
| | 16.02.2020
Calm and soothing, helps with itchy areas.
| | Excellent product | 10.09.2019
Bought this for my 3 year old granddaughter who had had a nasty cut on her forehead we’ve been using this for just over a week and the scar is looking like it’s fading
| | 22.07.2019
Really aids healing, all natural and smells beautiful- I won't be without it now for both animals and kids
| | 07.07.2019
Brilliant product. Heals minor cuts and burns very quickly
| | 31.05.2019
Excellent cream I have repeated the purchase of this cream for over ten years. Suitable for burns including sun burn n nappy rashes
| | 08.03.2019
I have been suffering from Hives for 6 months so bought this cream as I was running out of options and was using so much sudacreme I wanted something more natural. I’ve not found anything that stops the hives appearing but this cream has been great for stopping the itching so it doesn’t become unbearable and it’s quite cold so that helps too. I’ve used a whole pot in a month, I find it more moisturising than other creams I’ve tried.
| | 15.02.2019
This product is greasy and smells cheap
| | 09.12.2018
Been using this for years - great for any minor skin irritations and spots, after shaving or waxing, due to the tea tree oil.Medicinal smell but fresh and invigorating so I feel clean.
| | 26.09.2018
nice without to much smell
| | 25.06.2018
Fast delivery - effective product!
| | 02.03.2018
Great healing cream for skin ailmentsSmells divine
| | 12.07.2017
Brilliant would recommend this to anyone.
| | 05.06.2017
My westie had a bit of a skin complaint used this works wonders good price to
| | 22.05.2017
Great for cuts as it helps the healing process. My friend even used some on a small cut her horse had on his leg. Works for all.
| | 14.04.2017
Great natural product. Would not hesitate to recommend.
| | 12.09.2016
Not as good As I would have thought with the hype about it to be honest..
| | 27.02.2016
A great product.Not just for pets.Great for owners with skin problems.would defo buy again
| | 28.12.2015
Haven't used yet,but it's just what I wanted
| | 28.12.2015
Great for cuts and scratches and getting hair growing
Période à partir du 28.12.2015 jusqu'au 10.09.2019
| | Excellent product | 10.09.2019
Bought this for my 3 year old granddaughter who had had a nasty cut on her forehead we’ve been using this for just over a week and the scar is looking like it’s fading
| | 22.07.2019
Really aids healing, all natural and smells beautiful- I won't be without it now for both animals and kids
| | 07.07.2019
Brilliant product. Heals minor cuts and burns very quickly
| | 31.05.2019
Excellent cream I have repeated the purchase of this cream for over ten years. Suitable for burns including sun burn n nappy rashes
| | 08.03.2019
I have been suffering from Hives for 6 months so bought this cream as I was running out of options and was using so much sudacreme I wanted something more natural. I’ve not found anything that stops the hives appearing but this cream has been great for stopping the itching so it doesn’t become unbearable and it’s quite cold so that helps too. I’ve used a whole pot in a month, I find it more moisturising than other creams I’ve tried.
| | 09.12.2018
Been using this for years - great for any minor skin irritations and spots, after shaving or waxing, due to the tea tree oil.Medicinal smell but fresh and invigorating so I feel clean.
| | 26.09.2018
nice without to much smell
| | 25.06.2018
Fast delivery - effective product!
| | 02.03.2018
Great healing cream for skin ailmentsSmells divine
| | 12.07.2017
Brilliant would recommend this to anyone.
| | 05.06.2017
My westie had a bit of a skin complaint used this works wonders good price to
| | 22.05.2017
Great for cuts as it helps the healing process. My friend even used some on a small cut her horse had on his leg. Works for all.
| | 14.04.2017
Great natural product. Would not hesitate to recommend.
| | 27.02.2016
A great product.Not just for pets.Great for owners with skin problems.would defo buy again
| | 28.12.2015
Haven't used yet,but it's just what I wanted
| | 28.12.2015
Great for cuts and scratches and getting hair growing
Période à partir du 16.02.2020 jusqu'au 16.02.2020
| | 16.02.2020
Calm and soothing, helps with itchy areas.
Nous n'avons trouvé aucune expérience sous forme de texte
Période à partir du 12.09.2016 jusqu'au 12.09.2016
| | 12.09.2016
Not as good As I would have thought with the hype about it to be honest..
Période à partir du 15.02.2019 jusqu'au 15.02.2019
| | 15.02.2019
This product is greasy and smells cheap

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Information produit

Botanica Non Greasy and Easy to Apply Healing Energy, Small
La description: Botanica Non Greasy and Easy to Apply Healing Energy, Small
Drugstore Products & Healthcare

Dernière mise à jour: 21.01.2025

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5 / 5 étoiles
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Échelle de notation Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Excellent
4,75 - 4,25 Très bon
4,25 - 3,75 Bon
3,75 - 2,75 Satisfaisant
2,75 - 1,75 Suffisant
1,75 - 1,00 Inadéquat