Product Reviews and Experiences for
Scream Aim Fire von Bullet For My Valentine (CD, 2008)

Very Good
545 Ratings
4.75 / 5.00

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Scream Aim Fire von Bullet For My Valentine (CD, 2008)
544 Reviews
462 Reviews
55 Reviews
11 Reviews
5 Reviews
11 Reviews

Scream Aim Fire
Scream Aim Fire
Scream Aim Fire
Scream Aim Fire
Scream Aim Fire
Scream Aim Fire
Scream Aim Fire

Product Reviews

5 Stars
4 Stars
3 Stars
2 Stars
1 Stars
Period from 2008-04-01 to 2015-11-07
| | Five Stars | 2015-11-07
Fantastic album
| | Unacceptable packing | 2015-09-17
With the album itself there's no problem it is an amazing album from an amazing band but the way that its been packed is just unacceptable. The paper was creased that has caused that the vinyl has been bended a bit.
| | Five Stars | 2015-06-26
Great music, many thanks
| | Five Stars | 2015-06-20
| | Super! | 2015-03-04
Meine absolute Lieblingsband! Richtig gutes Album, starke Songs. Scream aim fire geht immer, besonders der Song Forever and Always hat's mir angetan :)
| | Five Stars | 2015-02-14
good value for money
| | Five Stars | 2014-10-20
I love it
| | Warmer sound | 2014-08-08
If you like the warm sound of vinyl and love Bullet then this is a must for you
| | My mum loves it | 2014-04-13
Christmas present for my mum. Shocking I know but at over 60 this is her second bullet album. She prefers the newer albums as there is a lot more singing and less screaming. I prefer the older albums because they were much more raw.
| | Great album | 2013-09-24
Bought this when a friend recommended it and wasn't sure what to expect, but i really like it. A few tracks are a bit on the shouty side but fab when you are in the mood (or exercising!) . Hearts Burst Into Fire is a fantastic track and the last track Forever and Always is brilliant too.
| | Starker Nachfolger | 2013-08-04
Das Debut "The Poison" war für BfmV Fluch und Segen zugleich. Segen insofern, als dass man sich von 0 auf 100 zu der populärsten Hoffnung in Sachen Moderner Metal etabliert hatte. Fluch, da man sich speziell wegen des Erfolgs der Singles "Tears don't fall" und "All the things I hate..." offenbar plötzlich im falschen Fanlager angekommen wähnte. Das gab die Band oder vor allem Ihr Mastermind Matthew Tuck jedenfalls (durchaus glaubwürdig) in einigen Interviews zu
| | das kracht | 2013-05-15
hammer sound. wie immer super. so muss es sein. hab lange nichts besseres gehört. hoffe auf ein baldiges neues album.
| | Bullet | 2013-04-17
Brilliant! Loved listening to this . One of my favourite bands. Arrived quickly and was well packaged. Thanks very much
| | Bullet for my Valentine CD | 2013-03-04
My son bought this as an Xmas gift and it arrived well before the specified date and was very well packaged. Would recommend.
| | Love it! | 2012-11-25
I love Bullet so this was perfect :) it's a brilliant album and I would definitely recommend it! :) x
| | Buy it! | 2012-11-10
After the pure genius that was The Poison, Bullet For My Valentine (BFMV) are back with their second studio album, Scream, Aim, Fire!!!Right from the 1st album titled track, it's immediate the Welsh rockers have been practicing. Faster, heavier and more complex riffs accompanied by solid drum beats and bass tones show that BFMV mean business.The album just gets better as the track list goes on. My personal favorites being "Take it out on me", "Say Goodnight" and the bonus
| | fantastic | 2012-10-25
I love this album it has great songs and great band altogether this album has great songs and great album pic
| | The poison was a tough act to follow but this album is at least its equal!!! | 2012-05-08
This is a fantastic modern metal album that was highly anticipated. I had forgotten just how great this collection of songs is....its faster than the poison but still has the signature b4mv hook laden sound loaded with great riffs and catchy licks. I lost this album and as any music fan knows, if you are buying a replacement, its because the album was good enough to notice it was missing....a few years have passed since this albums release but its still as fresh and catchy as the first listen.
| | God's Of Metal. | 2011-12-28
Perfect for Bullet For My Valentine and metal fans. Songs with meaning and speed make a great album get it now!
| | eigentlich janz jut | 2011-08-13
Die englische Metalband Bullet For My Valentine ist jung und erfolgreich, ebenso wie ihre amerikanischen Brüder von Trivium. Jahrelang war man auf Tour und stand mit allen Metalgöttern wie Iron Maiden auf der Bühne. Die Waliser hatten dabei nur 2 EPs und ein Album draußen! Nach unzähligen, mehr oder weniger überflüssigen Maxis und weiteren EPs , sowie einer sehr guten DVD gibt es nun endlich neuen Stoff für die Fans. Produziert von Superknöfpchendreher Colin Richardson ballert das zweite Album
| | Mein Gott^^ | 2010-04-28
Also ich bin ein Sehr großer Fan von Bullet und habe alle Lieder von ihnen schon mehrmals durchgehört.Dieses Album finde ich leider nicht sehr toll.Es klingt zwar von den Melodien ausgereifter doch wenn man sich das Album komplett von vorne bis hinten anhört, merkt man das etwas fehlt man denkt zwar wow cool aber das lässt nach. Zum Glück ist ihr drittes Album grandios geworden.Ich sage jetzt nicht das ich dieses Album nicht empfehlen würde dafür sind große Songs drauf, aber dieses Album ist
| | Nichts zu meckern | 2010-03-20
Also, Es gab keine probleme beim kauf oder dem versand:). Dass warten lohnt sich ;)Man krigt sicher das gewünschte produkt.
| | Einfach der Hammer! | 2009-08-07
BULLET FOREVER!!!Bullet for My Valentine ist mit Abstand die krasseste Band. Ihre Lieder sind hammergeil und sie selbst sind saugute Musiker. Ab und zu kommen ein paar Balladen, dann wieder ein echt geiles Lied. Super.
| | So much is lost | 2009-07-15
I am a massive of BFMV. I saw them at Donnington/Download and they blew the stage away.Similarly, their debut album was nothing short of genius with a compeletly new slant on the nu-metal genre.Which all leads me to one very painful question; What they hell happened with this album?Seriously. On the basis of their first album, BMFV should have been challenging Linkin Park or System of a Down for the Nu Metal crown. But this album is just so... so... boring.All of the songs are generic, the
| | Brilliant! | 2009-06-13
Metal has started to make a big comeback. Artists like these make a huge difference to the market of music and have started to turn the music industry back to metal. BFMV's first album, the poison, was brilliant and a lot of people (including me) thought that they could not produce another album of the same standard, but they have and it might even be better than `the poison'.Their new album `Scream Aim Fire' is technically brilliant, the guitar and drums come through very solid.
| | OUTSTANDING !!!!!! | 2009-05-30
Got to be album of the year for me. Just cant bring myself to take it out of the CD player
| | Total Begeistert | 2009-04-01
Hey Leute,ich muss wirklich sagen, dass die Deluxe Version von Scream Aim Firemich sehr begeistert. Es ist ein haufen Bonusmaterial dabei inklusive den ganzen Single-Abkopplungen, zu denen alle Musikvideos vorhanden sind.Total umgehauen haben mich die 3 neuen Songs, die mit auf der Platte sind."Watching us Die Tonight" und "Road To Nowhere" sind typische BfmV Songs und lassens wirklich krachen. "One Good Reason why" ist jetz nicht so meins aber gibt trotzdem das
| | Poptastic Metal | 2009-03-17
Whoa there I here some of you say - the 'pop' word being mentioned in relation to a fairly hard core rock band. Well, I say it with the best of intentions. This is a tremendous record and a metal classic in the making. And it owes that accolade because it treads a really tight line between unaccessable thrash/hardcore metal and a much lighter catchy sound. Don't make the mistake in thinking that it's an easy listening album - most certainly not, however Bullet For My Valentine
| | A must have re-release | 2009-03-13
Scream, Aim and Fire may not have come u out all guns blazing as the press and media have expected but there are some tracks that have qaulity written al over them especially the title track, "Eye of the storm" and the heavy metal ballad "Hearts burst into fire".But what gives this deluxe edition its fifth star is the bonus tracks "Watching us tonight", "One good reason why" and "Ashes of the innocent " which should have been added to the
| | Just The Begining | 2009-01-05
With their second album out, Bullet For My Valentine have taken their music to the next level of metal. They're starting to become the band that they are going to be for the rest of their career and I for one cannot wait for the next album, to see how they evolve this time.
| | Super Album, wenn bloß nicht... | 2008-12-17
... diese Emoteeniestimme vom Frontmann wäre!Also erstmal an die Pseudoharte Gemeinde, die meinen, dass jede Musik die nicht mega übler Deaththrash ist nieder zumachen. Dieses geflame nervt!Nur weil manche 15 jährigen Pickelgesichter denken cool ist, wenn man nur Thrash und Deathmetal hören.Also, nun zum Album:Sehr geile Riffs, auch technisch nicht schlecht. Kein Gebolze aber irgendwie auch in die Richtung Metalcore einzuordnen.Mich stört halt nur, dass der Gesang so schrecklich kindlich
| | Great!! | 2008-11-20
BFMV are amazing, so's this album!! Yer the DVD is not great with very small amout of footage on, but worth gettin with it.Bullet Are Amazin :P
| | Incredible | 2008-10-07
The welsh boys have done it again. Created a masterpiece which is almost as good their incredible debut the poison, depiste vocalist matt tucks problems he's still managed to pull out some deep throated screams on songs such as scream aim fire and amazing melody on songs such as disappear.
| | Simply Outstanding!!The boys from Wales still have it!!! | 2008-10-06
Having achieved phenomenal success with their fantasic debut 'The poison' album, it was hard to imagine that Bullet For My Valentine could produce another album of such a high standard. In my opinon, Scream Aim Fire is even better than their previous album and is probably the best Album I've heard this year. And no, this isn't a 'reflex review' I have been listening to this album since it came out in January and I am still in addicted to it. This CD is somewhat similar to
| | 'Difficult second album' proves to be a hit | 2008-09-05
While I am certain that many fans of Bullet for my Valentine will really hate this album because of it's slightly more comercial sound, I think it's a fantastic album with lots of great, memorable songs that will sit nicely in their live set with tracks off 'The Poison' and the EP. I will rin through the album track by track:Scream Aim Fire - A great opener to the album and title track. As soon as I heard this song on Kerrang! I knew the album was going to be great. Great chours
| | Aber Hallo :-( | 2008-08-28
Sag mal, checkt ihr das nicht!? DAS IST KEIN THRASH METAL! Das ist billiger gehypter Kommerz POP-Rock. Die Kinder können einpacken gegen wahre Metal Bands.
| | Playing it Safe | 2008-08-12
Clearly BFMV know what there doing, 11 tracks all with the potential to be a single. And here lies the main problem after 5 listens through this, all the songs on this album sound the same and follow the same formula: thrash metal riff, clean vocals/emo-chorus, clean bridge and iron maiden esque solo and chuck in a few screams repeat to fade.It doesn't excite me one bit if i'm perfectly honest, there are a lot of other bands playing thrash (we seem to be in the middle of a thrash
| | Einfach Hammer | 2008-08-07
Das neue Bulllet-Album ist wie der Vorgänger der volle Hammer. Die vielen verschiedenen Lieder machen diese Scheibe zu einem Meilenstein in der langen Geschichte des Metals. Man kann dazu nur sagen das dies ein Muss für jeden Metalfan ist, der fetten Sound auf die Ohren haben will!!!
| | Geballte Power | 2008-07-21
"The Poison" war in meinen Augen ein perfektes Album, daher waren meine Erwartungen an SAF auch sehr hoch.Beim ersten Hören kam aber ein wenig Enttäuschung auf, ein paar Lieder wie z.B. Scream Aim Fire, Waking The Demon, Take It Out On Me oder Ashes Of The Innocent sprangen mir jedoch gleich ins Ohr. Der Rest war auch durchweg gut, aber brauchte 2-3x mehr anhören, bevor es mich richtig überzeugen konnte.Wie gesagt, das Album lieber mehrere Male anhören, bevor man sich eine Meinung
| | 1980s throwbacks | 2008-07-21
What is so bad about BFMV sounding like classic Iron Maiden and Metallica? As I very clearly remember, these bands were hysterically popular in the 1980s and then practically disappeared under the tide of grunge and execrable nu-metal in the 90s. For a 30-something male trying to relive his youth, its great to have bands like BFMV turning out solid fare like Scream Aim Fire, which unlike Maiden, does not sound dated.The production is excellent with olympic standard drumming and tight and
| | Extras are a Rip off and Album is lame :o) | 2008-07-11
THE ALBUMIt seems like the boys from the valleys have run out of ideas. This just sounds like rehashes of songs you've heard before. It's boring. The song writing is juvenile, and the production is mediocre, but good enough to make otherwise lame songs sound at least semi-professional. BFMV are very lucky to have had such a good debut with THE POISON, which is twice the album this is. Their touring schedule, and enviable support slots (with Metallica !!!) would not have been
| | Scream Aim Fire - Genau so ist es! | 2008-07-06
Für mich gibt es an diesem ALbum NICHTS auszusetzen. Es gibt viele verschiedene Meinungen zu diesem Album. Die einen sagen sie schaffen es nicht mehr ihr erstes Album zu übertreffen andere sagen wiederum, doch sie haben es ja doch noch drauf. Ich sage, das Album ist der helle Wahnsinn und hat ihr erstes Album um ein Stück überholt. Das bisher genialste Lied "Hearts Burts Into Fire" ist ein Mix aus ruhigen und heftigen Gitarrensounds. Dazu kommen Supertitel wie: "Scream Aim
| | Bullet RULE!!!!!! | 2008-06-27
This album is must buy, great instrumentals and vocals, bullet are my favourite band and THEY ROCK !!!!!!!
| | Awesome stuff by bullet. | 2008-06-15
This is a great album i decided to buy this after hearing Sream Aim Fire which was amazing and very much like thrash metal. I wasn't too keen on Bullets early stuff so this is my first album by theirs. There are some awesome tracks here especially Waking The Demon i can't get enough of that tracks it's amazing filled with great solos and heavy riffs. Though one really bad thing about this album is the song Forever and Always that's terrible that song should be destoryed. When I
| | Bullet For My Valentine, die Zweite | 2008-06-12
Als Nachfolger vom Debutalbum "The Poison" zeigt "Scream Aim Fire" das wahre Potenzial von Bullet For My Valentine (BFMV). Auch wie auf ihrer ersten Platte bieten die vier Walliser wieder mal Thrash-Metal vom Feinsten. Besonders gelungen ist die Verbindung von Tempo, melodischem Gesang und harten Riffs zu einem überzeugenden Gesamtalbum.Bereits der Opener "Scream Aim Fire" beweist, dass der Hype um BFMV durchaus berechtigt ist - der Song geht direkt nach vorne. Die
| | Scream Aim Fire - Pleasantly surprised | 2008-05-15
Having read the mixed reviews about this album i was in two minds whether to buy it however being a huge fan of their last album 'Poison', i thought why not. From the off this album is full with stunning guitar playing for their young years with monster riffs throughout much like the previous album.The drumming is equally superb and together with the standard BFMV screaming vocals this is a truly excellent album, the more you listen to it the better it gets.I'm a fan of all metal
| | Starkes Album, schwächelnder Sänger | 2008-04-29
Dass man beim zweiten Album stark beobachtet und auch hart kritisiert wird, ist vorallem nach einem so erfolgreichen Debuet wie "Poison" normal. Dass mann sich als Band weiterentwickeln möchte auch.Dies ist B4MV mit SCREAM auch ganz klar gelungen, die Songs gehen mehr in Richtung "NWOBHM" der 80er und heben sich durch deutlich weniger Geschreie und dafür mehr Geknüppel und Geschwindigkeit vom Erstling ab.Trotzdem erscheinen die Songs manchmal fast etwas "lieblos"
| | Ohhh YESSSS | 2008-04-25
New to this band I must admit. Heard something on Kerrang! Radio, enough to give it a whirl.Well being the wrong side of 40 like my contemporary heroes Steve Harris, James Hetfield, Geoff Tate and others of my generation I was wondering what I was letting myself in for - one spin and bin?? Or....Suffice to say it had me jumping around the room like a spotty teenager overdosing on Red Bull. I won't be putting this in the car stereo... I'll end up with a ban for speeding before I leave
| | Best metal album in years | 2008-04-09
In this album, BFMV have taken everything that's was awesome about metal/rock for the last 30 years, slapped it together, polished it and churned out a diamond- Metallica wish they were this good. Chugging guitars, soaring choruses and mindblowing riffs have kept this lodged on my car stereo for weeks.If you don't go and buy this album right now then you obviously hate your ears!
| | absolutely brilliant | 2008-04-01
the first time you listen to this album you'll probably agree with all the negative reviews but give it a couple of listens and u will soon see the brilliance of this album, and it is fantastic
Period from 2008-10-07 to 2015-11-07
| | Five Stars | 2015-11-07
Fantastic album
| | Five Stars | 2015-06-26
Great music, many thanks
| | Five Stars | 2015-06-20
| | Super! | 2015-03-04
Meine absolute Lieblingsband! Richtig gutes Album, starke Songs. Scream aim fire geht immer, besonders der Song Forever and Always hat's mir angetan :)
| | Five Stars | 2015-02-14
good value for money
| | Five Stars | 2014-10-20
I love it
| | Warmer sound | 2014-08-08
If you like the warm sound of vinyl and love Bullet then this is a must for you
| | My mum loves it | 2014-04-13
Christmas present for my mum. Shocking I know but at over 60 this is her second bullet album. She prefers the newer albums as there is a lot more singing and less screaming. I prefer the older albums because they were much more raw.
| | Starker Nachfolger | 2013-08-04
Das Debut "The Poison" war für BfmV Fluch und Segen zugleich. Segen insofern, als dass man sich von 0 auf 100 zu der populärsten Hoffnung in Sachen Moderner Metal etabliert hatte. Fluch, da man sich speziell wegen des Erfolgs der Singles "Tears don't fall" und "All the things I hate..." offenbar plötzlich im falschen Fanlager angekommen wähnte. Das gab die Band oder vor allem Ihr Mastermind Matthew Tuck jedenfalls (durchaus glaubwürdig) in einigen Interviews zu
| | Bullet | 2013-04-17
Brilliant! Loved listening to this . One of my favourite bands. Arrived quickly and was well packaged. Thanks very much
| | Bullet for my Valentine CD | 2013-03-04
My son bought this as an Xmas gift and it arrived well before the specified date and was very well packaged. Would recommend.
| | Love it! | 2012-11-25
I love Bullet so this was perfect :) it's a brilliant album and I would definitely recommend it! :) x
| | fantastic | 2012-10-25
I love this album it has great songs and great band altogether this album has great songs and great album pic
| | The poison was a tough act to follow but this album is at least its equal!!! | 2012-05-08
This is a fantastic modern metal album that was highly anticipated. I had forgotten just how great this collection of songs is....its faster than the poison but still has the signature b4mv hook laden sound loaded with great riffs and catchy licks. I lost this album and as any music fan knows, if you are buying a replacement, its because the album was good enough to notice it was missing....a few years have passed since this albums release but its still as fresh and catchy as the first listen.
| | God's Of Metal. | 2011-12-28
Perfect for Bullet For My Valentine and metal fans. Songs with meaning and speed make a great album get it now!
| | Nichts zu meckern | 2010-03-20
Also, Es gab keine probleme beim kauf oder dem versand:). Dass warten lohnt sich ;)Man krigt sicher das gewünschte produkt.
| | Einfach der Hammer! | 2009-08-07
BULLET FOREVER!!!Bullet for My Valentine ist mit Abstand die krasseste Band. Ihre Lieder sind hammergeil und sie selbst sind saugute Musiker. Ab und zu kommen ein paar Balladen, dann wieder ein echt geiles Lied. Super.
| | Brilliant! | 2009-06-13
Metal has started to make a big comeback. Artists like these make a huge difference to the market of music and have started to turn the music industry back to metal. BFMV's first album, the poison, was brilliant and a lot of people (including me) thought that they could not produce another album of the same standard, but they have and it might even be better than `the poison'.Their new album `Scream Aim Fire' is technically brilliant, the guitar and drums come through very solid.
| | OUTSTANDING !!!!!! | 2009-05-30
Got to be album of the year for me. Just cant bring myself to take it out of the CD player
| | Total Begeistert | 2009-04-01
Hey Leute,ich muss wirklich sagen, dass die Deluxe Version von Scream Aim Firemich sehr begeistert. Es ist ein haufen Bonusmaterial dabei inklusive den ganzen Single-Abkopplungen, zu denen alle Musikvideos vorhanden sind.Total umgehauen haben mich die 3 neuen Songs, die mit auf der Platte sind."Watching us Die Tonight" und "Road To Nowhere" sind typische BfmV Songs und lassens wirklich krachen. "One Good Reason why" ist jetz nicht so meins aber gibt trotzdem das
| | Poptastic Metal | 2009-03-17
Whoa there I here some of you say - the 'pop' word being mentioned in relation to a fairly hard core rock band. Well, I say it with the best of intentions. This is a tremendous record and a metal classic in the making. And it owes that accolade because it treads a really tight line between unaccessable thrash/hardcore metal and a much lighter catchy sound. Don't make the mistake in thinking that it's an easy listening album - most certainly not, however Bullet For My Valentine
| | A must have re-release | 2009-03-13
Scream, Aim and Fire may not have come u out all guns blazing as the press and media have expected but there are some tracks that have qaulity written al over them especially the title track, "Eye of the storm" and the heavy metal ballad "Hearts burst into fire".But what gives this deluxe edition its fifth star is the bonus tracks "Watching us tonight", "One good reason why" and "Ashes of the innocent " which should have been added to the
| | Just The Begining | 2009-01-05
With their second album out, Bullet For My Valentine have taken their music to the next level of metal. They're starting to become the band that they are going to be for the rest of their career and I for one cannot wait for the next album, to see how they evolve this time.
| | Great!! | 2008-11-20
BFMV are amazing, so's this album!! Yer the DVD is not great with very small amout of footage on, but worth gettin with it.Bullet Are Amazin :P
| | Incredible | 2008-10-07
The welsh boys have done it again. Created a masterpiece which is almost as good their incredible debut the poison, depiste vocalist matt tucks problems he's still managed to pull out some deep throated screams on songs such as scream aim fire and amazing melody on songs such as disappear.
Period from 2011-08-13 to 2013-09-24
| | Great album | 2013-09-24
Bought this when a friend recommended it and wasn't sure what to expect, but i really like it. A few tracks are a bit on the shouty side but fab when you are in the mood (or exercising!) . Hearts Burst Into Fire is a fantastic track and the last track Forever and Always is brilliant too.
| | das kracht | 2013-05-15
hammer sound. wie immer super. so muss es sein. hab lange nichts besseres gehört. hoffe auf ein baldiges neues album.
| | Buy it! | 2012-11-10
After the pure genius that was The Poison, Bullet For My Valentine (BFMV) are back with their second studio album, Scream, Aim, Fire!!!Right from the 1st album titled track, it's immediate the Welsh rockers have been practicing. Faster, heavier and more complex riffs accompanied by solid drum beats and bass tones show that BFMV mean business.The album just gets better as the track list goes on. My personal favorites being "Take it out on me", "Say Goodnight" and the bonus
| | eigentlich janz jut | 2011-08-13
Die englische Metalband Bullet For My Valentine ist jung und erfolgreich, ebenso wie ihre amerikanischen Brüder von Trivium. Jahrelang war man auf Tour und stand mit allen Metalgöttern wie Iron Maiden auf der Bühne. Die Waliser hatten dabei nur 2 EPs und ein Album draußen! Nach unzähligen, mehr oder weniger überflüssigen Maxis und weiteren EPs , sowie einer sehr guten DVD gibt es nun endlich neuen Stoff für die Fans. Produziert von Superknöfpchendreher Colin Richardson ballert das zweite Album
Period from 2009-07-15 to 2009-07-15
| | So much is lost | 2009-07-15
I am a massive of BFMV. I saw them at Donnington/Download and they blew the stage away.Similarly, their debut album was nothing short of genius with a compeletly new slant on the nu-metal genre.Which all leads me to one very painful question; What they hell happened with this album?Seriously. On the basis of their first album, BMFV should have been challenging Linkin Park or System of a Down for the Nu Metal crown. But this album is just so... so... boring.All of the songs are generic, the
Period from 2010-04-28 to 2010-04-28
| | Mein Gott^^ | 2010-04-28
Also ich bin ein Sehr großer Fan von Bullet und habe alle Lieder von ihnen schon mehrmals durchgehört.Dieses Album finde ich leider nicht sehr toll.Es klingt zwar von den Melodien ausgereifter doch wenn man sich das Album komplett von vorne bis hinten anhört, merkt man das etwas fehlt man denkt zwar wow cool aber das lässt nach. Zum Glück ist ihr drittes Album grandios geworden.Ich sage jetzt nicht das ich dieses Album nicht empfehlen würde dafür sind große Songs drauf, aber dieses Album ist
Period from 2015-09-17 to 2015-09-17
| | Unacceptable packing | 2015-09-17
With the album itself there's no problem it is an amazing album from an amazing band but the way that its been packed is just unacceptable. The paper was creased that has caused that the vinyl has been bended a bit.

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Product Information

Scream Aim Fire von Bullet For My Valentine (CD, 2008)
Description: Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire - (CD EXTRA/Enhanced) im Onlineshop von MediaMarkt kaufen. Jetzt bequem online bestellen.

Last Update: 2025-01-19

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