Recensioni ed esperienze sui prodotti per
HPI 112878 1/10 E-firestorm Flux 2wd Stadium Truck Roller

8 recensioni
3,63 / 5,00

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1 recensioni

HPI 112878 1/10 E-firestorm Flux 2wd Stadium Truck Roller
7 valutazioni
4 recensioni
1 recensioni
1 recensioni
0 recensioni
1 recensioni

HPI Racing 112878 E-Firestorm RTR Flux Vehicle

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 17/06/2015 fino al 03/11/2019
| | Great truck! | 03/11/2019
This is a great truck and is very fast and durable!
| | Not rtr | 16/06/2019
If you need a battery, then the truck isn't rtr.
| | At least i was able to get a refund... | 05/01/2019
came with one wheel broken off and had damages to the car from the beginning as if it was used.
| | Can be delicate | 29/12/2018
The first one arrived broken in the box and was sent back. The other appeared to work fine, it is super fast and a heap of fun. With that being said, it’s a tad on the delicate side. I’ve had a broken steering arm and the prop shaft fail within the first hour of playing. The later was easily fixed. A great truck, but gentle grounds and open spaces are best in my experience.
| | Awesome doesn't even come close to describing this thing | 24/07/2016
Awesome doesn't even come close to describing this thing. I love it. It's tough,good looking,and fast as hell. Very powerful as well.
| | I bought this car for my son amazing speed RC stuff has come a long way since ... | 30/06/2016
I bought this car for my son amazing speed RC stuff has come a long way since I was a kid. I bought him a 7.4 lipo 2s he switch the gearing. unbelievably fast.
| | A great buy! | 31/10/2015
Everything tip top from this seller. HPI Firestorm flux is a great rc truck that goes insanely fast and is a great off road vehicle that can handle all kinds of weather being waterproof. It handles really well on concrete and can reach insane speed. I would recommend this rc vehicle to anyone who is looking for a new or first rc car.
| | Extremely durable once you upgrade the transmission case. | 17/06/2015
My firestorm was a really good purchase. It's fast, handles well, and the waterproofing is great. It's very durable. I haven't broken a single item on the front end, ever (owned for about 6 months) and I've run into my dad's slash, curbs, botched landings, etc. The only part you will need to upgrade is the transmission case. You can go to and buy an aluminum one. If you get that and a tbone racing bumper, you will end all of your bashing sessions with an intact
Periodo da 31/10/2015 fino al 03/11/2019
| | Great truck! | 03/11/2019
This is a great truck and is very fast and durable!
| | Awesome doesn't even come close to describing this thing | 24/07/2016
Awesome doesn't even come close to describing this thing. I love it. It's tough,good looking,and fast as hell. Very powerful as well.
| | I bought this car for my son amazing speed RC stuff has come a long way since ... | 30/06/2016
I bought this car for my son amazing speed RC stuff has come a long way since I was a kid. I bought him a 7.4 lipo 2s he switch the gearing. unbelievably fast.
| | A great buy! | 31/10/2015
Everything tip top from this seller. HPI Firestorm flux is a great rc truck that goes insanely fast and is a great off road vehicle that can handle all kinds of weather being waterproof. It handles really well on concrete and can reach insane speed. I would recommend this rc vehicle to anyone who is looking for a new or first rc car.
Periodo da 17/06/2015 fino al 17/06/2015
| | Extremely durable once you upgrade the transmission case. | 17/06/2015
My firestorm was a really good purchase. It's fast, handles well, and the waterproofing is great. It's very durable. I haven't broken a single item on the front end, ever (owned for about 6 months) and I've run into my dad's slash, curbs, botched landings, etc. The only part you will need to upgrade is the transmission case. You can go to and buy an aluminum one. If you get that and a tbone racing bumper, you will end all of your bashing sessions with an intact
Periodo da 29/12/2018 fino al 29/12/2018
| | Can be delicate | 29/12/2018
The first one arrived broken in the box and was sent back. The other appeared to work fine, it is super fast and a heap of fun. With that being said, it’s a tad on the delicate side. I’ve had a broken steering arm and the prop shaft fail within the first hour of playing. The later was easily fixed. A great truck, but gentle grounds and open spaces are best in my experience.
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo
Periodo da 05/01/2019 fino al 16/06/2019
| | Not rtr | 16/06/2019
If you need a battery, then the truck isn't rtr.
| | At least i was able to get a refund... | 05/01/2019
came with one wheel broken off and had damages to the car from the beginning as if it was used.

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Informazioni sul prodotto

HPI 112878 1/10 E-firestorm Flux 2wd Stadium Truck Roller
Descrizione: Produktbeschreibung E-Firestorm 10T Flux RTR (1/1 Warnhinweise nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet P.when('A').execute(function(A) { A.on('a:expander:toggle_description:toggle:collapse', function(data) { window.scroll(0, data.expander.$expander[0].offsetTop-100); }); }); Set enthält: Fahrzeug mit Bedienungsanleitung Mehr
Sports, Leisure & Hobby

Ultimo aggiornamento: 25/01/2025

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5 / 5 stelle
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Scala di valutazione Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
4,75 - 4,25 Molto bene
4,25 - 3,75 Bene
3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
2,75 - 1,75 Sufficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato