Recensioni ed esperienze sui prodotti per
Eveline 8in1 Eye Shadow Base All Day Ideal Stay 24h Primer 12ml

Molto bene
38 recensioni
4,34 / 5,00

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 17/07/2019 fino al 11/06/2023
| | Good product at a good price | 11/06/2023
Love this product - it works. Good price too
| | Great | 19/05/2021
Great thanks keep my makeup on all day
| | Good for wrinkly old eyelids! | 09/02/2021
I was sceptical about this but surprised and very pleased when I found it works.
| | Excellent. | 27/01/2021
Have tried many eye primers and this is the best one. My eye makeup stays all day and that’s amazing as others never do stay on my eyelids. Will be my only primer from now on. Good price too!
| | Good value primer | 27/01/2021
Only used once so far for a special occasion but it made a real difference to the staying power of my eyeshadow.
| | Very happy | 16/11/2020
Very happy with this product
| | Review | 11/11/2020
| | Eye shadow primer | 08/11/2020
Excellent product would buy again
| | Gets rid of dark patches around the eyes | 04/11/2020
| | Eye shadow primer | 11/08/2020
Brilliant eye shadow stays perfect.
| | Good eyeshadow base | 25/03/2020
Pleased with item - my eyeshadow stayed put
| | Works well but does not suit my sensitive skin | 12/02/2020
Works well but does not suit my sensitive skin
| | Eyeshadow primer | 08/01/2020
Brilliant product keeps my eyeshadow in place all day.
| | Amazing eyeshadow primer... | 24/12/2019
Great product, eyeshadow stays on all day including my glitter shadow..a must buy ! Thank you 😁
| | Excellence | 26/11/2019
This base really works excellently! Eyeshadows stick on it for many hours- nicely and neatly, no need to rearrange eye make up during the day. Great item☺️
| | less is more | 26/11/2019
Great product that really keeps your eye shadow on
| | Eye bass | 24/10/2019
Really good my eyeshadow stays on for ages . Would buy this product again
| | Excellent primer | 13/08/2019
This gives very good cover and a perfect base for eye shadow. I would recommend it.
| | Excellent eyeshadow base | 17/07/2019
Amazing value for money, eyeshadow stays on all day with this base. Silky smooth, lines seem less visible with this on.
Periodo da 17/07/2019 fino al 11/06/2023
| | Good product at a good price | 11/06/2023
Love this product - it works. Good price too
| | Great | 19/05/2021
Great thanks keep my makeup on all day
| | Good for wrinkly old eyelids! | 09/02/2021
I was sceptical about this but surprised and very pleased when I found it works.
| | Excellent. | 27/01/2021
Have tried many eye primers and this is the best one. My eye makeup stays all day and that’s amazing as others never do stay on my eyelids. Will be my only primer from now on. Good price too!
| | Good value primer | 27/01/2021
Only used once so far for a special occasion but it made a real difference to the staying power of my eyeshadow.
| | Very happy | 16/11/2020
Very happy with this product
| | Review | 11/11/2020
| | Gets rid of dark patches around the eyes | 04/11/2020
| | Eye shadow primer | 11/08/2020
Brilliant eye shadow stays perfect.
| | Eyeshadow primer | 08/01/2020
Brilliant product keeps my eyeshadow in place all day.
| | Amazing eyeshadow primer... | 24/12/2019
Great product, eyeshadow stays on all day including my glitter shadow..a must buy ! Thank you 😁
| | Excellence | 26/11/2019
This base really works excellently! Eyeshadows stick on it for many hours- nicely and neatly, no need to rearrange eye make up during the day. Great item☺️
| | less is more | 26/11/2019
Great product that really keeps your eye shadow on
| | Eye bass | 24/10/2019
Really good my eyeshadow stays on for ages . Would buy this product again
| | Excellent primer | 13/08/2019
This gives very good cover and a perfect base for eye shadow. I would recommend it.
| | Excellent eyeshadow base | 17/07/2019
Amazing value for money, eyeshadow stays on all day with this base. Silky smooth, lines seem less visible with this on.
Periodo da 25/03/2020 fino al 08/11/2020
| | Eye shadow primer | 08/11/2020
Excellent product would buy again
| | Good eyeshadow base | 25/03/2020
Pleased with item - my eyeshadow stayed put
Periodo da 12/02/2020 fino al 12/02/2020
| | Works well but does not suit my sensitive skin | 12/02/2020
Works well but does not suit my sensitive skin
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo

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Informazioni sul prodotto

Eveline 8in1 Eye Shadow Base All Day Ideal Stay 24h Primer 12ml
Descrizione: Eveline Cosmetics All Day Ideal Stay Eye Shadow Base Diese feuchtigkeitsspendende Lidschattenbasis versorgt Ihre Haut mit wichtigen Vitaminen und Hyaluronsäure. Sie sorgt dafür, dass Ihr Augenlid geschmeidig bleibt und der Lidschatten länger hält und nicht verklumpt. Anwendung: Vor dem Auftrag des Lidschattens etwas von der Base auf das Augenlid auftragen und sanft verteilen.
Drugstore Products & Healthcare

Ultimo aggiornamento: 13/01/2025

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5 / 5 stelle
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5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
4,75 - 4,25 Molto bene
4,25 - 3,75 Bene
3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
2,75 - 1,75 Sufficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato