Produktbewertungen und Erfahrungen für
Talisman 4th Edition The Cataclysm Expansion Toy

52 Bewertungen
4,81 / 5,00



5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Sterne
Zeitraum von 29.04.2016 bis 13.08.2020
| | Pegasus spiele version not fantasy flight logo- think same but I paid a bit more due to picture | 13.08.2020
Just be aware- pic shows it is fantasy flight- so I paid $15 more than others listed which were Pegasus Spiele version- it shows up and it is Pegasus version- probably same all told but I specifically chose the more expensive option because pic shows FF logo. I didn’t realize FF was out of print.
| | Great game. | 13.04.2019
My grandson loves this game!
| | Great Choice For Expansion | 03.08.2018
It is a great expansion to the talisman board game.
| | Excellent Board Game | 12.05.2018
Excellent product. Arrived on time and as described. Hours of replayability on this board game.
| | Great game! | 27.03.2018
Was exactly how it was describe and showed up early!
| | Happy Adult Sons Addicted to Talisman | 09.11.2017
My adult son's were over the moon when they received this expansion game. They have been playing for years and this expansion set will challenge them even more. Highly recommended to those who love playing this game.
| | Five Stars | 26.07.2017
Worth the price and so much fun
| | Five Stars | 26.05.2017
Everybody loves Talisman
| | but looks great, nice new characters etc but much more difficult ... | 03.04.2017
didnt play this yet, but looks great, nice new characters etc but much more difficult than the original board
| | as discibed good price for oop | 25.01.2017
as discibed good price for oop
| | Five Stars | 21.01.2017
Nice expansion, better than some of the other expansions
| | Great Game! | 21.01.2017
Great addition to the game. Brings new things to the game. Always good to expand upon the original to keep it fresh in other ways.
| | A new dimension. Still great fun. | 13.12.2016
Not for beginners. This game can get complicated as you add expansions. This is a whole new board and the rules make a major shift as well. It's fun but make sure everyone playing knows what theyre doing. This is still my favourite board game
| | Five Stars | 23.11.2016
Love the game and expansions
| | Five Stars | 13.11.2016
A fun end game for Talisman.
| | 22.10.2016
This is a present for Christmas, but it looks excellent and was delivered quickly..hopefully it will be OK. Would order from this company again.
| | A Must Have Expansion | 11.10.2016
Excellent expansion. This is like having a new version of Talisman but without the need for a whole new rulebook. A fitting way to close out the Talisman series.
| | 22.09.2016
Finalmente un pò di freschezza e di novità per gli appassionati del gioco. Nuovo tabellone e una miriade di nuove caselle. Cataclysm introduce la meccanica degli esuli e rende il gioco un tantino più veloce. Io lo consiglio!
| | 20.09.2016
Many hours of fun ahead
| | This is another great expansion by fantasy flight | 28.08.2016
This is another great expansion by fantasy flight. The art, the new cards, the board and rules...all of it is top notch. My favorite aspect is the newest characters. They are extremely fun to use and I now hope to get them every time I play.
| | 28.05.2016
Quien no conoce este mitico juego de rol de mesa. Obligatorio para cualquier aficionado de los juegos de mesa.... Indispensable
| | Five Stars | 26.05.2016
This is my favorite expansion yet.
| | Five Stars | 22.05.2016
Outstanding addition
| | If you like Talisman then buy this expansion | 29.04.2016
This expansion can easily by played by itself. The new denizen mechanic was a lot of fun and added some new variety to the game without becoming confusing like the Dragon expansion. If you like Talisman then buy this expansion, the artwork is gorgeous, it's thematically very interesting, the cards are all very post-apocalyptic. Overall it was a lot of fun just by itself.
Zeitraum von 29.04.2016 bis 13.04.2019
| | Great game. | 13.04.2019
My grandson loves this game!
| | Great Choice For Expansion | 03.08.2018
It is a great expansion to the talisman board game.
| | Excellent Board Game | 12.05.2018
Excellent product. Arrived on time and as described. Hours of replayability on this board game.
| | Great game! | 27.03.2018
Was exactly how it was describe and showed up early!
| | Happy Adult Sons Addicted to Talisman | 09.11.2017
My adult son's were over the moon when they received this expansion game. They have been playing for years and this expansion set will challenge them even more. Highly recommended to those who love playing this game.
| | Five Stars | 26.07.2017
Worth the price and so much fun
| | Five Stars | 26.05.2017
Everybody loves Talisman
| | but looks great, nice new characters etc but much more difficult ... | 03.04.2017
didnt play this yet, but looks great, nice new characters etc but much more difficult than the original board
| | as discibed good price for oop | 25.01.2017
as discibed good price for oop
| | Five Stars | 21.01.2017
Nice expansion, better than some of the other expansions
| | Great Game! | 21.01.2017
Great addition to the game. Brings new things to the game. Always good to expand upon the original to keep it fresh in other ways.
| | A new dimension. Still great fun. | 13.12.2016
Not for beginners. This game can get complicated as you add expansions. This is a whole new board and the rules make a major shift as well. It's fun but make sure everyone playing knows what theyre doing. This is still my favourite board game
| | Five Stars | 23.11.2016
Love the game and expansions
| | Five Stars | 13.11.2016
A fun end game for Talisman.
| | 22.10.2016
This is a present for Christmas, but it looks excellent and was delivered quickly..hopefully it will be OK. Would order from this company again.
| | 22.09.2016
Finalmente un pò di freschezza e di novità per gli appassionati del gioco. Nuovo tabellone e una miriade di nuove caselle. Cataclysm introduce la meccanica degli esuli e rende il gioco un tantino più veloce. Io lo consiglio!
| | 20.09.2016
Many hours of fun ahead
| | This is another great expansion by fantasy flight | 28.08.2016
This is another great expansion by fantasy flight. The art, the new cards, the board and rules...all of it is top notch. My favorite aspect is the newest characters. They are extremely fun to use and I now hope to get them every time I play.
| | 28.05.2016
Quien no conoce este mitico juego de rol de mesa. Obligatorio para cualquier aficionado de los juegos de mesa.... Indispensable
| | Five Stars | 26.05.2016
This is my favorite expansion yet.
| | Five Stars | 22.05.2016
Outstanding addition
| | If you like Talisman then buy this expansion | 29.04.2016
This expansion can easily by played by itself. The new denizen mechanic was a lot of fun and added some new variety to the game without becoming confusing like the Dragon expansion. If you like Talisman then buy this expansion, the artwork is gorgeous, it's thematically very interesting, the cards are all very post-apocalyptic. Overall it was a lot of fun just by itself.
Zeitraum von 11.10.2016 bis 11.10.2016
| | A Must Have Expansion | 11.10.2016
Excellent expansion. This is like having a new version of Talisman but without the need for a whole new rulebook. A fitting way to close out the Talisman series.
Zeitraum von 13.08.2020 bis 13.08.2020
| | Pegasus spiele version not fantasy flight logo- think same but I paid a bit more due to picture | 13.08.2020
Just be aware- pic shows it is fantasy flight- so I paid $15 more than others listed which were Pegasus Spiele version- it shows up and it is Pegasus version- probably same all told but I specifically chose the more expensive option because pic shows FF logo. I didn’t realize FF was out of print.
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Talisman 4th Edition The Cataclysm Expansion Toy
Beschreibung: Decades ago an apocalypse destroyed the world, wrecking its cities, ravaging the land, and devastating the population. Now, after more than a generation, a new age dawns withThe Cataclysm, an expansion forTalisman Revised 4th Edition. People are returning to establish settlements, nature is evolving in bizarre, unprecendented ways, and traces of the former civilization can be found everywhere. This is a time of chaos and possibility, of challenges and heroism. The Cataclysmintroduces a new ...
Gaming & Spielen

Letztes Update: 28.02.2025

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Trustami Bewertungsskala
5,00 - 4,75 Ausgezeichnet
4,75 - 4,25 Sehr Gut
4,25 - 3,75 Gut
3,75 - 2,75 Befriedigend
2,75 - 1,75 Ausreichend
1,75 - 1,00 Mangelhaft