Reseñas de productos y experiencias para
Frank Sinatra - Sinatra-Basie: An Historic Music First (Lp) - (Vinyl)

156 reseñas
4,85 / 5,00

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Reseñas de productos

5 estrellas
4 estrellas
3 estrellas
2 estrellas
1 estrellas
Período de 08/11/2013 hasta 19/03/2021
| | 19/03/2021
Beautiful listening music.
| | 25/12/2020
Sinatra & Basie are really perfect combination.
| | 30/07/2020
Outstanding album clarity and dynamic range all great
| | Sinatra-Basie | 23/05/2020
Uno degli Album più belli mai fatti, obbligatorio averlo nella propria collezione.
| | 08/05/2020
Reviewing the historical importance and sheer pleasure of this Sinatra/Basie record is pointless. I just want to make a few comments on the much-maligned WaxTime label. I have a handful of affordable WaxTime releases and they all sound fantastic - audiophile fantastic? Who knows, but on the average system - I don't think you'll be disappointed. This release is no exception. No skips, pops, states, warping or other issues...just pure Basie and Sinatra.Personally, I think the love of music
| | 19/04/2020
One of my favorite vinyl! Highly recommend .
| | Vinile grosso, condizioni perfette | 04/04/2020
Buon prodotto. Vinile pesante in condizioni perfette
| | you hear the cd | 07/10/2017
you hear the cd
| | super | 24/05/2016
Un musicien de jazz hors paire . Et puis le son du 33 tour, le voir tourner On ne se lasse pas . Il tourne toute la journée sur mon Teppaz
| | One of Sinatra's best albums after he left Capitol. | 11/05/2016
A superb remastered issue of this classic album originally released about 1962. I have this which is mono. This latest release is stereo , no surface noise or unwanted crackles and pops.This was the first of two studio albums by Sinatra and Basie and is the better of the two.Not a bad track with brilliant arrangements and playing by Basie's band. The new issue is also gatefold whereas the original wasn't.There is also another recent release available on the awful Wax Time label which I
| | A Partnership made in Heaven | 08/11/2013
It swings like the clappers! Wonderful music, memorable talents. The Voice, Basie's Band and an arranger who knows how to meld them together. It's terrific!
Período de 08/11/2013 hasta 19/03/2021
| | 19/03/2021
Beautiful listening music.
| | 25/12/2020
Sinatra & Basie are really perfect combination.
| | 30/07/2020
Outstanding album clarity and dynamic range all great
| | Sinatra-Basie | 23/05/2020
Uno degli Album più belli mai fatti, obbligatorio averlo nella propria collezione.
| | 08/05/2020
Reviewing the historical importance and sheer pleasure of this Sinatra/Basie record is pointless. I just want to make a few comments on the much-maligned WaxTime label. I have a handful of affordable WaxTime releases and they all sound fantastic - audiophile fantastic? Who knows, but on the average system - I don't think you'll be disappointed. This release is no exception. No skips, pops, states, warping or other issues...just pure Basie and Sinatra.Personally, I think the love of music
| | 19/04/2020
One of my favorite vinyl! Highly recommend .
| | Vinile grosso, condizioni perfette | 04/04/2020
Buon prodotto. Vinile pesante in condizioni perfette
| | super | 24/05/2016
Un musicien de jazz hors paire . Et puis le son du 33 tour, le voir tourner On ne se lasse pas . Il tourne toute la journée sur mon Teppaz
| | One of Sinatra's best albums after he left Capitol. | 11/05/2016
A superb remastered issue of this classic album originally released about 1962. I have this which is mono. This latest release is stereo , no surface noise or unwanted crackles and pops.This was the first of two studio albums by Sinatra and Basie and is the better of the two.Not a bad track with brilliant arrangements and playing by Basie's band. The new issue is also gatefold whereas the original wasn't.There is also another recent release available on the awful Wax Time label which I
| | A Partnership made in Heaven | 08/11/2013
It swings like the clappers! Wonderful music, memorable talents. The Voice, Basie's Band and an arranger who knows how to meld them together. It's terrific!
Período de 07/10/2017 hasta 07/10/2017
| | you hear the cd | 07/10/2017
you hear the cd
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No pudimos encontrar ninguna experiencia en forma de texto
No pudimos encontrar ninguna experiencia en forma de texto

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Información del Producto

Frank Sinatra - Sinatra-Basie: An Historic Music First (Lp) - (Vinyl)
Descripción: Artikelnummer: 2102821
Books, Movies & Music

Última actualización: 21/01/2025

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5 / 5 estrellas
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Escala de calificación de Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Excelente
4,75 - 4,25 Muy bien
4,25 - 3,75 Bien
3,75 - 2,75 Satisfactorio
2,75 - 1,75 Suficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadecuado