Product Reviews and Experiences for
Marvel Avengers Blue Musical Guitar Toy - Battery Operated

21 Ratings
3.29 / 5.00

Product Reviews

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1 Stars
Period from 2018-01-15 to 2021-02-24
| | Amazing | 2021-02-24
| | Don’t buy | 2020-07-27
Really disappointed the back was broken An the battery but was mashed up . Little boy was upset on his 4th birthday
| | 👍 | 2020-02-13
Got this for my 4 year old who is a major avengers fan and it’s exactly what we wanted, we’ve had tons of fun with it.
| | Guitare avengers | 2020-01-28
Vu le prix je m'attendais à qq chose de mieux... Ça fait gadget
| | . | 2019-12-27
Is little small.
| | Buena | 2019-09-27
Buena pero con volumen alto
| | Don’t buy this rubbish and don’t buy off this seller | 2019-01-10
This item was delivered to me wrapped up with a burnt black bin liner and was so thought to get open. Once opened, the handle was broke and no sound. Replaced batteries (looks like an already used and broken toy) the noises still didn’t work. Have contacted seller 3 times and been ignored on all occasions
| | Nice product, but the power button is right next ... | 2018-01-15
Nice product, but the power button is right next to all the buttons that make a sound. Result is that my 2 year old accidentally turns it off quite often.
Period from 2019-09-27 to 2021-02-24
| | Amazing | 2021-02-24
| | 👍 | 2020-02-13
Got this for my 4 year old who is a major avengers fan and it’s exactly what we wanted, we’ve had tons of fun with it.
| | Buena | 2019-09-27
Buena pero con volumen alto
Period from 2018-01-15 to 2018-01-15
| | Nice product, but the power button is right next ... | 2018-01-15
Nice product, but the power button is right next to all the buttons that make a sound. Result is that my 2 year old accidentally turns it off quite often.
Period from 2019-12-27 to 2019-12-27
| | . | 2019-12-27
Is little small.
Period from 2020-01-28 to 2020-01-28
| | Guitare avengers | 2020-01-28
Vu le prix je m'attendais à qq chose de mieux... Ça fait gadget
Period from 2019-01-10 to 2020-07-27
| | Don’t buy | 2020-07-27
Really disappointed the back was broken An the battery but was mashed up . Little boy was upset on his 4th birthday
| | Don’t buy this rubbish and don’t buy off this seller | 2019-01-10
This item was delivered to me wrapped up with a burnt black bin liner and was so thought to get open. Once opened, the handle was broke and no sound. Replaced batteries (looks like an already used and broken toy) the noises still didn’t work. Have contacted seller 3 times and been ignored on all occasions

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Product Information

Marvel Avengers Blue Musical Guitar Toy - Battery Operated
Description: Marvel Avengers blau Musical Gitarre Spielzeug - batteriebetrieben
Sports, Leisure & Hobby

Last Update: 2024-06-18

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5.00 - 4.75 Excellent
4.75 - 4.25 Very Good
4.25 - 3.75 Good
3.75 - 2.75 Satisfactory
2.75 - 1.75 Sufficient
1.75 - 1.00 Poor