Recensioni ed esperienze sui prodotti per
Who Are You/The Kids Are Alright von The Who (CD)

Molto bene
6 recensioni
4,67 / 5,00

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Who Are You/The Kids Are Alright von The Who (CD)

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 01/10/2009 fino al 27/11/2021
| | 2 for 1. Great VFM. | 27/11/2021
Love the Who. Only had these two on vinyl till now. Now I have all their albums on CD up to It's Hard. Not so keen on their recent stuff. Especially pleased to get the expanded versions. Great music.
| | Not essential but good to have in your collection | 09/11/2014
I knew that the Kids are Alright soundtrack would be worth the purchase but having read a number of negative reviews of Who Are You, I did wonder if it was worth getting. Having listened to it a number of times, I'm glad I did. It is not to the same standard as Who's a Next or Quadrophenia but there are some interesting tracks and the title is undoubtably one of the best ever recordings. Keith Moon's drumming obviously doesn't have the ferocity as say, Won't be fooled again
| | 02/08/2013
this is a great package for the price, you get two classic who albums here at a very fair price and they come in a nice mini digi pack, though 1978s who are you was NOT THE BEST WHO ALBUM, as i am more of a fan of the 1965 through 1975 era this still suits me well as most of what you get on the kids are alright is from the 65 to 75 era with the exception of the live track my wife wich was recorded live in
| | Minus One Star On Account Of The Perfunctory Packaging | 06/04/2010
This '2 for 1' repackage can't be faulted for its musical content, but the packagaing - a slimline double digipak - houses the discs and that's about all. Can't knock the music, however, and pricewise it's fine, but I like me liner notes and extra photos!
| | Tell me who are you | 01/10/2009
Die beiden Who-CD`S haben mich durch einige bisher nicht gekannte Songs überrascht und gleichzeitig begeistert. Ich bin froh, dass mich Amazon auf dieses Angebot aufmerksam gemacht hat. Danke hierfür. Nicht nur für Who-Fans empfehlenswert !
Periodo da 01/10/2009 fino al 27/11/2021
| | 2 for 1. Great VFM. | 27/11/2021
Love the Who. Only had these two on vinyl till now. Now I have all their albums on CD up to It's Hard. Not so keen on their recent stuff. Especially pleased to get the expanded versions. Great music.
| | 02/08/2013
this is a great package for the price, you get two classic who albums here at a very fair price and they come in a nice mini digi pack, though 1978s who are you was NOT THE BEST WHO ALBUM, as i am more of a fan of the 1965 through 1975 era this still suits me well as most of what you get on the kids are alright is from the 65 to 75 era with the exception of the live track my wife wich was recorded live in
| | Tell me who are you | 01/10/2009
Die beiden Who-CD`S haben mich durch einige bisher nicht gekannte Songs überrascht und gleichzeitig begeistert. Ich bin froh, dass mich Amazon auf dieses Angebot aufmerksam gemacht hat. Danke hierfür. Nicht nur für Who-Fans empfehlenswert !
Periodo da 06/04/2010 fino al 09/11/2014
| | Not essential but good to have in your collection | 09/11/2014
I knew that the Kids are Alright soundtrack would be worth the purchase but having read a number of negative reviews of Who Are You, I did wonder if it was worth getting. Having listened to it a number of times, I'm glad I did. It is not to the same standard as Who's a Next or Quadrophenia but there are some interesting tracks and the title is undoubtably one of the best ever recordings. Keith Moon's drumming obviously doesn't have the ferocity as say, Won't be fooled again
| | Minus One Star On Account Of The Perfunctory Packaging | 06/04/2010
This '2 for 1' repackage can't be faulted for its musical content, but the packagaing - a slimline double digipak - houses the discs and that's about all. Can't knock the music, however, and pricewise it's fine, but I like me liner notes and extra photos!
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Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo

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Informazioni sul prodotto

Who Are You/The Kids Are Alright von The Who (CD)
Descrizione: UK-only two CD set, an installment in the popular 2-for-1 series, which combines two hit albums into one convenient package. The 2-for-1 series is perfect for fans looking to complete their collections and for music lovers searching for something more than just a standard 'hits' package. Universal. 2009.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/12/2024

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Scala di valutazione Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
4,75 - 4,25 Molto bene
4,25 - 3,75 Bene
3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
2,75 - 1,75 Sufficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato