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Herbie Hancock - Gershwin's World (1998)

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175 recensioni
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Herbie Hancock - Gershwin's World (1998)
173 valutazioni
118 recensioni
38 recensioni
12 recensioni
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3 recensioni

Gershwin's World
Gershwin'S World
Gershwin's World
Gershwin's world
Gershwin'S World
Gershwin's World

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
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2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 17/05/1999 fino al 27/01/2023
| | Great Album | 27/01/2023
From the late 1990’s, great music and guest singers.
| | not very interesting to listen too | 06/08/2022
not very interesting to listen too perhaps Gershwin would turn over in his grave after listening to this
| | Grande musicista! | 03/09/2020
Stle inconfondibile e tanta classe!
| | First class | 17/06/2020
Wonderful Herbie and a wonderful service
| | More piano | 24/07/2019
A pretty ordinary cd ,there are plenty of pianist who could have done better in my opinion.
| | Mellow Jazz at its best | 15/07/2019
A pleasing listen brightened up with guest performances from Stevie Wonder & Joni Mitchell
| | CLASSY JAZZ | 24/06/2019
As you might expect from Herbie Hancock this is a classy piece of work. Not all the pieces work for me, but I would still give this a full 10/10. Magic on the whole.
| | this can be one of your reference CDs to test | 20/06/2019
HOWever,,, who did the mastering ? some deaf person ? some tracks, like 5, etc...suddenly are recorded at MUCH MUCH HIGHER you will enjoy shock waves to your ears... OVERALL VERY V ERY GOOD RECORDING QUALITY so this is audiophile CD to TEST your systems, wires, etc... AND< YOU GOT MANY SURPRISE GUESTS singing, such as stevie wonder ( the loudest ) etc... a must have, despite bad mastering....
| | Genio Hancock | 07/06/2019
Come al solito gemme diamantine di un artista incredibile
| | class album! | 16/09/2018
a class album from a class musician.
| | herbie hancock .. stevie wonder ... joni mitchell etc etc | 06/04/2018
avete letto che artisti.... che vogliamo dire bello, bellissimo , da avere assolutamente per me le più belle tracce quelle con joni e stevie, comunque tutto il disco di notevole livello ottima la registrazione
| | Interesting Excursion For Hancock and Friends, With a Few Pleasant Surprises | 09/09/2017
This recording comes across as more of a novelty than anything else, and might have been more accurately titles "Herbie Hancock and Friends Visit Gershwin's World". Herbie dropped in, played some music associated with Gershwin's time and place, and then moved on to other things. To give it a bit of a rundown - Hancock's version of "Fascinatin' Rhythm" is rhythmic, but not especially fascinating. It is very short, clocking in at 55 seconds.. Two cuts sung by
| | Hancock romantico ed un pò piacione ma sempre ad alti livelli e con ottimi musicisti | 02/02/2017
Amo questo disco per la scelta sia dei pezzi che degli ospiti, Joni Mitchell in primis. Suonato bene, senza eccessi né colpi di genio ma con gran classe ed è pure registrato piuttosto bene. Unico guaio, mi è arrivato un cd masterizzato (male tra l'altro) e con copertina fotocopiata..
| | Love Gershwin and/or Herbie Hancock | 09/08/2016
Love Gershwin and/or Herbie Hancock? This is a brilliant CD with Joni Mitchell, Stevie Wonder and Kathleen Battles doing STAR turns. I learned about it in a video of Herbie Hancock playing Gershwin with the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra with Conducto Gustavo Dudamel. This video is also a FIVE STAR.
| | Five Stars | 18/01/2016
verry good
| | Five Stars | 20/06/2015
| | A beautiful tribute, varied | 15/05/2015
The Herbie recording I most find myself going back to after the classic Blue Notes and Head Hunters. A beautiful tribute, varied, challenging and heartfelt. Unique and a must hear.
| | Five Stars | 26/04/2015
Great deal!..
| | Five Stars | 03/04/2015
| | Five Stars | 06/02/2015
Great CD, great service
| | Four Stars | 07/09/2014
Nice stuff.
| | Sublime | 19/03/2014
Worth it for Hancock's interpretation of the slow movement of Ravel's Piano Concerto alone. Plus some fantastic collaborations, including with Joni Mitchell and Stevie Wonder.
| | Not Rhapsody in blue | 16/08/2013
I am sorry I bought this. I like Herby Hancock and love Rhapsody in Blue by Gershwin but this didn't do justice to it.
| | Gershwin's World | 30/04/2013
Some superb playing and singing. A very special project, more detailed and surprisingly fresh arrangements and performances. Joni Mitchell, Kathleen Battle, Chick Corea, Wayne Shorter, and Stevie Wonder shine and sparkle alongside Herbie Hancock. Gershwin was indeed at the heart of the first century of jazz.
| | Selective | 22/08/2010
Like so many audio CDs being produced these days, there is a lot of "lesser music" tossed in with the "better music". On this disc, I junked about 8 out of 14 tracks. However the tracks that I added to my library are superb.
| | everything clicks into focus | 26/06/2010
When I play this CD, it reminds me of why I fell in love with jazz. This is understated genius at its best.
| | Very brave album, but not for everyone | 01/03/2009
No doubt about it, Herbie Hancock is one of the greatest geniuses of jazz and this album a typically brave attempt to push at the borders of jazz creativity, just as Charles Mingus did before him. Like any brave attempt at pushing limits, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. One surprise is Joni Mitchell--while I've always respected her talent I've never been particularly a fan of her music, but here she does credit to jazz singing. However, the combination of classical
| | Überirdisch | 24/12/2008
Wirklich ein Meisterwerk. Eins der besten Jazz-Alben aller Zeiten, wenn man denn hier noch von Jazz sprechen kann. Alleine schon das Konzept ist großartig: Gershwin zusammen mit seinen Zeitgenossen zu präsentieren, und so einen überaus spannenden und interessanten Mix zu bekommen. Und trotzdem ist alles aus einem Guß, hält durchgehend die Spannung und fällt niemals ab. (Das letzte Stück hätte man vielleicht weg lassen können, nicht weil es schlecht ist, sondern es ist einfach zu viel.) Tolle
| | You will be enthralled | 16/02/2008
Herbie just won another Grammy last week with River: the Joni Letters, so I thought I'd come back to this, his last project on Verve.You won't find so much of standard tribute fare on Gershwin's World. It's more of a theme for some real creativity. There are two rhythmic fragments (including the Overture) that fade in and out and leave you wanting more. There's someone singing Summertime and another song, but don't look at who it is until you've heard them.
| | Be ready to groove | 12/07/2006
I highly recommend it.You'll want to play this album from start to finish. I bought this CD ten years ago, and it's still in my rotation.
| | A very felt homage in Gershwin' s memory! | 30/05/2006
With motive of George Gershwin's centenary in 1998, it was evident Herbie Hancock should be another one of the privileged jazz musicians of extensive trajectory who simply could not be absent of this prestigious homage in Gershwin' s memory - without forget to Dave Gruisin, who made his personal tribute in 1993 with an anthological album -.There are emblematic tracks along the album; The man I love and Summertime are played with enraptured inspiration. Embraceable you and Saint Louis
| | Wow! | 14/03/2006
I like this CD so much that i've ended up scratching it from over use. No it is not your typical Hancock 'sound' but what beautiful, imaginative and emotional work. His take on Ravel's Concerto for piano and orchestra brings me tears everytime I hear it.I'm personally a big Gershwin fan and it's refreshing to hear such a different approach to great standards. I figure if you're going to play a song that everyone and their cousin has done - why not blow their top
| | Herbie's Modern Day Masterpiece | 26/07/2005
As I write this review I am surprised that no-one else on Amazon has written one yet. So here I go: This is a tremendous CD described by Herbie himself as 'the most challenging project I have ever done', summoning musicians from all areas of the musical spectrum to create an emotional, daring and powerful masterpiece that celebrates the music and life of one of the worlds greatest ever composers - George Gershwin. The Album begins with a 'tune' called overture (fascinating
| | The best "Embraceable" you could have... | 06/06/2003
This CD is a Masterpiece!You can also get, the DVD.It's shocking Herbie's interpretation of "Concerto For Piano And Orchestra In G, 2nd Movement", it's so funny, that even underwater we could recognize it's Herbie Hancock playing. I'm thinking about those people who wrote a bad review of Chick Corea playing Mozart what they would write here about it. :)I feel fine whenever a Jazz Musician plays classical music, because they're free, and music sound as fresh as
| | A Masterpiece | 15/01/2003
One more time Herbie gives us the opportunity to listen to one of his numerous and fascinating musical experiments.Lush is not enough to express the beauty of it all. Outstanding artists joined this project with their immense talent and simplicity. No room for vanity but for real music. We could write an entire book about these unique recordings.Impressively fullfilling.Thank you Mr. Hancock!
| | Dispassionate Gershwin | 12/01/2003
Out of the many jazz pianists who come to mind, few strike me as less "romantic" than Herbie Hancock (even the cerebral Lennie Tristano was passionate about his own harmonic system). As a pianist Hancock has always excelled in the areas of smooth, unvarying touch, rock-steady time superior to that of many drummers, intricate but glib, fingery, single-note figures (his indebtedness to Bill Evans has been grossly exaggerated). This is not the musician to be entrusted with recreating the
| | Gershwin Like You've Never it Heard it Before | 06/03/2002
This is a fascinating collection of Gershwin tunes, some done in classical style, some in a jazz style, and some in the blues. For many of the reviewers, this clash of formats doesn't work. I have to admit that there are tunes on the CD I don't like, but I give full credit to Herbie because he is such a creative genius. I don't know of any other musician in the world who could have done so much with the Gershwin material. Certainly there isn't a musician in the world with more
| | sublime | 02/01/2002
This is a magnificent musical statement from Herbie Hancock. In a way, it's as much "Hancock's World" as it is Gershwin's; it's a very personal interpretation of Gershwin's work, filtered through Hancock's lifetime of musical creation. There are echoes of the Miles Davis quartet in "It Ain't Necessarily So," and a reprise of the 1970's Chick Corea duet sessions in "Blueberry Rhyme."Hancock clearly passed on that personal vision to his
| | Ein Meisterwerk | 15/10/2001
Herbie's Hommage an Gershwin. Jedes Stück ist von Gershwin oder hat mit ihm zu tun, meisterhaft verwandelt und mit neuem Leben erfüllt von Herbie Hancock, mit Hilfe von Chick Corea, Joni Mitchell, Wayne Shorter und Steve Wonder, welcher am Aufnahmetag das Stück 'St. Louis Blues' bis in frühen Morgenstunden ausfeilte, um dann ins Flugzeug nach Italien zu seinem nächsten Engagement zu reisen. Das Resultat ist hörbar (kann man besser Mundharmonika spielen?). Die jazzige Abwandlung von
| | A Huge Disappointment | 24/07/2001
As an artist who has done and seen it all, it was understandable why Hancock would choose to venture in another direction. He also deserve4s praise for taking on such an ambitious project. Unfortunately, the blend of classical, jazz, and folk singers just doesn't work. The music (Gershwin's)is being manipulated into something it was never meant to be. Great jazz arrangements of Gershwin's music can be found everywhere, and the music really lends itself to jazz, which is what I
| | Good Music | 23/09/2000
Is there a single flaw on this record? No. Every song is so artfully rendered,... there are no words. Buy this now. Listen to it. It is food for the soul.
| | Just doesn't cohere and therefore doesn't compel | 25/07/2000
Until a week ago, I have never listened to the album but knew of the critical and popular acclaim it has received. I picked it up from the library and have attentively listened to it four times. While the individual performances are enjoyable listens, the album on the whole didn't satisfy me or absorb my attention as I thought a Hancock tribute to Gershwin might.After having heard about it for years and having seen it receive numerous awards, I was disappointed in the quality of the album
| | Great Listen - Intriguing Choices | 16/07/2000
Herbie Hancock again scores points for trying something different. Most of the pieces are spot-on successes, with no dud tracks in the bunch. A few don't make too much impression on me, but the inclusion of "Lullabye" and "Prelude" will make me forgive any forgettable tracks. The non-Gershiwin tunes caused me a little consternation - what, Herb, can't find enough? - but in retrospect they make a lot of sense, and fall into place very well. An excellent
| | an album for musicians.... | 10/07/2000
as a pianist working on creating his own style, i could not ask for a more unique and wonderful experience as i get when putting on this album. Each track holds different wonderful suprises, but a constant is the suprisingly beautiful, and incredibly advanced melodic ideas herbie uses over chord changes. Over the last year, this has become a favorite album of mine, containing not only elements from gershwin, but many world music styles. A unique element is the lack of a true
| | Ambitious and Satisfying, But Not Completely Effective | 05/07/2000
This would have earned 5* were it not for the annoying title and a few cuts that just don't work. While many of the 14 selections evoke Gershwin, not all of them "reach inside the core of the piece in search of the composer's original impulses," as stated (pretentiously, I think) on the CD cover. The most effective pieces stay fairly close to Gershwin, (including "The Man I Love" and "Summertime" with inspired, bluesy vocals by Joni Mitchell and
| | a thoughtful tribute | 24/04/2000
To mark the first century of the birth of one of modern music most eclectic and innovative masters, George Gershwin, Herbie Hancock set himself an audacious task. He attempted not only to discover the genius and beauty of Gershwin's own work, but also to trace his musical roots to such varied sources as James J Johnson, W.C. Handy, Duke Ellington and Maurice Ravel.Featuring a stellar cast which includes Wayne Shorter, Chich Corea and the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, Gershwin's World
| | Hancock Meets Gershwin | 12/04/2000
I came across this album quite by accident, in the library of the radio station where I host a jazz show. I have always been a big fan of Herbie Hancock, but his output over the last twenty years has been immense, so somehow I missed this one. It has now become my absolute favorite jazz album. There are so many historic jazz albums which have had an important impact on jazz playing and the international jazz language, it may seem irresponsible of me, a jazz critic, to say such a thing
| | so/so | 06/01/2000
the though of stevie&herbie sounded great never mind the other great talents featured on this disc.but i wasn't feeling it.the pacing was off for i'll just stick to headhunters&thrust.or better yet the stuff herbie did with art blakely&early miles davis.
| | a beautiful rendition..... | 10/10/1999
Just when you thought you'd heard all of gershwin.. a jazz master such as herbie hancock brings together this talented bunch and gives us a whole new definition of his work. A new approach to gershwin which leaves me gasping. The album flows beautifully from end to end and can be considered a summation of the "feel" of gershwin from the point of view of the arranger herbie hancock. Herbie has always been one of my favorite jazz aritsts, and this album is no exception to his
| | Baltimore Foot In Mouth | 17/07/1999
I gave this 3 stars as a somewhat disjointed work. The remark from Baltimore Cool:anyone giving this less then 4 stars doesn't know jazz or cannot appreciate jazz is bull. I play jazz piano and have listened to and loved jazz for 30 years. I love everything from Armstrong and Jelly Roll through Miles, Oscar, Evans, Coltrane and on and on. This album went in to many different directions at once for me, not bad, not great. Sorry.
| | A Bold Three Stars | 17/05/1999
Being as how I have not yet heard this album, I can neither give it a good nor a bad rating.Therefore...Three Stars.
Periodo da 02/01/2002 fino al 27/01/2023
| | Great Album | 27/01/2023
From the late 1990’s, great music and guest singers.
| | First class | 17/06/2020
Wonderful Herbie and a wonderful service
| | Mellow Jazz at its best | 15/07/2019
A pleasing listen brightened up with guest performances from Stevie Wonder & Joni Mitchell
| | CLASSY JAZZ | 24/06/2019
As you might expect from Herbie Hancock this is a classy piece of work. Not all the pieces work for me, but I would still give this a full 10/10. Magic on the whole.
| | Genio Hancock | 07/06/2019
Come al solito gemme diamantine di un artista incredibile
| | class album! | 16/09/2018
a class album from a class musician.
| | herbie hancock .. stevie wonder ... joni mitchell etc etc | 06/04/2018
avete letto che artisti.... che vogliamo dire bello, bellissimo , da avere assolutamente per me le più belle tracce quelle con joni e stevie, comunque tutto il disco di notevole livello ottima la registrazione
| | Love Gershwin and/or Herbie Hancock | 09/08/2016
Love Gershwin and/or Herbie Hancock? This is a brilliant CD with Joni Mitchell, Stevie Wonder and Kathleen Battles doing STAR turns. I learned about it in a video of Herbie Hancock playing Gershwin with the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra with Conducto Gustavo Dudamel. This video is also a FIVE STAR.
| | Five Stars | 18/01/2016
verry good
| | Five Stars | 20/06/2015
| | A beautiful tribute, varied | 15/05/2015
The Herbie recording I most find myself going back to after the classic Blue Notes and Head Hunters. A beautiful tribute, varied, challenging and heartfelt. Unique and a must hear.
| | Five Stars | 26/04/2015
Great deal!..
| | Five Stars | 03/04/2015
| | Five Stars | 06/02/2015
Great CD, great service
| | Sublime | 19/03/2014
Worth it for Hancock's interpretation of the slow movement of Ravel's Piano Concerto alone. Plus some fantastic collaborations, including with Joni Mitchell and Stevie Wonder.
| | Gershwin's World | 30/04/2013
Some superb playing and singing. A very special project, more detailed and surprisingly fresh arrangements and performances. Joni Mitchell, Kathleen Battle, Chick Corea, Wayne Shorter, and Stevie Wonder shine and sparkle alongside Herbie Hancock. Gershwin was indeed at the heart of the first century of jazz.
| | everything clicks into focus | 26/06/2010
When I play this CD, it reminds me of why I fell in love with jazz. This is understated genius at its best.
| | Überirdisch | 24/12/2008
Wirklich ein Meisterwerk. Eins der besten Jazz-Alben aller Zeiten, wenn man denn hier noch von Jazz sprechen kann. Alleine schon das Konzept ist großartig: Gershwin zusammen mit seinen Zeitgenossen zu präsentieren, und so einen überaus spannenden und interessanten Mix zu bekommen. Und trotzdem ist alles aus einem Guß, hält durchgehend die Spannung und fällt niemals ab. (Das letzte Stück hätte man vielleicht weg lassen können, nicht weil es schlecht ist, sondern es ist einfach zu viel.) Tolle
| | You will be enthralled | 16/02/2008
Herbie just won another Grammy last week with River: the Joni Letters, so I thought I'd come back to this, his last project on Verve.You won't find so much of standard tribute fare on Gershwin's World. It's more of a theme for some real creativity. There are two rhythmic fragments (including the Overture) that fade in and out and leave you wanting more. There's someone singing Summertime and another song, but don't look at who it is until you've heard them.
| | Be ready to groove | 12/07/2006
I highly recommend it.You'll want to play this album from start to finish. I bought this CD ten years ago, and it's still in my rotation.
| | Wow! | 14/03/2006
I like this CD so much that i've ended up scratching it from over use. No it is not your typical Hancock 'sound' but what beautiful, imaginative and emotional work. His take on Ravel's Concerto for piano and orchestra brings me tears everytime I hear it.I'm personally a big Gershwin fan and it's refreshing to hear such a different approach to great standards. I figure if you're going to play a song that everyone and their cousin has done - why not blow their top
| | Herbie's Modern Day Masterpiece | 26/07/2005
As I write this review I am surprised that no-one else on Amazon has written one yet. So here I go: This is a tremendous CD described by Herbie himself as 'the most challenging project I have ever done', summoning musicians from all areas of the musical spectrum to create an emotional, daring and powerful masterpiece that celebrates the music and life of one of the worlds greatest ever composers - George Gershwin. The Album begins with a 'tune' called overture (fascinating
| | The best "Embraceable" you could have... | 06/06/2003
This CD is a Masterpiece!You can also get, the DVD.It's shocking Herbie's interpretation of "Concerto For Piano And Orchestra In G, 2nd Movement", it's so funny, that even underwater we could recognize it's Herbie Hancock playing. I'm thinking about those people who wrote a bad review of Chick Corea playing Mozart what they would write here about it. :)I feel fine whenever a Jazz Musician plays classical music, because they're free, and music sound as fresh as
| | A Masterpiece | 15/01/2003
One more time Herbie gives us the opportunity to listen to one of his numerous and fascinating musical experiments.Lush is not enough to express the beauty of it all. Outstanding artists joined this project with their immense talent and simplicity. No room for vanity but for real music. We could write an entire book about these unique recordings.Impressively fullfilling.Thank you Mr. Hancock!
| | sublime | 02/01/2002
This is a magnificent musical statement from Herbie Hancock. In a way, it's as much "Hancock's World" as it is Gershwin's; it's a very personal interpretation of Gershwin's work, filtered through Hancock's lifetime of musical creation. There are echoes of the Miles Davis quartet in "It Ain't Necessarily So," and a reprise of the 1970's Chick Corea duet sessions in "Blueberry Rhyme."Hancock clearly passed on that personal vision to his
Periodo da 24/04/2000 fino al 03/09/2020
| | Grande musicista! | 03/09/2020
Stle inconfondibile e tanta classe!
| | this can be one of your reference CDs to test | 20/06/2019
HOWever,,, who did the mastering ? some deaf person ? some tracks, like 5, etc...suddenly are recorded at MUCH MUCH HIGHER you will enjoy shock waves to your ears... OVERALL VERY V ERY GOOD RECORDING QUALITY so this is audiophile CD to TEST your systems, wires, etc... AND< YOU GOT MANY SURPRISE GUESTS singing, such as stevie wonder ( the loudest ) etc... a must have, despite bad mastering....
| | Hancock romantico ed un pò piacione ma sempre ad alti livelli e con ottimi musicisti | 02/02/2017
Amo questo disco per la scelta sia dei pezzi che degli ospiti, Joni Mitchell in primis. Suonato bene, senza eccessi né colpi di genio ma con gran classe ed è pure registrato piuttosto bene. Unico guaio, mi è arrivato un cd masterizzato (male tra l'altro) e con copertina fotocopiata..
| | Four Stars | 07/09/2014
Nice stuff.
| | Very brave album, but not for everyone | 01/03/2009
No doubt about it, Herbie Hancock is one of the greatest geniuses of jazz and this album a typically brave attempt to push at the borders of jazz creativity, just as Charles Mingus did before him. Like any brave attempt at pushing limits, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. One surprise is Joni Mitchell--while I've always respected her talent I've never been particularly a fan of her music, but here she does credit to jazz singing. However, the combination of classical
| | A very felt homage in Gershwin' s memory! | 30/05/2006
With motive of George Gershwin's centenary in 1998, it was evident Herbie Hancock should be another one of the privileged jazz musicians of extensive trajectory who simply could not be absent of this prestigious homage in Gershwin' s memory - without forget to Dave Gruisin, who made his personal tribute in 1993 with an anthological album -.There are emblematic tracks along the album; The man I love and Summertime are played with enraptured inspiration. Embraceable you and Saint Louis
| | Gershwin Like You've Never it Heard it Before | 06/03/2002
This is a fascinating collection of Gershwin tunes, some done in classical style, some in a jazz style, and some in the blues. For many of the reviewers, this clash of formats doesn't work. I have to admit that there are tunes on the CD I don't like, but I give full credit to Herbie because he is such a creative genius. I don't know of any other musician in the world who could have done so much with the Gershwin material. Certainly there isn't a musician in the world with more
| | Ambitious and Satisfying, But Not Completely Effective | 05/07/2000
This would have earned 5* were it not for the annoying title and a few cuts that just don't work. While many of the 14 selections evoke Gershwin, not all of them "reach inside the core of the piece in search of the composer's original impulses," as stated (pretentiously, I think) on the CD cover. The most effective pieces stay fairly close to Gershwin, (including "The Man I Love" and "Summertime" with inspired, bluesy vocals by Joni Mitchell and
| | a thoughtful tribute | 24/04/2000
To mark the first century of the birth of one of modern music most eclectic and innovative masters, George Gershwin, Herbie Hancock set himself an audacious task. He attempted not only to discover the genius and beauty of Gershwin's own work, but also to trace his musical roots to such varied sources as James J Johnson, W.C. Handy, Duke Ellington and Maurice Ravel.Featuring a stellar cast which includes Wayne Shorter, Chich Corea and the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, Gershwin's World
Periodo da 12/01/2003 fino al 24/07/2019
| | More piano | 24/07/2019
A pretty ordinary cd ,there are plenty of pianist who could have done better in my opinion.
| | Interesting Excursion For Hancock and Friends, With a Few Pleasant Surprises | 09/09/2017
This recording comes across as more of a novelty than anything else, and might have been more accurately titles "Herbie Hancock and Friends Visit Gershwin's World". Herbie dropped in, played some music associated with Gershwin's time and place, and then moved on to other things. To give it a bit of a rundown - Hancock's version of "Fascinatin' Rhythm" is rhythmic, but not especially fascinating. It is very short, clocking in at 55 seconds.. Two cuts sung by
| | Dispassionate Gershwin | 12/01/2003
Out of the many jazz pianists who come to mind, few strike me as less "romantic" than Herbie Hancock (even the cerebral Lennie Tristano was passionate about his own harmonic system). As a pianist Hancock has always excelled in the areas of smooth, unvarying touch, rock-steady time superior to that of many drummers, intricate but glib, fingery, single-note figures (his indebtedness to Bill Evans has been grossly exaggerated). This is not the musician to be entrusted with recreating the
Periodo da 22/08/2010 fino al 22/08/2010
| | Selective | 22/08/2010
Like so many audio CDs being produced these days, there is a lot of "lesser music" tossed in with the "better music". On this disc, I junked about 8 out of 14 tracks. However the tracks that I added to my library are superb.
Periodo da 06/08/2022 fino al 06/08/2022
| | not very interesting to listen too | 06/08/2022
not very interesting to listen too perhaps Gershwin would turn over in his grave after listening to this

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Informazioni sul prodotto

Herbie Hancock - Gershwin's World (1998)
Descrizione: Genre:JazzMedientyp:CDVerteilungstyp:Physische MedienZielgruppe:AdultAnzahl an optischen Scheiben:1 DisksFreigabedatum (TT/MM/JJ):20/10/1998Liedtitel:1. Overture (Fascinating Rhythm) (Herbie Hancock)(Gershwin's World) 2. It Ain't Necessarily So (Herbie Hancock)(Gershwin's World) 3. The Man I Love (Herbie Hancock)(Gershwin's World) 4. Here Come De Honey Man (Herbie Hancock)(Gershwin's World) 5. St. Louis Blues (Herbie Hancock)(Gershwin's World) 6. Lullaby (Herbie Hancock)(Gershwin's World) 7. ...
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Ultimo aggiornamento: 14/08/2024

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* Ho letto il Consulta le linee guida per l'invio e lo accetto.

Vota adesso
La tua recensione è stata registrata ed è in fase di revisione. Grazie per il vostro sostegno!
Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore. Riprova più tardi o contattaci direttamente!

Cos'è Trustami

Trustami cerca regolarmente in Internet nuove recensioni per raggrupparle in un unico posto e renderle immediatamente disponibili agli interessati.

Vogliamo rendere il più semplice possibile per ogni utente di Internet scoprire i prodotti. Invece di fare affidamento su un'unica fonte, offriamo un unico punto di contatto per ottenere tutte le recensioni su un prodotto con poco sforzo.

Trustami non raccoglie di per sé alcuna recensione e, in qualità di autorità indipendente, si adopera per rendere Internet più trasparente. Le piattaforme Internet e i siti Web più diffusi vengono ricercati automaticamente per trovare recensioni e identificare i prodotti. Il nostro obiettivo è offrire una raccolta utile di informazioni sui prodotti su cui tutti possano fare affidamento. L'unione delle informazioni sul prodotto viene eseguita nel miglior modo possibile e può includere diverse varianti di prodotto.

Trustami è nato come progetto dell'Università tecnica di Berlino (TUB) con l'obiettivo di rendere Internet più affidabile. Il lavoro di ricerca nell'area "Social Media Analytics & Big Data" presso la Cattedra di Information and Communication Management (IKM) ha fornito un primo prototipo che ha consentito la raccolta e la raccolta di informazioni sulla reputazione. Questo è stato poi ulteriormente sviluppato come parte di una borsa di studio sponsorizzata ed è ora uno spin-off indipendente.

Scala di valutazione Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
4,75 - 4,25 Molto bene
4,25 - 3,75 Bene
3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
2,75 - 1,75 Sufficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato