Reseñas de productos y experiencias para
Silverline Rebate Cutter 35 X 12.7mm 245002

12 reseñas
3,92 / 5,00

Reseñas de productos

5 estrellas
4 estrellas
3 estrellas
2 estrellas
1 estrellas
Período de 03/08/2013 hasta 27/07/2019
| | Pas le bon modèle | 27/07/2019
Pas le bon modèle
| | Odd sizes | 17/09/2018
I've had three of these all from Amazon. All come in silverline packaging under part number 245002. But some are metric (red) and some imperial (blue). The shaft on the imperial fits fine but the metric (red) are too tight.
| | Does the job | 08/02/2018
Although i cant comment on how long the blade life will be it is a good bit cuts nicely,have done a few jobs now and for the price i am happy with it.
| | Great bit. | 13/01/2018
Great bit for the money. Could do with a couple of different size bearings though,,other than that ,awsome.
| | Rebater Router bit | 08/11/2017
Does the job
| | Good rebater | 19/01/2017
Excellent tool for rebating and very good value
| | Five Stars | 14/01/2017
Excellent product and service
| | Short lived | 14/03/2015
Not long lasting, couple of relatively short rebates then started burning timber then corner chipped off so soon in the bin.
| | Did the job and still plenty of life in it. | 03/08/2013
Needed it for some hard laminate shower panels that were to go be joined together, don't ask my why but I had straight edges joining the T&G type so I doctored them. Having wondered if the laminate would take the edge of the blades it was nice to see that there were no broblems. Good enough for DIY.
Período de 03/08/2013 hasta 08/02/2018
| | Does the job | 08/02/2018
Although i cant comment on how long the blade life will be it is a good bit cuts nicely,have done a few jobs now and for the price i am happy with it.
| | Great bit. | 13/01/2018
Great bit for the money. Could do with a couple of different size bearings though,,other than that ,awsome.
| | Rebater Router bit | 08/11/2017
Does the job
| | Good rebater | 19/01/2017
Excellent tool for rebating and very good value
| | Five Stars | 14/01/2017
Excellent product and service
| | Did the job and still plenty of life in it. | 03/08/2013
Needed it for some hard laminate shower panels that were to go be joined together, don't ask my why but I had straight edges joining the T&G type so I doctored them. Having wondered if the laminate would take the edge of the blades it was nice to see that there were no broblems. Good enough for DIY.
No pudimos encontrar ninguna experiencia en forma de texto
Período de 27/07/2019 hasta 27/07/2019
| | Pas le bon modèle | 27/07/2019
Pas le bon modèle
Período de 17/09/2018 hasta 17/09/2018
| | Odd sizes | 17/09/2018
I've had three of these all from Amazon. All come in silverline packaging under part number 245002. But some are metric (red) and some imperial (blue). The shaft on the imperial fits fine but the metric (red) are too tight.
Período de 14/03/2015 hasta 14/03/2015
| | Short lived | 14/03/2015
Not long lasting, couple of relatively short rebates then started burning timber then corner chipped off so soon in the bin.

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Información del Producto

Silverline Rebate Cutter 35 X 12.7mm 245002
Descripción: Silverline Falzfräser 35 x 12,7 mm Beschreibung: Zum Fräsen von Falzen, Nuten für Zapfenverbindungen, Überlappungsverbindungen, Schranktür-Nuten u.a. 1/4- Zoll- Falzfr?ser, 35x12,7 mm Hartmetallschneide und solider, geh?rteter Stahlschaft. Doppelschneidig f?r ein sauberes Fr?sergebnis. Fr?st Falze, Nuten f?r Zapfenverbindungen, ?berlappungsverbindungen, Schrankt?r-Nuten usw. Max Drehmoment 12.000 min-1.
House & Garden | Office and Business Supplies

Última actualización: 10/10/2024

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5 / 5 estrellas
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Escala de calificación de Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Excelente
4,75 - 4,25 Muy bien
4,25 - 3,75 Bien
3,75 - 2,75 Satisfactorio
2,75 - 1,75 Suficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadecuado