Avis sur les produits et expériences pour
Rick and Morty Notebook A5 Portal Pyramid International Stationery

95 avis
4,23 / 5,00

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Rick and Morty Notebook A5 Portal Pyramid International Stationery
93 notes
47 avis
19 avis
27 avis
0 avis
0 avis

Titre du produit inconnu
Nouvelles évaluations dans la période du 01.02.2018 au 01.04.2020

Avis sur les produits

5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoiles
Période à partir du 22.02.2018 jusqu'au 19.04.2020
| | 19.04.2020
Reasonably priced and of good quality, definitely would buy again.
| | 27.03.2020
Pleased with product
| | 26.03.2020
Slightly water damaged otherwise fine. Could have happened in transit.
| | 02.03.2020
Das Produkt an sich ist toll. Ein A5 Buch mit linierten Seiten.Aber... der Versand war ein Witz! Schnell, ohne Frage. Aber nicht verpackt. Der Versandaufkleber direkt auf dem Notizbuch. Außerdem sind die Ringe teilweise verbogen. So kann ich es nicht verschenken. Daher Sterne Abzug ☹️
| | 05.02.2020
Happy with product
| | 22.01.2020
Stocking filler for my son, exactly as described
| | 07.12.2019
It arrived with the corner bent in and a couple of digs down the side other than that it would have been perfect
| | 11.01.2019
Cover is really cool, good bind and elastic to hold it closed. The paper inside is thin and the one I got the pages were a bit rippled as if it had been left in cold and damp conditions at some point. It's wasn't bad enough to send back but I thought it could have been better.
| | 01.09.2018
Exactly as shown in the images and as described. The pages are thick so you can use pencils and pens without it bleeding through to the other side. The ring binder is strong and easy to flip the pages without them sticking. Love the cover, its true Rick and Morty style. Just great for me and my needs.
| | 23.08.2018
Was a gift for my partner he loves rick and morty great quality
| | Awsome | 22.02.2018
Great quality. Came super quick. Overall great buy
Période à partir du 22.02.2018 jusqu'au 27.03.2020
| | 27.03.2020
Pleased with product
| | 05.02.2020
Happy with product
| | 22.01.2020
Stocking filler for my son, exactly as described
| | 01.09.2018
Exactly as shown in the images and as described. The pages are thick so you can use pencils and pens without it bleeding through to the other side. The ring binder is strong and easy to flip the pages without them sticking. Love the cover, its true Rick and Morty style. Just great for me and my needs.
| | 23.08.2018
Was a gift for my partner he loves rick and morty great quality
| | Awsome | 22.02.2018
Great quality. Came super quick. Overall great buy
Période à partir du 26.03.2020 jusqu'au 19.04.2020
| | 19.04.2020
Reasonably priced and of good quality, definitely would buy again.
| | 26.03.2020
Slightly water damaged otherwise fine. Could have happened in transit.
Période à partir du 11.01.2019 jusqu'au 02.03.2020
| | 02.03.2020
Das Produkt an sich ist toll. Ein A5 Buch mit linierten Seiten.Aber... der Versand war ein Witz! Schnell, ohne Frage. Aber nicht verpackt. Der Versandaufkleber direkt auf dem Notizbuch. Außerdem sind die Ringe teilweise verbogen. So kann ich es nicht verschenken. Daher Sterne Abzug ☹️
| | 07.12.2019
It arrived with the corner bent in and a couple of digs down the side other than that it would have been perfect
| | 11.01.2019
Cover is really cool, good bind and elastic to hold it closed. The paper inside is thin and the one I got the pages were a bit rippled as if it had been left in cold and damp conditions at some point. It's wasn't bad enough to send back but I thought it could have been better.
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Nous n'avons trouvé aucune expérience sous forme de texte

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Information produit

Rick and Morty Notebook A5 Portal Pyramid International Stationery
La description: Produktbeschreibung Unsere Schreibwaren Abschnitt umfasst eine Reihe von Schreiben, Zeichnen und gifting Linien inkl. Neuheit Stifte und Bleistifte, Buntstift, Stift-Packs, Notebooks, Ordner, Poster zum Ausmalen, Radierer, Aufkleber-Set sowie Standard, Bumper und Schreibutensilien. Sorgfältig ausgewählte Designs verwendet werden, um jede Marke oder Lizenz, Warnhinweise Bitte lesen Sie vor Gebrauch die Produktbeschreibung.
Office and Business Supplies
Prix (moyen): 11,86 €

Dernière mise à jour: 29.12.2020

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5 / 5 étoiles
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Trustami recherche régulièrement sur Internet de nouveaux avis afin de les regrouper en un seul endroit et de les mettre à la disposition des parties intéressées en un coup d'œil.

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Échelle de notation Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Excellent
4,75 - 4,25 Très bon
4,25 - 3,75 Bon
3,75 - 2,75 Satisfaisant
2,75 - 1,75 Suffisant
1,75 - 1,00 Inadéquat