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37 recensioni
3,73 / 5,00

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 21/09/2011 fino al 25/03/2021
| | 25/03/2021
Not many good patterns. It could be better
| | Five Stars | 02/05/2015
Great instructional book. Easy to understand directions with pictures.
| | 08/12/2014
Excellent book. Well worth it for all beading enthusiasts.
| | Three Stars | 27/07/2014
This book was ok.
| | 31/05/2014
I rated this a four rather than a five, because so many of the designs are a little fancy for me. However, I wanted to learn more about working with Tila beads and it works for that.
| | 07/05/2014
I bought this book because it was aimed at Tila beads. It has a lot of projects and the illustrations are good.
| | Good book | 06/05/2014
I bought this book because it was aimed at Tila beads. It has a lot of projects and the illustrations are good.
| | Not worth it book. | 12/04/2014
Not a single project that I found that I would ever want to do. Very disappointed, because Korach is so well respected. I expected much , much more. A single issue of a magazine at half the price delivers more techniques and projects. Not to mention all the stuff on YouTube. I could never recommend purchasing this book. I wish I hadn't.
| | Good Book | 04/04/2014
This book has a number of projects for the new, shaped beads. It has good illustrations and instructions appear to be clear and concise.
| | Tila Beads | 12/08/2013
The ideas are great. I am itching to find more time to do some more of these designs as soon as I can find the time.
| | 22/04/2013
The projects are beautiful and most of them are pretty simple. The two that I bought the book for have terrible directions. I'm sure I can dig in and eventually figure them out but I've had many books with much better directions. Not sure I would have bought this book if I had know!!
| | 31/01/2013
Beading for the last 30 years, there were a few good patterns and easy to read instructions. Once you have the techniques down you can improvise on these , great learning
| | Good designs | 30/01/2013
Beading for the last 30 years, there were a few good patterns and easy to read instructions. Once you have the techniques down you can improvise on these , great learning
| | Meh | 11/01/2013
Not exactly what I expected. I was not inspired very much by either the patterns or the photos of the jewelry.
| | 30/12/2012
I bought some tila beads and there weren't a lot of patterns around to make anything with so when I saw this book I was really excited to get some more ideas. I really like the book and cant wait to make some of the projects in in.Would recommend to anyone
| | Tila Beads | 29/12/2012
I bought some tila beads and there weren't a lot of patterns around to make anything with so when I saw this book I was really excited to get some more ideas. I really like the book and cant wait to make some of the projects in in.Would recommend to anyone
| | Tila Beads | 26/12/2012
Leider habe ich mir von dem Buch mehr versprochen.Die vorgestellten Modelle sind keine neuen Ideen und nur 9 Anleitungen ein wenig mager.Die Anleitungen sind selbstverständlich alle in englisch, aber die Bilder sind klar und eindeutig.Leider gibt es zu diesem Buch keinen Blick vorab, sonst hätte ich mir das Geld wohl gespart.
| | Tila Beads | 20/07/2012
Disappointed with the patterns. The author seems to be fond of using jump rings which is not true to bead weaving. I am sure there will be much more inspiational patterns to come as Tila bead become more popular. Not sure I am going to use this book as much as other beading books I have purchased. However the diagrams and instructions are very clear for anyone who has not used Tila beads before. There are now some lovely colours on the market a more exciting colour scheme would have improved its
| | 22/05/2012
If you're a beginner with tila patterns and you're looking for a somewhat easy book to start with, this one would be a good choice. I personally didn't like some of the jewelry designs, but that's just personal taste and shouldn't hinder someone else from purchasing the book. Also, the diagrams and instructions are fairly easy to follow, which is always a plus.
| | 21/05/2012
This book arrived quickly and just as well as we were 'chomping at the bit' to do something with tila beads. It has shown us so much in easy to follow descriptions and inspires us to broaden the techniques to create our own unique designs. That is the sign of a good book. We live in NSW Australia.
| | Very Disappointing | 17/04/2012
I thought that this book was thicker when I ordered it but it is a whisper thin, flimsy thing.I would not make most of what is in it, I'd read this on another review and thought it to be personal taste but I'm in agreement.Look for a thicker, better book on these beads.
| | Disappointing | 16/04/2012
Sorry, rather disappointed in this book. Short -- 50 pages (magazines are usually longer). Only 9 or 10 "designs" and no very original -- really, two of the designs are key fobs. I would not have purchased this in a bookstore or craftstore. And, what's with the pasted on back cover? I agree with the comment above regarding the October/November issue of Beadwork; better use of square and tila beads.
| | Patterns | 16/04/2012
The patterns in this book are not as interesting as I had hoped. Good directions are given but nothing is "calling me to make."
| | Tila Beads:Bracelets and Necklaces with 2 Hole Tile Shaped Beads | 16/01/2012
Das Buch ist schon für Profis, nicht für Einsteiger. Die Bilder sind sehr gut dargestellt. Man konnt es nach vollziehen.
| | tila beads | 16/12/2011
intersting book with plenty of options to make the items with detailed and clear instructions .some do take a lot of beads so for using your left over stash it wouldn't be an option
| | Tila bead projects | 17/11/2011
Tila beads come from Miyuki of Japan. They are new on the market a nd are unusual in that they have two holes on each end instead of just one. The colors are metallic and beautiful and the beads have a nice slim shape. They are especialy good for ladder stitch and herringbone, but are being used in lot of different types of beadwork designs. They are easy to design with too and there are loads of free patterns on the internet. This is the first book on the subject and Alice Korach is famous for
| | Need More Tila bead designs | 21/09/2011
Personally, I only would make two of the designs. Tila beads are new to me. In this book I only like the black necklace on the cover and the amulet pendant. In "Beadwork magazine" the October/November cover they have a St. Petersburg necklace made with the tila beads, which in my opinion made a nice piece of jewerly using these new beads and they have a bracelet in the magazine using it as a back ground. When I went online to, they had a gallery of beaded
Periodo da 17/11/2011 fino al 02/05/2015
| | Five Stars | 02/05/2015
Great instructional book. Easy to understand directions with pictures.
| | 08/12/2014
Excellent book. Well worth it for all beading enthusiasts.
| | 07/05/2014
I bought this book because it was aimed at Tila beads. It has a lot of projects and the illustrations are good.
| | Good book | 06/05/2014
I bought this book because it was aimed at Tila beads. It has a lot of projects and the illustrations are good.
| | Good Book | 04/04/2014
This book has a number of projects for the new, shaped beads. It has good illustrations and instructions appear to be clear and concise.
| | Tila Beads | 12/08/2013
The ideas are great. I am itching to find more time to do some more of these designs as soon as I can find the time.
| | 30/12/2012
I bought some tila beads and there weren't a lot of patterns around to make anything with so when I saw this book I was really excited to get some more ideas. I really like the book and cant wait to make some of the projects in in.Would recommend to anyone
| | Tila Beads | 29/12/2012
I bought some tila beads and there weren't a lot of patterns around to make anything with so when I saw this book I was really excited to get some more ideas. I really like the book and cant wait to make some of the projects in in.Would recommend to anyone
| | 21/05/2012
This book arrived quickly and just as well as we were 'chomping at the bit' to do something with tila beads. It has shown us so much in easy to follow descriptions and inspires us to broaden the techniques to create our own unique designs. That is the sign of a good book. We live in NSW Australia.
| | Tila bead projects | 17/11/2011
Tila beads come from Miyuki of Japan. They are new on the market a nd are unusual in that they have two holes on each end instead of just one. The colors are metallic and beautiful and the beads have a nice slim shape. They are especialy good for ladder stitch and herringbone, but are being used in lot of different types of beadwork designs. They are easy to design with too and there are loads of free patterns on the internet. This is the first book on the subject and Alice Korach is famous for
Periodo da 31/01/2013 fino al 31/05/2014
| | 31/05/2014
I rated this a four rather than a five, because so many of the designs are a little fancy for me. However, I wanted to learn more about working with Tila beads and it works for that.
| | 31/01/2013
Beading for the last 30 years, there were a few good patterns and easy to read instructions. Once you have the techniques down you can improvise on these , great learning
Periodo da 17/04/2012 fino al 27/07/2014
| | Three Stars | 27/07/2014
This book was ok.
| | 22/04/2013
The projects are beautiful and most of them are pretty simple. The two that I bought the book for have terrible directions. I'm sure I can dig in and eventually figure them out but I've had many books with much better directions. Not sure I would have bought this book if I had know!!
| | Meh | 11/01/2013
Not exactly what I expected. I was not inspired very much by either the patterns or the photos of the jewelry.
| | Tila Beads | 26/12/2012
Leider habe ich mir von dem Buch mehr versprochen.Die vorgestellten Modelle sind keine neuen Ideen und nur 9 Anleitungen ein wenig mager.Die Anleitungen sind selbstverständlich alle in englisch, aber die Bilder sind klar und eindeutig.Leider gibt es zu diesem Buch keinen Blick vorab, sonst hätte ich mir das Geld wohl gespart.
| | Tila Beads | 20/07/2012
Disappointed with the patterns. The author seems to be fond of using jump rings which is not true to bead weaving. I am sure there will be much more inspiational patterns to come as Tila bead become more popular. Not sure I am going to use this book as much as other beading books I have purchased. However the diagrams and instructions are very clear for anyone who has not used Tila beads before. There are now some lovely colours on the market a more exciting colour scheme would have improved its
| | Very Disappointing | 17/04/2012
I thought that this book was thicker when I ordered it but it is a whisper thin, flimsy thing.I would not make most of what is in it, I'd read this on another review and thought it to be personal taste but I'm in agreement.Look for a thicker, better book on these beads.
Periodo da 25/03/2021 fino al 25/03/2021
| | 25/03/2021
Not many good patterns. It could be better
Periodo da 16/04/2012 fino al 12/04/2014
| | Not worth it book. | 12/04/2014
Not a single project that I found that I would ever want to do. Very disappointed, because Korach is so well respected. I expected much , much more. A single issue of a magazine at half the price delivers more techniques and projects. Not to mention all the stuff on YouTube. I could never recommend purchasing this book. I wish I hadn't.
| | Disappointing | 16/04/2012
Sorry, rather disappointed in this book. Short -- 50 pages (magazines are usually longer). Only 9 or 10 "designs" and no very original -- really, two of the designs are key fobs. I would not have purchased this in a bookstore or craftstore. And, what's with the pasted on back cover? I agree with the comment above regarding the October/November issue of Beadwork; better use of square and tila beads.

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Informazioni sul prodotto

Descrizione: Use these exciting new beads from Miyuki to discover new possibilities. Fabulous bracelets, necklaces and keychains using TILA Beads.
Books, Movies & Music

Ultimo aggiornamento: 20/01/2025

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5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
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3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
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1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato