Reseñas de productos y experiencias para
KnitPro K10945 Protectors for Circular Needles, Aluminium/Silikon, Mehrfarbig, 15 x 3 x 1 cm

Muy bien
38 reseñas
4,47 / 5,00

Reseñas de productos

25 calificaciones
16 reseñas
3 reseñas
3 reseñas
2 reseñas
1 reseñas

KnitPro K10945 Protectors for Circular Needles, Aluminium/Silikon, Mehrfarbig, 15 x 3 x 1 cm
13 calificaciones
12 reseñas
1 reseñas
0 reseñas
0 reseñas
0 reseñas

KnitPro Circular Needle Protectors - Pack of 3 KP 10945

Reseñas de productos

5 estrellas
4 estrellas
3 estrellas
2 estrellas
1 estrellas
Período de 18/10/2016 hasta 10/11/2021
| | Quality | 10/11/2021
These are ideal for circular needles and are of good quality from Knitpro.
| | WIsh I had found these earlier | 10/11/2021
After managing to lose stitches off the needle when pulling them out of my knitting bag I started to use ordinary needle protectors but found that they could still come off. Found these protectors specifically made for circular needles and they are brilliant. My knitting is now safe wherever I leave it as they are a snug fit. Would definitely recommend them
| | Knitpro stoppers | 01/09/2017
They are a really good ideas for your knitting needles so you won't lose any stitches when you are having to leave your project to resolve a matter
| | Once you see how they are used it makes sense | 27/07/2017
Not actually used these yet but now I have them I can see how they work. I have not seen any pictures of them in use which might be why not many people buy them. When you have finished a session of circular knitting you push the knitting along the needles so the whole of the knitting pins are exposed. You then push the points of the pins through the black silicone cap so the lengths of the pins are enclosed - the silicome cap stops them sliding out so the knitting remains safe. The tubes
| | I love them | 02/12/2016
Knitpro is the best.
| | At last! | 18/10/2016
At last a protector that works! No more snapped needles! Where have you been all my knit pro life?
Período de 18/10/2016 hasta 10/11/2021
| | WIsh I had found these earlier | 10/11/2021
After managing to lose stitches off the needle when pulling them out of my knitting bag I started to use ordinary needle protectors but found that they could still come off. Found these protectors specifically made for circular needles and they are brilliant. My knitting is now safe wherever I leave it as they are a snug fit. Would definitely recommend them
| | Quality | 10/11/2021
These are ideal for circular needles and are of good quality from Knitpro.
| | Knitpro stoppers | 01/09/2017
They are a really good ideas for your knitting needles so you won't lose any stitches when you are having to leave your project to resolve a matter
| | Once you see how they are used it makes sense | 27/07/2017
Not actually used these yet but now I have them I can see how they work. I have not seen any pictures of them in use which might be why not many people buy them. When you have finished a session of circular knitting you push the knitting along the needles so the whole of the knitting pins are exposed. You then push the points of the pins through the black silicone cap so the lengths of the pins are enclosed - the silicome cap stops them sliding out so the knitting remains safe. The tubes
| | I love them | 02/12/2016
Knitpro is the best.
| | At last! | 18/10/2016
At last a protector that works! No more snapped needles! Where have you been all my knit pro life?
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No pudimos encontrar ninguna experiencia en forma de texto
No pudimos encontrar ninguna experiencia en forma de texto
No pudimos encontrar ninguna experiencia en forma de texto

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Información del Producto

KnitPro K10945 Protectors for Circular Needles, Aluminium/Silikon, Mehrfarbig, 15 x 3 x 1 cm
Descripción: Produktbeschreibung Packung enthält 3 Röhren für Nadelstärken bis zu 5,50mm zur Aufbewahrung von Rundstricknadeln inklusive der noch nicht fertigen Strickarbeit. Warnhinweise Keine P.when('A').execute(function(A) { A.on('a:expander:toggle_description:toggle:collapse', function(data) { window.scroll(0, data.expander.$expander[0].offsetTop-100); }); }); Set enthält: 3 Aluminiumröhren mit Silikonverschluss Weitere Informationen
Sports, Leisure & Hobby

Última actualización: 27/01/2025

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Trustami busca regularmente en Internet nuevas reseñas para agruparlas en un solo lugar y ponerlas a disposición de las partes interesadas de un vistazo.

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Escala de calificación de Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Excelente
4,75 - 4,25 Muy bien
4,25 - 3,75 Bien
3,75 - 2,75 Satisfactorio
2,75 - 1,75 Suficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadecuado