Produktbewertungen und Erfahrungen für
BullGuard Bg1480 BullGuard Mobile Internet Security 1 Year 3 Devices

44 Bewertungen
3,70 / 5,00


5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Sterne
Zeitraum von 15.12.2013 bis 10.06.2020
| | Product | 10.06.2020
I like this bull guard antivirus software
| | Best for computers and mobiles | 13.05.2020
I have bullguard on my 7 computers and never had a problem and have used it for the last ten years so it’s five stars from me .
| | Very good product. Worth the money | 18.01.2020
Worked first time
| | Bullguard | 13.03.2019
All good.
| | Does not work with Android 9 | 19.01.2019
Surprisingly limited compared to Windows version. But biggest issue at present is that it does not work with Android 9, so I have had to install separate protection until the problem is fixed
| | very good | 31.12.2018
very good
| | Reliable | 31.10.2018
Great product that works in the background.
| | Works a Treat !! | 22.08.2018
Very good product
| | Four Stars | 07.05.2018
Not space hungry and does it's job!
| | Disappointed. | 05.04.2018
I have bullguard on my laptop and I'm very happy with it. So I decided to get bullguard mobile security, and I'm quite disappointed in it, first it stops my apps from updating unless I turn part of it off, plus the advert is very misleading, it states 1 year 3 devices, wrong, it's 1 device not 3, if you want more devices it seems you have to pay more.
| | Good | 24.01.2018
| | Very reliable | 09.01.2018
Very reliable system and have used it for years
| | Two Stars | 09.02.2017
Appears to have messed up Internet Explorer. It now takes ages to get started.
| | 5 Star Mobile Proteciton | 19.12.2016
Good mobile security.
| | Loopy | 06.10.2016
This software is an absolute nightmare to register my devises with, its supposed to register 3 devices but so far I've only managed 1 and that's with the help ? of Bullguard support.I know the software itself is perfectly fine, I've been using Bullguard on my home PC and it's been quite impressive.However, when you follow the instructions to log in or register the product for a mobile device you just get caught in a loop. I cannot recommend this product.
| | Five Stars | 16.04.2016
Very easy to use and set up. Does the job.
| | Five Stars | 28.03.2016
| | Five Stars | 20.12.2015
Arrived quickly easy to install very pleased with purchase
| | Five Stars | 21.11.2015
fab works great
| | we love bullguard had a good few times | 03.10.2015
we love bullguard had a good few times now
| | ... its ol so far came on time and a good price | 27.06.2015
Had a bit of a problem got in touch and was told what to do have had I a few weeks now its ol so far came on time and a good price
| | One Star | 08.06.2015
had to run a system restore as Bullguard blocked everything!
| | Four Stars | 15.03.2015
Very good
| | easy to install and good value for | 24.02.2015
Came quickly, easy to install and good value for money
| | excellent, arrived promptly | 16.02.2015
excellent ,arrived promptly,works very well
| | Five Stars | 30.12.2014
great value easy to install
| | Five Stars | 29.12.2014
By far the Best antivirus box BullGuard is the best worth every penny
| | Bullguard does the job | 15.11.2014
Up to now it is doing what i want it to do,all ready stopped a virus so very pleased
| | Value for money and small footprint. | 01.10.2014
I must confess I had not heard of Bullguard Antivirus before but after having installed it I am impressed. What I really like is its very small footprint on the overall system. This will be a keeper.
| | Five Stars | 25.09.2014
arrived on time and does the job thanks
| | Five Stars | 08.09.2014
very good works in the back ground
| | Four Stars | 01.09.2014
Works ok not had any problems
| | Five Stars | 02.08.2014
happy with it thankyou
| | Keeps your pc smoothly running | 01.08.2014
Easy to install,good interface to product making easy all round.Have noticed a improve pc performance since installing and uninstalling a full Norton security suite which was bombarding my pc with daily updates and very time consuming in ending my internet sessions.Bullguard real time updates whilst surfing the net,works well with Windows7 firewall.Would recommend and now for the future no more Norton security suites to my Samsung pc netbook,windows7home premium.Another pointer to my pcs
| | good Anti Virus | 15.12.2013
I just purchased this Anti Virus so I hope it will do the job it says. I had this one a long time ago when I got my first computer and it did great, after having other Antivirus I decided to try it again. thanks J Keeley
Zeitraum von 15.12.2013 bis 10.06.2020
| | Product | 10.06.2020
I like this bull guard antivirus software
| | Best for computers and mobiles | 13.05.2020
I have bullguard on my 7 computers and never had a problem and have used it for the last ten years so it’s five stars from me .
| | Very good product. Worth the money | 18.01.2020
Worked first time
| | Bullguard | 13.03.2019
All good.
| | very good | 31.12.2018
very good
| | Reliable | 31.10.2018
Great product that works in the background.
| | Works a Treat !! | 22.08.2018
Very good product
| | Good | 24.01.2018
| | Very reliable | 09.01.2018
Very reliable system and have used it for years
| | 5 Star Mobile Proteciton | 19.12.2016
Good mobile security.
| | Five Stars | 16.04.2016
Very easy to use and set up. Does the job.
| | Five Stars | 28.03.2016
| | Five Stars | 20.12.2015
Arrived quickly easy to install very pleased with purchase
| | Five Stars | 21.11.2015
fab works great
| | we love bullguard had a good few times | 03.10.2015
we love bullguard had a good few times now
| | easy to install and good value for | 24.02.2015
Came quickly, easy to install and good value for money
| | excellent, arrived promptly | 16.02.2015
excellent ,arrived promptly,works very well
| | Five Stars | 30.12.2014
great value easy to install
| | Five Stars | 29.12.2014
By far the Best antivirus box BullGuard is the best worth every penny
| | Bullguard does the job | 15.11.2014
Up to now it is doing what i want it to do,all ready stopped a virus so very pleased
| | Value for money and small footprint. | 01.10.2014
I must confess I had not heard of Bullguard Antivirus before but after having installed it I am impressed. What I really like is its very small footprint on the overall system. This will be a keeper.
| | Five Stars | 25.09.2014
arrived on time and does the job thanks
| | Five Stars | 08.09.2014
very good works in the back ground
| | Five Stars | 02.08.2014
happy with it thankyou
| | good Anti Virus | 15.12.2013
I just purchased this Anti Virus so I hope it will do the job it says. I had this one a long time ago when I got my first computer and it did great, after having other Antivirus I decided to try it again. thanks J Keeley
Zeitraum von 01.08.2014 bis 07.05.2018
| | Four Stars | 07.05.2018
Not space hungry and does it's job!
| | ... its ol so far came on time and a good price | 27.06.2015
Had a bit of a problem got in touch and was told what to do have had I a few weeks now its ol so far came on time and a good price
| | Four Stars | 15.03.2015
Very good
| | Four Stars | 01.09.2014
Works ok not had any problems
| | Keeps your pc smoothly running | 01.08.2014
Easy to install,good interface to product making easy all round.Have noticed a improve pc performance since installing and uninstalling a full Norton security suite which was bombarding my pc with daily updates and very time consuming in ending my internet sessions.Bullguard real time updates whilst surfing the net,works well with Windows7 firewall.Would recommend and now for the future no more Norton security suites to my Samsung pc netbook,windows7home premium.Another pointer to my pcs
Zeitraum von 05.04.2018 bis 19.01.2019
| | Does not work with Android 9 | 19.01.2019
Surprisingly limited compared to Windows version. But biggest issue at present is that it does not work with Android 9, so I have had to install separate protection until the problem is fixed
| | Disappointed. | 05.04.2018
I have bullguard on my laptop and I'm very happy with it. So I decided to get bullguard mobile security, and I'm quite disappointed in it, first it stops my apps from updating unless I turn part of it off, plus the advert is very misleading, it states 1 year 3 devices, wrong, it's 1 device not 3, if you want more devices it seems you have to pay more.
Zeitraum von 06.10.2016 bis 09.02.2017
| | Two Stars | 09.02.2017
Appears to have messed up Internet Explorer. It now takes ages to get started.
| | Loopy | 06.10.2016
This software is an absolute nightmare to register my devises with, its supposed to register 3 devices but so far I've only managed 1 and that's with the help ? of Bullguard support.I know the software itself is perfectly fine, I've been using Bullguard on my home PC and it's been quite impressive.However, when you follow the instructions to log in or register the product for a mobile device you just get caught in a loop. I cannot recommend this product.
Zeitraum von 08.06.2015 bis 08.06.2015
| | One Star | 08.06.2015
had to run a system restore as Bullguard blocked everything!

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BullGuard Bg1480 BullGuard Mobile Internet Security 1 Year 3 Devices
Beschreibung: Monitor and manage your childs mobile activitiesmobile protection from online threats, loss and theftprotection from unwanted calls, blocks unwanted text and unwelcomed callerslocate your child with gps location and monitor their text and photos Lieferumfang: Originalverpackung, Kurz-Anleitung mit Aktivierungscode, Sprache in Englisch.   Status: Neuer unbenutzter Artikel Weitere tolle Angebote finden Sie in unserem Shop!!!
Computer, Multimedia & Audio | Software

Letztes Update: 24.02.2025

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Trustami Bewertungsskala
5,00 - 4,75 Ausgezeichnet
4,75 - 4,25 Sehr Gut
4,25 - 3,75 Gut
3,75 - 2,75 Befriedigend
2,75 - 1,75 Ausreichend
1,75 - 1,00 Mangelhaft