Recensioni ed esperienze sui prodotti per
LIGHTHOUSE Deluxe Presentation Case - 24 Slabs

34 recensioni
4,94 / 5,00

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 30/05/2015 fino al 25/09/2024
| | Excellent product | 25/09/2024
| | Great Product! | 02/09/2024
Great for storing and displaying your coins!
| | Beautiful wooden box | 19/08/2024
Very nice woodwork. pieces fit well together.
| | 24 COIN SLAB CASE | 20/06/2024
| | Absolutely beautiful wood 24 certified coin case | 19/05/2024
The quality appears to be good, exactly as shown in Amazon photos, very beautiful and relatively compact; definitely worth the wait!!!
| | Superb Craftsmanship! | 30/09/2023
Have purchased several of these from Germany in the past several years. Unsurpassed quality and functionality. Very lightweight, but remarkably strong. I’ve had had a single problem with this case. Very happy to see them on Amazon!
| | Excelente producto para guardar SLABS | 13/04/2023
Producto que es lo que se muestra, bien acabado, aunque yo el cierre magnético lo huiera sustituido por otro tipo de cierre, pero funciona correctamente. Puedes almacenar 24 slabs de monedas y queda muy bien sujeto. La verdad es que cuando lo muestras queda muy bonito y profesional. Quizas el precio podríaser algo mas ajustado pero nunca sacrificando la calidad que tiene.
| | Excellent | 22/05/2022
Very sharp to store slabs in for saving space along with that look of professional quality. Will buy additional.
| | Well made and Attractive Display Case | 05/07/2021
This is a wooden display case for PCGS and NGC regular coin slabs. The darker background accentuates the coins in their slabs, and the three trays inside, holding eight slabs each, are easy to pull out and put back in the main case. Quite satisfied with the quality and price.
| | Good deal | 11/05/2021
Its outstanding
| | Love it | 18/04/2021
Good product
| | Хорошо | 16/06/2020
Все хорошо. Спасибо .
| | All Good | 10/06/2020
Nice display box . Good quality materials used in the making. Lots of storages room,but nice that the slabs display well on all the different levels.
| | Nice Case | 20/02/2020
Nice case ... Thank you
| | Nice compact design | 05/11/2019
Quality for the $$
| | Nice case should work out very well. | 28/08/2018
All good no problems.
| | Add Distinction to Your Collection | 29/05/2018
The quality craftsmanship of the wood and the additions adds a distinctive beauty to the display as well as the storage your coins.
| | Five Stars | 02/06/2016
Very good quality for the price paid.
| | Excellent storage and display box | 17/03/2016
High quality storage box for artifacts or coins. Very elegant.
| | Five Stars | 25/10/2015
Great product, very good price.
| | Quality item | 30/05/2015
I collect coins and was looking for a decent presentation case. I opted for this case as it holds 24 "slabbed" coins over 3 tiers. I am absolutely delighted with the item. The box is high quality, beautifully lined and the spaces inside perfectly accommodate NGC and PCGS graded coins in addition to the blank slabs readily available. I would highly recommend this item to any coin collector.
Periodo da 30/05/2015 fino al 25/09/2024
| | Excellent product | 25/09/2024
| | Great Product! | 02/09/2024
Great for storing and displaying your coins!
| | Beautiful wooden box | 19/08/2024
Very nice woodwork. pieces fit well together.
| | 24 COIN SLAB CASE | 20/06/2024
| | Absolutely beautiful wood 24 certified coin case | 19/05/2024
The quality appears to be good, exactly as shown in Amazon photos, very beautiful and relatively compact; definitely worth the wait!!!
| | Superb Craftsmanship! | 30/09/2023
Have purchased several of these from Germany in the past several years. Unsurpassed quality and functionality. Very lightweight, but remarkably strong. I’ve had had a single problem with this case. Very happy to see them on Amazon!
| | Excelente producto para guardar SLABS | 13/04/2023
Producto que es lo que se muestra, bien acabado, aunque yo el cierre magnético lo huiera sustituido por otro tipo de cierre, pero funciona correctamente. Puedes almacenar 24 slabs de monedas y queda muy bien sujeto. La verdad es que cuando lo muestras queda muy bonito y profesional. Quizas el precio podríaser algo mas ajustado pero nunca sacrificando la calidad que tiene.
| | Excellent | 22/05/2022
Very sharp to store slabs in for saving space along with that look of professional quality. Will buy additional.
| | Well made and Attractive Display Case | 05/07/2021
This is a wooden display case for PCGS and NGC regular coin slabs. The darker background accentuates the coins in their slabs, and the three trays inside, holding eight slabs each, are easy to pull out and put back in the main case. Quite satisfied with the quality and price.
| | Good deal | 11/05/2021
Its outstanding
| | Love it | 18/04/2021
Good product
| | Хорошо | 16/06/2020
Все хорошо. Спасибо .
| | All Good | 10/06/2020
Nice display box . Good quality materials used in the making. Lots of storages room,but nice that the slabs display well on all the different levels.
| | Nice Case | 20/02/2020
Nice case ... Thank you
| | Nice compact design | 05/11/2019
Quality for the $$
| | Nice case should work out very well. | 28/08/2018
All good no problems.
| | Add Distinction to Your Collection | 29/05/2018
The quality craftsmanship of the wood and the additions adds a distinctive beauty to the display as well as the storage your coins.
| | Five Stars | 02/06/2016
Very good quality for the price paid.
| | Excellent storage and display box | 17/03/2016
High quality storage box for artifacts or coins. Very elegant.
| | Five Stars | 25/10/2015
Great product, very good price.
| | Quality item | 30/05/2015
I collect coins and was looking for a decent presentation case. I opted for this case as it holds 24 "slabbed" coins over 3 tiers. I am absolutely delighted with the item. The box is high quality, beautifully lined and the spaces inside perfectly accommodate NGC and PCGS graded coins in addition to the blank slabs readily available. I would highly recommend this item to any coin collector.
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Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo

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Informazioni sul prodotto

LIGHTHOUSE Deluxe Presentation Case - 24 Slabs
Descrizione: Die Wurzeln von Leuchtturm reichen bis in das Jahr 1917, wobei der Fokus der Gründer stets die Schaffung einer optimalen Aufbewahrung für besondere Sammelstücke ist. Dabei entstanden im heutigen Sachsen-Anhalt unsere noch weitbekannten „KABE“-Briefmarkenalben und "Komet"-Münzalben. In den letzten Jahrzehnten optimierten und erweiterten wir in unserem neuen Werk in Geesthacht bei Hamburg das Sortiment stetig anhand aufkommender Kundenwünschen. Somit können wir unseren treuen Kunden fortwährend ...
Collecting & Antiques

Ultimo aggiornamento: 17/02/2025

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5 / 5 stelle
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Scala di valutazione Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
4,75 - 4,25 Molto bene
4,25 - 3,75 Bene
3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
2,75 - 1,75 Sufficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato