Avis sur les produits et expériences pour
Jesus Wept

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4,26 / 5,00

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PM Dawn Jesus Wept - 1995 CD Island Records
P.m. Dawn Jesus Wept CD Ref5841z
31 notes
18 avis
6 avis
3 avis
2 avis
2 avis

Jesus Wept
CD Jesus Wept

Avis sur les produits

5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoiles
Période à partir du 31.07.2010 jusqu'au 05.10.2021
| | Beautiful | 05.10.2021
This P.M. Dawn album in my opinion is the best one of all. It is truly a very remarkable & above all beautiful body of work that was created by them singing with heart, soul & spritualism felt thru out every track. RIP ~ Prince Be!!!
| | Nice mixture of r&b and gossple and hop | 17.12.2019
Good album
| | 06.08.2018
Can’t PLAY (it Skip and Stuck) thank a lot 🙄 for not Checking the cd 😫
| | awesome | 05.04.2016
what a lovely collection of songs dont know why i just absolutely love it
| | 05.01.2016
Its okay I hope to warm to it, I have so many CD's it takes me time to play it again. I can only recall one track that really stood out but without digging it out and going through it I'm not sure what track it was, I will leave that to you to find! However most of their music has never reached their best as the two released British singles way back in the 90's (?).
| | 25.10.2015
Not the best PM Dawn. Not played it much. Maybe it will grow on me.
| | 29.09.2015
Good quality packaging
| | 16.06.2012
Great easy listening CD. Loved all the songs on the CD. Would be a great gift. Would buy it again.
| | 31.07.2010
I always liked PM Dawn from afar. To be honest, I just never gave the albums a shot and suddenly this year I find myself purchasing all three and realizing that when it comes to smooth R & B, truly no one sounds like PM Dawn. Kind of new age, kind of R & B, kind of jazzy, but completely awesome. Jesus Wept had some high expectations to fill and it's only natural to have a bum album after the Bliss Album... The thing is that this isn't a bum album. It's quite good to put it
Période à partir du 05.04.2016 jusqu'au 05.10.2021
| | Beautiful | 05.10.2021
This P.M. Dawn album in my opinion is the best one of all. It is truly a very remarkable & above all beautiful body of work that was created by them singing with heart, soul & spritualism felt thru out every track. RIP ~ Prince Be!!!
| | Nice mixture of r&b and gossple and hop | 17.12.2019
Good album
| | awesome | 05.04.2016
what a lovely collection of songs dont know why i just absolutely love it
Période à partir du 29.09.2015 jusqu'au 29.09.2015
| | 29.09.2015
Good quality packaging
Période à partir du 05.01.2016 jusqu'au 05.01.2016
| | 05.01.2016
Its okay I hope to warm to it, I have so many CD's it takes me time to play it again. I can only recall one track that really stood out but without digging it out and going through it I'm not sure what track it was, I will leave that to you to find! However most of their music has never reached their best as the two released British singles way back in the 90's (?).
Période à partir du 25.10.2015 jusqu'au 25.10.2015
| | 25.10.2015
Not the best PM Dawn. Not played it much. Maybe it will grow on me.
Période à partir du 06.08.2018 jusqu'au 06.08.2018
| | 06.08.2018
Can’t PLAY (it Skip and Stuck) thank a lot 🙄 for not Checking the cd 😫

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Information produit

Jesus Wept
La description: UNI 524147 FC; UNIVERSAL spa - Italia; Pop Internazionale
Books, Movies & Music

Dernière mise à jour: 27.01.2025

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5 / 5 étoiles
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Échelle de notation Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Excellent
4,75 - 4,25 Très bon
4,25 - 3,75 Bon
3,75 - 2,75 Satisfaisant
2,75 - 1,75 Suffisant
1,75 - 1,00 Inadéquat