Recensioni ed esperienze sui prodotti per
Jesus Wept

Molto bene
35 recensioni
4,26 / 5,00

Recensioni dei prodotti

4 valutazioni
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0 recensioni
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0 recensioni

PM Dawn Jesus Wept - 1995 CD Island Records
P.m. Dawn Jesus Wept CD Ref5841z
31 valutazioni
18 recensioni
6 recensioni
3 recensioni
2 recensioni
2 recensioni

Jesus Wept
CD Jesus Wept

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 31/07/2010 fino al 05/10/2021
| | Beautiful | 05/10/2021
This P.M. Dawn album in my opinion is the best one of all. It is truly a very remarkable & above all beautiful body of work that was created by them singing with heart, soul & spritualism felt thru out every track. RIP ~ Prince Be!!!
| | Nice mixture of r&b and gossple and hop | 17/12/2019
Good album
| | 06/08/2018
Can’t PLAY (it Skip and Stuck) thank a lot 🙄 for not Checking the cd 😫
| | awesome | 05/04/2016
what a lovely collection of songs dont know why i just absolutely love it
| | 05/01/2016
Its okay I hope to warm to it, I have so many CD's it takes me time to play it again. I can only recall one track that really stood out but without digging it out and going through it I'm not sure what track it was, I will leave that to you to find! However most of their music has never reached their best as the two released British singles way back in the 90's (?).
| | 25/10/2015
Not the best PM Dawn. Not played it much. Maybe it will grow on me.
| | 29/09/2015
Good quality packaging
| | 16/06/2012
Great easy listening CD. Loved all the songs on the CD. Would be a great gift. Would buy it again.
| | 31/07/2010
I always liked PM Dawn from afar. To be honest, I just never gave the albums a shot and suddenly this year I find myself purchasing all three and realizing that when it comes to smooth R & B, truly no one sounds like PM Dawn. Kind of new age, kind of R & B, kind of jazzy, but completely awesome. Jesus Wept had some high expectations to fill and it's only natural to have a bum album after the Bliss Album... The thing is that this isn't a bum album. It's quite good to put it
Periodo da 05/04/2016 fino al 05/10/2021
| | Beautiful | 05/10/2021
This P.M. Dawn album in my opinion is the best one of all. It is truly a very remarkable & above all beautiful body of work that was created by them singing with heart, soul & spritualism felt thru out every track. RIP ~ Prince Be!!!
| | Nice mixture of r&b and gossple and hop | 17/12/2019
Good album
| | awesome | 05/04/2016
what a lovely collection of songs dont know why i just absolutely love it
Periodo da 29/09/2015 fino al 29/09/2015
| | 29/09/2015
Good quality packaging
Periodo da 05/01/2016 fino al 05/01/2016
| | 05/01/2016
Its okay I hope to warm to it, I have so many CD's it takes me time to play it again. I can only recall one track that really stood out but without digging it out and going through it I'm not sure what track it was, I will leave that to you to find! However most of their music has never reached their best as the two released British singles way back in the 90's (?).
Periodo da 25/10/2015 fino al 25/10/2015
| | 25/10/2015
Not the best PM Dawn. Not played it much. Maybe it will grow on me.
Periodo da 06/08/2018 fino al 06/08/2018
| | 06/08/2018
Can’t PLAY (it Skip and Stuck) thank a lot 🙄 for not Checking the cd 😫

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Informazioni sul prodotto

Jesus Wept
Descrizione: UNI 524147 FC; UNIVERSAL spa - Italia; Pop Internazionale
Books, Movies & Music

Ultimo aggiornamento: 27/01/2025

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5 / 5 stelle
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Scala di valutazione Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
4,75 - 4,25 Molto bene
4,25 - 3,75 Bene
3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
2,75 - 1,75 Sufficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato