Recensioni ed esperienze sui prodotti per
Acrocanthosaurus - 2012 Wild Safari Dinosaur Carnivore

Molto bene
106 recensioni
4,74 / 5,00

Recensioni dei prodotti

Nuove valutazioni nel periodo dal 01.02.2024 al 15.01.2025

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 05/08/2015 fino al 05/09/2024
| | bel modello | 05/09/2024
dinosauro poco moto ma reso bene
| | Dinosaurs | 20/06/2024
Great. Nice addition to My or your collection. Thank you. Lynn
| | I returned it. It was way to small. | 19/12/2021
I thought it was way to small given the price. Not what I was looking for so it was returned.
| | Acro the Sauropod Hunter | 29/06/2021
At a measurement of 8.25 inches long, and 3.5 inches high, this Acrocanthosaurus should be size-compatible with any of the large sauropods from Safari Ltd in your collection.
| | Nice and accurate | 08/10/2020
My son is Dino crazy! I bought this as a gift for him. He lived the accuracy. Great weight, solid, not flimsy
| | 14/09/2020
| | Very good product | 30/05/2020
Very detailed
| | 03/06/2019
Great realistic dino
| | Great | 02/06/2019
Great realistic dino
| | Nothing | 11/12/2018
Xmas gift
| | Five Stars | 30/06/2018
| | Rarggh! | 02/03/2018
Acrocanthosaurus atokensis was actually discovered near my hometown, and then he apparently shrank, grew all his skin back, and came to live with me. I love these Safari Ltd dinosaurs. They''re cheap, they're the right size to hang out on my desk, and they look really, really good.
| | 04/01/2018
My son loves the Acrocanthosaurus and it arrived in a timely manner.
| | Five Stars | 13/10/2017
Acrocanthosaurs is probably one of my favorite dinosaurs. The anatomy seem done very well.
| | 08/10/2017
OK the grandkid loves it! (Very nicely detailed.)
| | 08/04/2017
Grandsons love this one.
| | Five Stars | 07/04/2017
Grandsons love this one.
| | 26/03/2017
It was cute and detailed and all but don't be fooled it is a rather small toy! Not what it looks like on the picture!
| | 23/03/2017
This is a great dino figure for the price. I can't give it five stars because it's not up to the standards of the Schleich or Papo dino figures, but I wish I could give it four and a half to elevate it above the other figures in its own price class like Baidecor. I got this, a Baidecor spinosaurus, and a Papo dimetrodon for my three year old son. All arrived yesterday. The Papo dimetrodon was freaking STUNNING, this Acrocanthosaurus was great, and the Baidecor spinosaurus was very good
| | 14/03/2017
This plastic model is a great representation. The reviews that say it does not balance well are false. The paint is very detailed.
| | Five Stars | 21/02/2016
good quallity
| | Phantnocanthosaurus | 05/08/2015
it's not a Phantnocanthosaurus but a Acrocanthosaurus the model was o.k but but has been shoved out of ime light by the superior Collecta version that is the best one out there I'll revue that as soon you get it on your site nuff said.
Periodo da 21/02/2016 fino al 05/09/2024
| | bel modello | 05/09/2024
dinosauro poco moto ma reso bene
| | Dinosaurs | 20/06/2024
Great. Nice addition to My or your collection. Thank you. Lynn
| | Acro the Sauropod Hunter | 29/06/2021
At a measurement of 8.25 inches long, and 3.5 inches high, this Acrocanthosaurus should be size-compatible with any of the large sauropods from Safari Ltd in your collection.
| | Nice and accurate | 08/10/2020
My son is Dino crazy! I bought this as a gift for him. He lived the accuracy. Great weight, solid, not flimsy
| | 14/09/2020
| | Very good product | 30/05/2020
Very detailed
| | 03/06/2019
Great realistic dino
| | Great | 02/06/2019
Great realistic dino
| | Nothing | 11/12/2018
Xmas gift
| | Five Stars | 30/06/2018
| | Rarggh! | 02/03/2018
Acrocanthosaurus atokensis was actually discovered near my hometown, and then he apparently shrank, grew all his skin back, and came to live with me. I love these Safari Ltd dinosaurs. They''re cheap, they're the right size to hang out on my desk, and they look really, really good.
| | 04/01/2018
My son loves the Acrocanthosaurus and it arrived in a timely manner.
| | Five Stars | 13/10/2017
Acrocanthosaurs is probably one of my favorite dinosaurs. The anatomy seem done very well.
| | 08/10/2017
OK the grandkid loves it! (Very nicely detailed.)
| | 08/04/2017
Grandsons love this one.
| | Five Stars | 07/04/2017
Grandsons love this one.
| | 26/03/2017
It was cute and detailed and all but don't be fooled it is a rather small toy! Not what it looks like on the picture!
| | 14/03/2017
This plastic model is a great representation. The reviews that say it does not balance well are false. The paint is very detailed.
| | Five Stars | 21/02/2016
good quallity
Periodo da 23/03/2017 fino al 23/03/2017
| | 23/03/2017
This is a great dino figure for the price. I can't give it five stars because it's not up to the standards of the Schleich or Papo dino figures, but I wish I could give it four and a half to elevate it above the other figures in its own price class like Baidecor. I got this, a Baidecor spinosaurus, and a Papo dimetrodon for my three year old son. All arrived yesterday. The Papo dimetrodon was freaking STUNNING, this Acrocanthosaurus was great, and the Baidecor spinosaurus was very good
Periodo da 05/08/2015 fino al 05/08/2015
| | Phantnocanthosaurus | 05/08/2015
it's not a Phantnocanthosaurus but a Acrocanthosaurus the model was o.k but but has been shoved out of ime light by the superior Collecta version that is the best one out there I'll revue that as soon you get it on your site nuff said.
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo
Periodo da 19/12/2021 fino al 19/12/2021
| | I returned it. It was way to small. | 19/12/2021
I thought it was way to small given the price. Not what I was looking for so it was returned.

Autenticità delle recensioni

Trustami è un fornitore di servizi indipendente per la visualizzazione di recensioni esterne. Trustami importa le valutazioni dei clienti da piattaforme di terze parti. Purtroppo non possiamo verificare l'autenticità di tutte le numerose recensioni che raccogliamo automaticamente. Nel caso di rating importati, Trustami non può quindi garantire che tali rating provengano esclusivamente da consumatori che hanno effettivamente utilizzato o acquistato i beni o servizi.

Informazioni sul prodotto

Acrocanthosaurus - 2012 Wild Safari Dinosaur Carnivore
Descrizione: Produktbeschreibung Acrocanthosaurus Warnhinweise Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren
Baby & Child | Gaming, Toys & Board Games

Ultimo aggiornamento: 28/11/2024

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5 / 5 stelle
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Trustami cerca regolarmente in Internet nuove recensioni per raggrupparle in un unico posto e renderle immediatamente disponibili agli interessati.

Vogliamo rendere il più semplice possibile per ogni utente di Internet scoprire i prodotti. Invece di fare affidamento su un'unica fonte, offriamo un unico punto di contatto per ottenere tutte le recensioni su un prodotto con poco sforzo.

Trustami non raccoglie di per sé alcuna recensione e, in qualità di autorità indipendente, si adopera per rendere Internet più trasparente. Le piattaforme Internet e i siti Web più diffusi vengono ricercati automaticamente per trovare recensioni e identificare i prodotti. Il nostro obiettivo è offrire una raccolta utile di informazioni sui prodotti su cui tutti possano fare affidamento. L'unione delle informazioni sul prodotto viene eseguita nel miglior modo possibile e può includere diverse varianti di prodotto.

Trustami è nato come progetto dell'Università tecnica di Berlino (TUB) con l'obiettivo di rendere Internet più affidabile. Il lavoro di ricerca nell'area "Social Media Analytics & Big Data" presso la Cattedra di Information and Communication Management (IKM) ha fornito un primo prototipo che ha consentito la raccolta e la raccolta di informazioni sulla reputazione. Questo è stato poi ulteriormente sviluppato come parte di una borsa di studio sponsorizzata ed è ora uno spin-off indipendente.

Scala di valutazione Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
4,75 - 4,25 Molto bene
4,25 - 3,75 Bene
3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
2,75 - 1,75 Sufficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato