Avis sur les produits et expériences pour
Schrade Tactical Folding Knife G10 Handle Tanto Linerlock Pocket Clip SCH102

16 avis
4,06 / 5,00

Avis sur les produits

5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoiles
Période à partir du 03.10.2016 jusqu'au 29.04.2020
| | JESUS does not work for Ecop! | 29.04.2020
It's a Schrade. A work knife, not even made in America anymore. Of course though people want $25, for a $8 knife. It's like Ecop, just cause some dude is holding in hand, few extra pictures are taken, the product is now worth 3 times more... whatever
| | 15.12.2018
Amazing for the price, I am actually shocked at the quality of this knife, I didnt expect it to be half this nice.
| | Amazing for the price | 14.12.2018
Amazing for the price, I am actually shocked at the quality of this knife, I didnt expect it to be half this nice.
| | It’s okay | 06.12.2018
Seems nice but very light. Keeps an edge somewhat. Easy to sharpen. Nice for the price
| | 10.08.2018
Great knife
| | Sturdy | 09.08.2018
Great knife
| | 25.07.2018
Good weight, handle feels good in my hands, blade out of the box has good edge on it
| | 25.07.2018
You can't beat it for the price. I've put it through it paces and it has been a great knife. Holds an edge and the G10 handle scales provide a good grip. Smooth action and good lock.
| | Great knife for the price | 24.07.2018
Good weight, handle feels good in my hands, blade out of the box has good edge on it
| | Five Stars | 09.06.2018
this is a great pocket knife
| | It does have a lil blade play but over all it's still a good knife l👍 | 14.03.2018
Well made ,comes razor sharp out of the box. It does have a lil blade play but over all it's still a good knife l👍
| | My tool box knife, this blade has replaced my ... | 06.01.2018
My tool box knife, this blade has replaced my utility knives. I've used it as a chisel, I've even used this to cut a hole into a metal stud when doing an electrical project by hammering the top of the blade through the metal. Blade did not break, nor did the liner...i just tightened the screws, sharpened it and tossed it back into the toolbox.I own alot of knives, but if SHTF and i had to grab this knife or one of my big "tactical survival" knives, i would grab this one because
| | Great EDC knife. | 03.10.2016
Great EDC knife. Smooth action. Good grip and weight. Only thing missing is a flipper but the thumb stud works just fine.
Période à partir du 06.01.2018 jusqu'au 15.12.2018
| | 15.12.2018
Amazing for the price, I am actually shocked at the quality of this knife, I didnt expect it to be half this nice.
| | Amazing for the price | 14.12.2018
Amazing for the price, I am actually shocked at the quality of this knife, I didnt expect it to be half this nice.
| | 10.08.2018
Great knife
| | Sturdy | 09.08.2018
Great knife
| | 25.07.2018
You can't beat it for the price. I've put it through it paces and it has been a great knife. Holds an edge and the G10 handle scales provide a good grip. Smooth action and good lock.
| | Five Stars | 09.06.2018
this is a great pocket knife
| | It does have a lil blade play but over all it's still a good knife l👍 | 14.03.2018
Well made ,comes razor sharp out of the box. It does have a lil blade play but over all it's still a good knife l👍
| | My tool box knife, this blade has replaced my ... | 06.01.2018
My tool box knife, this blade has replaced my utility knives. I've used it as a chisel, I've even used this to cut a hole into a metal stud when doing an electrical project by hammering the top of the blade through the metal. Blade did not break, nor did the liner...i just tightened the screws, sharpened it and tossed it back into the toolbox.I own alot of knives, but if SHTF and i had to grab this knife or one of my big "tactical survival" knives, i would grab this one because
Période à partir du 24.07.2018 jusqu'au 06.12.2018
| | It’s okay | 06.12.2018
Seems nice but very light. Keeps an edge somewhat. Easy to sharpen. Nice for the price
| | 25.07.2018
Good weight, handle feels good in my hands, blade out of the box has good edge on it
| | Great knife for the price | 24.07.2018
Good weight, handle feels good in my hands, blade out of the box has good edge on it
Nous n'avons trouvé aucune expérience sous forme de texte
Nous n'avons trouvé aucune expérience sous forme de texte
Période à partir du 29.04.2020 jusqu'au 29.04.2020
| | JESUS does not work for Ecop! | 29.04.2020
It's a Schrade. A work knife, not even made in America anymore. Of course though people want $25, for a $8 knife. It's like Ecop, just cause some dude is holding in hand, few extra pictures are taken, the product is now worth 3 times more... whatever

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Information produit

Schrade Tactical Folding Knife G10 Handle Tanto Linerlock Pocket Clip SCH102
La description: Mit diesem Modell von Schrade wird ein solides Einhandmesser mit einer Tanto-Klinge angeboten. Die Klinge, gefertigt aus rostfreiem High Carbon Stahl 9Cr18Mov, kann mithilfe des beidseitigen Daumenpins bequem geöffnet werden und wird von einem Liner sicher arretiert. Dekoratives Design und einen guten Halt bei der Arbeit bieten die G-10 Griffschalen. zusätzliche Extras sind ein Gürtelclip auf der Rückseite und eine Fangriemenöse am Griffende.
Sports, Leisure & Hobby | Collecting & Antiques

Dernière mise à jour: 23.01.2025

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5 / 5 étoiles
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Échelle de notation Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Excellent
4,75 - 4,25 Très bon
4,25 - 3,75 Bon
3,75 - 2,75 Satisfaisant
2,75 - 1,75 Suffisant
1,75 - 1,00 Inadéquat