Productbeoordelingen en ervaringen voor
Schwarzkopf Professional Osis+ Style Undercoat, 1er Pack (1 x 75 ml)

Zeer goed
97 Beoordelingen
4,64 / 5,00


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2 er Pack Schwarzkopf Osis Undercoat 75 Ml
18 Beoordelingen
11 Beoordelingen
4 Beoordelingen
3 Beoordelingen
0 Beoordelingen
0 Beoordelingen

Schwarzkopf Professional Osis+ Style Undercoat, 1er Pack (1 x 75 ml)
Schwarzkopf Osis+ Undercoat Primer Foundation, 2.53 Ounce


5 Sterren
4 Sterren
3 Sterren
2 Sterren
1 Sterren
Periode vanaf 06-08-2016 naar 21-08-2021
| | Great to control the frizzies | 21-08-2021
I love this product. My hair is usually so frizzy, but just a small amount on the ends really helps.
| | Great hair product | 22-03-2021
My stylist used it on my hair and I really like it
| | Love this product! | 16-09-2020
Great product! It makes my hair silky and smooth and overall healthier in appearance. And it smells great!
| | Tames Frizz | 18-05-2020
I love the smell and how it takes my frizz.
| | hair de-frizzer | 16-05-2020
Great price and really helps tame frizzes!
| | Awesome product | 12-03-2020
Love this product
| | Good product | 09-01-2020
The best
| | This stuff works | 01-11-2019
I have tried a lot of hair products who claim they will straighten hair. This stuff actually works, just follow the directions and you notice the difference. Great product
| | Fab | 20-07-2019
Great, no issues
| | Smoother Operator! | 18-07-2019
❤️ this product! Not heavy on thin hair, smoother of friz and doesn’t leave slim on hands
| | Click and buy one | 14-07-2019
Great price front door delivery awesome
| | hair looks good | 15-03-2019
Great product
| | Great Product | 19-12-2018
I have very frizzy cotton candy hair. This helps when I blow dry, then use curling iron. My hair looks smooth for a few days. Will see if it works in humid climate when I visit Florida.
| | Just okay for my super frizzy hair | 10-07-2018
My hair is super frizzy curly. The product helped somewhat to control it, but left my hair just a little greasy. It helped manage the frizz.
| | Buon prodotto, sporca poco, ma costa parecchio | 27-08-2017
Questo prodotto riesce a dare a i miei capelli fini un po’ di corposità, chiaramente non fa miracoli... Ottimo anche il fatto che sporca poco (se non si esagera) ed ha un gradevole profumo unisex che svanisce quasi subito. Costa però parecchio: attualmente su Amazon €11,37 (più eventuali spese di spedizione), direi decisamente alto come costo se si considera che sono solo 75ml ... Cercasi alternative quindi...
| | Disappointed | 19-08-2017
A bit too thick for my hair (fine and curly) and didn't smooth as stated i.e still as frizzy as ever. Shame as I usually like Schwarzkopf products.
| | super sympa! | 13-12-2016
Je l avais eu en échantillon chez le coiffeur. Et une fois testé à la maison il me le fallait! J'ai les cheveux courts, une noisette suffit sur cheveux mouillés. Et je donne le mouvement au sèche cheveux. Mes cheveux sont super soyeux et brillants. Par contre une fois j en avais mis de trop et c'était gras. je recommande!
| | Super | 06-08-2016
Hält was es verspricht...Sehr zu empfehlen
Periode vanaf 06-08-2016 naar 21-08-2021
| | Great to control the frizzies | 21-08-2021
I love this product. My hair is usually so frizzy, but just a small amount on the ends really helps.
| | Great hair product | 22-03-2021
My stylist used it on my hair and I really like it
| | Love this product! | 16-09-2020
Great product! It makes my hair silky and smooth and overall healthier in appearance. And it smells great!
| | Tames Frizz | 18-05-2020
I love the smell and how it takes my frizz.
| | hair de-frizzer | 16-05-2020
Great price and really helps tame frizzes!
| | Awesome product | 12-03-2020
Love this product
| | Good product | 09-01-2020
The best
| | This stuff works | 01-11-2019
I have tried a lot of hair products who claim they will straighten hair. This stuff actually works, just follow the directions and you notice the difference. Great product
| | Fab | 20-07-2019
Great, no issues
| | Smoother Operator! | 18-07-2019
❤️ this product! Not heavy on thin hair, smoother of friz and doesn’t leave slim on hands
| | Click and buy one | 14-07-2019
Great price front door delivery awesome
| | hair looks good | 15-03-2019
Great product
| | Great Product | 19-12-2018
I have very frizzy cotton candy hair. This helps when I blow dry, then use curling iron. My hair looks smooth for a few days. Will see if it works in humid climate when I visit Florida.
| | Super | 06-08-2016
Hält was es verspricht...Sehr zu empfehlen
Periode vanaf 13-12-2016 naar 10-07-2018
| | Just okay for my super frizzy hair | 10-07-2018
My hair is super frizzy curly. The product helped somewhat to control it, but left my hair just a little greasy. It helped manage the frizz.
| | Buon prodotto, sporca poco, ma costa parecchio | 27-08-2017
Questo prodotto riesce a dare a i miei capelli fini un po’ di corposità, chiaramente non fa miracoli... Ottimo anche il fatto che sporca poco (se non si esagera) ed ha un gradevole profumo unisex che svanisce quasi subito. Costa però parecchio: attualmente su Amazon €11,37 (più eventuali spese di spedizione), direi decisamente alto come costo se si considera che sono solo 75ml ... Cercasi alternative quindi...
| | super sympa! | 13-12-2016
Je l avais eu en échantillon chez le coiffeur. Et une fois testé à la maison il me le fallait! J'ai les cheveux courts, une noisette suffit sur cheveux mouillés. Et je donne le mouvement au sèche cheveux. Mes cheveux sont super soyeux et brillants. Par contre une fois j en avais mis de trop et c'était gras. je recommande!
Periode vanaf 19-08-2017 naar 19-08-2017
| | Disappointed | 19-08-2017
A bit too thick for my hair (fine and curly) and didn't smooth as stated i.e still as frizzy as ever. Shame as I usually like Schwarzkopf products.
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Schwarzkopf Professional Osis+ Style Undercoat, 1er Pack (1 x 75 ml)
Beschrijving: Produktbeschreibung Die perfekte Basis für jedes Styling und jeden Haartyp glättet die Haaroberfläche verleiht natürlichen Glanz Anti-Frizz Effekt für ein verbessertes Haargefühl Anwendung: eine kleine Menge zwischen den Handflächen verreiben auf die mittleren Haarlängen und Spitzen des feuchten Haares auftragen. Markenname: Schwarzkopf. Lieferanten-Artikelnummer: 610080. Barcode - Einzelartikel: 4045787322385. Inhaltsstoffe / Zutaten Unknown
Drugstore Products & Healthcare

Laatste update: 16-02-2025

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5,00 - 4,75 Uitstekend
4,75 - 4,25 Zeer goed
4,25 - 3,75 Goed
3,75 - 2,75 Bevredigend
2.75 - 1.75 Voldoende
1,75 - 1,00 Arm