Produktbewertungen und Erfahrungen für
CleanStream Silicone Open Flow Top Douche Enema Bag 2.5 Quart Capacity

36 Bewertungen
3,83 / 5,00


5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Sterne
Zeitraum von 26.04.2015 bis 20.04.2021
| | Hose does not work. | 20.04.2021
Hose did not work
| | Happy User | 05.03.2017
Best system that I've used to date, and I've tried many.
| | Five Stars | 08.11.2016
Awesome bag for Coffee Enemas. Does not permanently discolor. Perfect for use with a silicone enema nozzle.
| | Trick | 07.11.2016
The hose clamp is tricky to keep closed.
| | Does what it does - well built! | 08.07.2016
Well built & does what was made for. Very durable & still in use.
| | Great bag! | 23.03.2016
I have been a serious follower of enema bags for many decades. This is the best bag that I have ever owned. The bag capacity is just a bit over 3 liters. The perfect size. High quality construction and materials should make this bag last a lifetime. My 25 year old Sherema bag is showing its age and this bag is a deserving replacement and will move into the number one spot! I highly recommend this bag!
| | Four Stars | 20.01.2016
good strong bottle
| | 30.12.2015
I knew I wanted this style - easy to refill and hang in the shower. However, I did not want it to be rubber or latex. I bought this and I am using it with a vaginal attachment. It seems very sturdy.
| | Fits my end use, but may be difficult to keep clean long term | 21.11.2015
It fits my purpose - from a portability and travel point of view, but I'd forgotten how silicone can stick to itself so the walls of the bladder do stick to one another which makes drainage challenging so I have some concerns as to short/long-term hygiene/cleanliness of the product itself.
| | This is a lot better than a few other products I have tried | 10.10.2015
I have tried so many of these and yours fits what I need. It is clearly (literally) superior to a lot of other stuff. I can see the fluid level in the bottle. the only thing wrong with this product is the control valve. I feel this old fashioned simple pinch valve is the main reason this product is not perfect (or at least excellent). The tip definitely needs replacement and the makers of this product offer some very enticing alternatives. I intend to explore these.. Thank you... A satisfied
| | Four Stars | 05.09.2015
Great gift for the special douche in your life
| | Five Stars | 08.07.2015
Thank you!
| | It's a good bag, but a little troublesome to take apart ... | 26.04.2015
It's a good bag, but a little troublesome to take apart quickly. That in itself is not a very bad problem though. There is also no leaching into the water like rubber bags, and no strong odor like the rubber bags. I'd recommend this bag for health and cleanliness use. Get one for yourself and your girlfriend. LOL
Zeitraum von 08.07.2015 bis 05.03.2017
| | Happy User | 05.03.2017
Best system that I've used to date, and I've tried many.
| | Five Stars | 08.11.2016
Awesome bag for Coffee Enemas. Does not permanently discolor. Perfect for use with a silicone enema nozzle.
| | Great bag! | 23.03.2016
I have been a serious follower of enema bags for many decades. This is the best bag that I have ever owned. The bag capacity is just a bit over 3 liters. The perfect size. High quality construction and materials should make this bag last a lifetime. My 25 year old Sherema bag is showing its age and this bag is a deserving replacement and will move into the number one spot! I highly recommend this bag!
| | 30.12.2015
I knew I wanted this style - easy to refill and hang in the shower. However, I did not want it to be rubber or latex. I bought this and I am using it with a vaginal attachment. It seems very sturdy.
| | Five Stars | 08.07.2015
Thank you!
Zeitraum von 20.01.2016 bis 08.07.2016
| | Does what it does - well built! | 08.07.2016
Well built & does what was made for. Very durable & still in use.
| | Four Stars | 20.01.2016
good strong bottle
Zeitraum von 21.11.2015 bis 21.11.2015
| | Fits my end use, but may be difficult to keep clean long term | 21.11.2015
It fits my purpose - from a portability and travel point of view, but I'd forgotten how silicone can stick to itself so the walls of the bladder do stick to one another which makes drainage challenging so I have some concerns as to short/long-term hygiene/cleanliness of the product itself.
Zeitraum von 07.11.2016 bis 07.11.2016
| | Trick | 07.11.2016
The hose clamp is tricky to keep closed.
Zeitraum von 20.04.2021 bis 20.04.2021
| | Hose does not work. | 20.04.2021
Hose did not work

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CleanStream Silicone Open Flow Top Douche Enema Bag 2.5 Quart Capacity
Beschreibung: Produktbeschreibung Die praktische offene Silicone Open Flow-Top Bag aus der Kollektion von CleanStream ist ein einfach zu bedienendes und effektives Reinigungssystem, das alles enthält, was Sie für eine gründliche und komfortable Reinigung benötigen. Dieses Set enthält eine Düsenspitze mit flexiblem Schlauch und einen Aufhänger, um das Aufhängen des Beutels in Ihrem Badezimmer zu erleichtern. Der Klistierbeutel besteht aus hochwertigem, haltbarem Silikon und fasst ca. 2,4 Liter Flüssigkeit. ...
Drogerie & Gesundheit

Letztes Update: 23.02.2025

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5,00 - 4,75 Ausgezeichnet
4,75 - 4,25 Sehr Gut
4,25 - 3,75 Gut
3,75 - 2,75 Befriedigend
2,75 - 1,75 Ausreichend
1,75 - 1,00 Mangelhaft