Product Reviews and Experiences for
Spalding NBA NY Knicks Team Basketball 7 Blue

Very Good
47 Ratings
4.47 / 5.00

Product Reviews

5 Stars
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1 Stars
Period from 2016-03-04 to 2021-02-15
| | 2021-02-15
Grandchildren love these balls nice quality.
| | 2020-07-29
Muy bien de presentacion y diseño. Buen Tacto
| | 2020-04-11
Think they would provide a pump
| | 2020-04-10
Think they would provide a pump
| | Muy chulo | 2020-01-22
A mi hijo le gustó mucho, lo único que es talla 7. Hay que tenerlo en cuenta.
| | 2020-01-08
preso per regalo di Natale arriva ovviamente sgonfio e in una busta di plastica trasparenteuna vota gonfiato è ok
| | 2020-01-05
I like the ball and colours
| | 2019-01-29
NY Knicks basket ball given as a Christmas present. Inflated absolutely fine and has a good bounce. Delivered on time
| | 2018-12-17
Bah c’est un ballon, comme tous les ballons il glisse un peu au début mais bon rapport qualité prix
| | Bon rapport qualité prix | 2018-12-16
Bah c’est un ballon, comme tous les ballons il glisse un peu au début mais bon rapport qualité prix
| | Buen producto | 2018-12-03
Buena compra pero es un balón que pesa poco. Aún así, para pasar un rato viene perfecta.
| | The ball t | 2018-08-09
I thought it came boxed already inflated. Now i've to buy a ball pump. One should have been included if the ball came deflated.
| | 2017-05-10
Great grip even when wet. Bounces true and holds its shape. A really great outdoor ball. We have about 5 balls and play most weekends, this Knicks ball has become the family favourite. In fact.... I am about to order a second one!!!
| | 2016-03-04
Period from 2016-03-04 to 2021-02-15
| | 2021-02-15
Grandchildren love these balls nice quality.
| | Muy chulo | 2020-01-22
A mi hijo le gustó mucho, lo único que es talla 7. Hay que tenerlo en cuenta.
| | 2020-01-05
I like the ball and colours
| | 2019-01-29
NY Knicks basket ball given as a Christmas present. Inflated absolutely fine and has a good bounce. Delivered on time
| | 2017-05-10
Great grip even when wet. Bounces true and holds its shape. A really great outdoor ball. We have about 5 balls and play most weekends, this Knicks ball has become the family favourite. In fact.... I am about to order a second one!!!
| | 2016-03-04
Period from 2018-12-17 to 2020-07-29
| | 2020-07-29
Muy bien de presentacion y diseño. Buen Tacto
| | 2020-01-08
preso per regalo di Natale arriva ovviamente sgonfio e in una busta di plastica trasparenteuna vota gonfiato è ok
| | 2018-12-17
Bah c’est un ballon, comme tous les ballons il glisse un peu au début mais bon rapport qualité prix
We could not find any experience as text
We could not find any experience as text
Period from 2020-04-11 to 2020-04-11
| | 2020-04-11
Think they would provide a pump

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Product Information

Spalding NBA NY Knicks Team Basketball 7 Blue
Description: Strapazierfähiger und hochwertiger NBA Team Basketball der New York Knicks von Spalding. Features: Original NBA Team LogoMaterial: Haltbare Gummi-OberflächeFarbe: BLUE / ORANGE Spalding Spurs Fanartikel preiswert bestellen im Sportshop des Don!
Sports, Leisure & Hobby

Last Update: 2024-07-30

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Trustami rating scale
5.00 - 4.75 Excellent
4.75 - 4.25 Very Good
4.25 - 3.75 Good
3.75 - 2.75 Satisfactory
2.75 - 1.75 Sufficient
1.75 - 1.00 Poor