Productbeoordelingen en ervaringen voor
Authentic Models Modellflugzeug - Spirit of St. Louis, authentische Flugzeugmodelle - AP250

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16 Beoordelingen
4,50 / 5,00


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Authentic Models Spirit of St. Louis Replica
7 Beoordelingen
6 Beoordelingen
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1 Beoordelingen

Authentieke modelvliegtuig - Spirit of St. Louis, authentieke vliegtuigmodellen - AP250
6 Beoordelingen
5 Beoordelingen
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1 Beoordelingen

Authentic Models Modellflugzeug - Spirit of St. Louis, authentische Flugzeugmodelle - AP250


5 Sterren
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1 Sterren
Periode vanaf 02-02-2011 naar 03-07-2017
| | Just Right | 03-07-2017
A very nice replica of the historic plane. It has the right 'look', it's big enough to have presence and it is more accurate than I expected. For the money, it's a fine model. Sure, there're small details that could have been added and the underwing insignia is on the wrong wing but it's a better model than most of us modelers would make of metal, fabric and wood, (and rubber tires!) even if we could. It captures the 'spirit' (pun intended) of the original.
| | 04-02-2017
Excellent replica, and perfectly packaged in a reusable box with custom-cut foam protecting all sides. I suggest keeping the box and foam inserts, in case you move, as this plane is somewhat fragile.
| | 29-07-2016
A beautiful miniature replica! Although the tail skid is inaccurate and the Spirit's official designation number N-X-211 is printed on the right side of the main wing's underside (the placement of the number on the top right of the wing is correct), it is still a worthy addition to any miniature aircraft collector's fleet! I'm certainly pleased with mine!!!
| | 28-05-2016
I ordered this and it arrived with damage to the elevators and rudders. It was perfectly packaged and there was no damage to the box, so I can only conclude it was packaged already damaged at the warehouse. I had to return it. Otherwise, it did appear to be pretty cool if you can get one that is damage free.
| | 08-07-2015
super quality model
| | 11-02-2014
Une magnifique réplique avec de nombreux détails. Bravo AM! léger et facile à suspendre, pour les amoureux de l'histoire des plus lourds que l'air.
| | 02-02-2011
This was a Christmas gift for my airplane-loving husband. In fact, he's the one who pointed it out and said he wanted it. This model did not disappoint. It arrived quickly, well-packaged. It is correct in every detail [the propeller spins!], sturdy [for a model] and attractive. Made in China, if that matters.
Periode vanaf 02-02-2011 naar 03-07-2017
| | Just Right | 03-07-2017
A very nice replica of the historic plane. It has the right 'look', it's big enough to have presence and it is more accurate than I expected. For the money, it's a fine model. Sure, there're small details that could have been added and the underwing insignia is on the wrong wing but it's a better model than most of us modelers would make of metal, fabric and wood, (and rubber tires!) even if we could. It captures the 'spirit' (pun intended) of the original.
| | 04-02-2017
Excellent replica, and perfectly packaged in a reusable box with custom-cut foam protecting all sides. I suggest keeping the box and foam inserts, in case you move, as this plane is somewhat fragile.
| | 29-07-2016
A beautiful miniature replica! Although the tail skid is inaccurate and the Spirit's official designation number N-X-211 is printed on the right side of the main wing's underside (the placement of the number on the top right of the wing is correct), it is still a worthy addition to any miniature aircraft collector's fleet! I'm certainly pleased with mine!!!
| | 08-07-2015
super quality model
| | 11-02-2014
Une magnifique réplique avec de nombreux détails. Bravo AM! léger et facile à suspendre, pour les amoureux de l'histoire des plus lourds que l'air.
| | 02-02-2011
This was a Christmas gift for my airplane-loving husband. In fact, he's the one who pointed it out and said he wanted it. This model did not disappoint. It arrived quickly, well-packaged. It is correct in every detail [the propeller spins!], sturdy [for a model] and attractive. Made in China, if that matters.
We konden geen ervaring als tekst vinden
We konden geen ervaring als tekst vinden
We konden geen ervaring als tekst vinden
Periode vanaf 28-05-2016 naar 28-05-2016
| | 28-05-2016
I ordered this and it arrived with damage to the elevators and rudders. It was perfectly packaged and there was no damage to the box, so I can only conclude it was packaged already damaged at the warehouse. I had to return it. Otherwise, it did appear to be pretty cool if you can get one that is damage free.

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Authentic Models Modellflugzeug - Spirit of St. Louis, authentische Flugzeugmodelle - AP250
Beschrijving: Detailliertes Modell des Flugzeugs in dem Charles Lindberg im Alleingang den Atlantik überquerte. Werfen Sie mal einen aufmerksamen Blick durch die Fenster in das erstaunlich detaillierte Cockpit! Nicht allzu viele Sachen können als Dekogegenstände aufgehängt werden. Ein Kronleuchter, ein Mobile? aber ein markanter Gegenstand, wunderschön verarbeitet und aufwändig und detailliert konstruiert... So etwas findet man nicht allzu oft. Dieses Flugzeug allerdings ist ein absolutes Show-Stück und ...
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Laatste update: 02-12-2024

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5,00 - 4,75 Uitstekend
4,75 - 4,25 Zeer goed
4,25 - 3,75 Goed
3,75 - 2,75 Bevredigend
2.75 - 1.75 Voldoende
1,75 - 1,00 Arm