Reseñas de productos y experiencias para
Stinger Shadow Break & Jump Pool Billard Queue - 3tlg. - Anstoß Jump Queue

Muy bien
7 reseñas
4,57 / 5,00

Reseñas de productos

5 estrellas
4 estrellas
3 estrellas
2 estrellas
1 estrellas
Período de 09/03/2016 hasta 09/02/2020
| | Guter Breaker/Jumper | 09/02/2020
Ich habe den Queue jetzt seit ein paar Tagen in Benutzung. Er tut das was er soll. Man kann mit ihm Breaken und auch Jumpen und es funktioniert auch. Praktisch ist die obere Gummierung wenn man das untere Teil des Griffstücks abgeschraubt hat, dort hat man nochmal zusätzlich Grip bei den Jumps. Für den Preis ein sehr guter Breaker/Jumper.
| | Need to tighten up screw in bottom for weights | 23/01/2019
Brilliant starter break cue. Jump cue feels great and is very good value very impressed
| | Looks real nice! | 18/11/2018
Good Breaks, good Jumps... good Price. I would buy it again.
| | wow | 25/04/2018
I've been using this cue for a while now and wow my breaks i consistently get the 5 go into the end left corner pocket or 5-4 combo or even the 3 i even get the 1 into the side pocket opposite me sometimes the tip/ferrule combo is exactly what you need my jumping ability before this cue was 0 now it's a 10 buy this cue its excellent and a great price for what you
| | Good, but would have liked the heavier one. | 01/11/2017
Good but dropped one star as i wanted the 20oz as the cue is quiet light. Would have been easier if the page had a selection for 19oz or 20oz. Other pages have selections for size.
| | Great cue | 27/09/2017
Good quality cue and excellent value for money, definitely improves the break shot as you don't have to put so much power in the shot to get a good spread allowing for more control of the cue ball, jump shots are excellent especially long range with a full cue.
| | Ottimo rapporto qualità - prezzo | 25/02/2017
Questa stecca fa assolutamente bene il suo mestiere per il prezzo che vale. Adatta a qualunque giocatore di fascia medio-bassa (la serie C del Pool o la terza categoria 8-15). Giocatori di livello maggiore richiedono certamente una stecca con caratteristiche di efficienza più alte ma una verità di fondo sempre valida è la seguente: una buona stecca non renderà mai campione un brocco.
| | Guter und günstiger Breaker | 08/10/2016
Für Landesliga reichts :D
| | Excellent product | 09/03/2016
Excellent product,very satisfied.
Período de 09/03/2016 hasta 09/02/2020
| | Guter Breaker/Jumper | 09/02/2020
Ich habe den Queue jetzt seit ein paar Tagen in Benutzung. Er tut das was er soll. Man kann mit ihm Breaken und auch Jumpen und es funktioniert auch. Praktisch ist die obere Gummierung wenn man das untere Teil des Griffstücks abgeschraubt hat, dort hat man nochmal zusätzlich Grip bei den Jumps. Für den Preis ein sehr guter Breaker/Jumper.
| | Need to tighten up screw in bottom for weights | 23/01/2019
Brilliant starter break cue. Jump cue feels great and is very good value very impressed
| | Looks real nice! | 18/11/2018
Good Breaks, good Jumps... good Price. I would buy it again.
| | wow | 25/04/2018
I've been using this cue for a while now and wow my breaks i consistently get the 5 go into the end left corner pocket or 5-4 combo or even the 3 i even get the 1 into the side pocket opposite me sometimes the tip/ferrule combo is exactly what you need my jumping ability before this cue was 0 now it's a 10 buy this cue its excellent and a great price for what you
| | Great cue | 27/09/2017
Good quality cue and excellent value for money, definitely improves the break shot as you don't have to put so much power in the shot to get a good spread allowing for more control of the cue ball, jump shots are excellent especially long range with a full cue.
| | Excellent product | 09/03/2016
Excellent product,very satisfied.
Período de 08/10/2016 hasta 01/11/2017
| | Good, but would have liked the heavier one. | 01/11/2017
Good but dropped one star as i wanted the 20oz as the cue is quiet light. Would have been easier if the page had a selection for 19oz or 20oz. Other pages have selections for size.
| | Ottimo rapporto qualità - prezzo | 25/02/2017
Questa stecca fa assolutamente bene il suo mestiere per il prezzo che vale. Adatta a qualunque giocatore di fascia medio-bassa (la serie C del Pool o la terza categoria 8-15). Giocatori di livello maggiore richiedono certamente una stecca con caratteristiche di efficienza più alte ma una verità di fondo sempre valida è la seguente: una buona stecca non renderà mai campione un brocco.
| | Guter und günstiger Breaker | 08/10/2016
Für Landesliga reichts :D
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Información del Producto

Stinger Shadow Break & Jump Pool Billard Queue - 3tlg. - Anstoß Jump Queue
Sports, Leisure & Hobby

Última actualización: 24/01/2025

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5 / 5 estrellas
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Escala de calificación de Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Excelente
4,75 - 4,25 Muy bien
4,25 - 3,75 Bien
3,75 - 2,75 Satisfactorio
2,75 - 1,75 Suficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadecuado