Product Reviews and Experiences for
Trixie Kunststoff Streuschaufel, klein, farblich sortiert

Very Good
40 Ratings
4.48 / 5.00

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Trixie Kunststoff Streuschaufel, klein, farblich sortiert
2 Reviews
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Trixie Plastic Cat Litter / Food Scoop Multi Purpose Dry Biscuit Scooper Shovel
New reviews during period from 2010-11-01 to 2020-04-01

Product Reviews

5 Stars
4 Stars
3 Stars
2 Stars
1 Stars
Period from 2010-11-08 to 2020-04-16
| | 2020-04-16
Solide et pratiqueIdéal pour collecter la litière aggloméréeParfait complément d'une pelle 'trouée'
| | 2020-01-07
3 utlisation et cassé.
| | 2019-06-20
Je l'utilise pour les croquettes de mes chats. Taille parfaite.
| | 2019-03-18
| | 2019-01-30
très bonne prestation à recommander
| | 2019-01-05
Parfait pour litière furets et simple à nettoyer
| | 2018-12-20
Ottimo x qualità è prezzo.
| | 2018-12-11
poco da dire su questo prodotto,è funzionale e costa il giusto..
| | 2018-08-13
It’s a scoop!
| | 2018-07-27
Jolie pelle reçue en vert Elle est très bien tant pour les croquettes ou le nettoyage de la litiere Je suis contente de mon achat à un prix minime Je la recommande elle est top
| | 2018-06-06
Very flimsy broke on 3rd day.
| | 2018-02-28
J avoue que je ne pensais en recevoir 6 pour ce prix ! Du coup je suis bien contente, prix bas et bonne qualité, multi utilisation !
| | 2017-06-01
Amazone dit dans le descriptif que l'achat est un lot de 6 pelles et je n'ai reçu qu'une pelle en plastique rouge !
| | 2017-03-17
J'adore cette petite pelle, elle est parfaite pour bien dosé la nourriture de notre labrador chocolat.3 pelleté et il a sa ratio journalière de croquette notre Dingo
| | 2016-03-29
Great scoop - good size for kitty litter. Unf we got rather a dull beige colour scoop - shame you can't chose the colour, hence only 4 stars.
| | 2014-11-17
An excellent product, does the job.
| | 2014-10-28
Excellent scoop much better than the ones with holes in!!!! How are you expected to get rid of used cat litter if the scoop has holes in it??? this is brilliant and does the job brilliantly.
| | 2014-10-10
J'ai acheté cette pelle pour la litière de mon chat et j'en suis très satisfait, pour le prix l'article est plus que correct.
| | 2014-03-12
A very handy scoop.Very suitable for bags of cat litter because of its size. It fits in the hand very well.
| | 2014-03-05
very good. works very well.very worth while gettingwould highly recremend itgood product.sould't have to write this much for a review
| | 2014-02-03
I foster cats in a cat cabin and I store fresh litter in a smaller bucket and so needed a smaller scoop. This was excellent though a bit pricey. Would recommend.
| | 2013-09-29
This scoop is great for litter beds it scoops up all in one go - I thoroughly recommend this item.
| | 2013-01-14
Not much to say about a litter scoop. It does the job well, we use it for wood-based cat litter. I would recommend it.
| | 2010-11-08
I use this for dog biscuits and find it is perfect for this use. Small dog has one scoop full and the large one has two scoops full. Very reasonably priced, light and easy to handle.
Period from 2010-11-08 to 2020-04-16
| | 2020-04-16
Solide et pratiqueIdéal pour collecter la litière aggloméréeParfait complément d'une pelle 'trouée'
| | 2019-06-20
Je l'utilise pour les croquettes de mes chats. Taille parfaite.
| | 2019-01-30
très bonne prestation à recommander
| | 2019-01-05
Parfait pour litière furets et simple à nettoyer
| | 2018-12-20
Ottimo x qualità è prezzo.
| | 2018-12-11
poco da dire su questo prodotto,è funzionale e costa il giusto..
| | 2018-08-13
It’s a scoop!
| | 2018-07-27
Jolie pelle reçue en vert Elle est très bien tant pour les croquettes ou le nettoyage de la litiere Je suis contente de mon achat à un prix minime Je la recommande elle est top
| | 2018-02-28
J avoue que je ne pensais en recevoir 6 pour ce prix ! Du coup je suis bien contente, prix bas et bonne qualité, multi utilisation !
| | 2014-11-17
An excellent product, does the job.
| | 2014-10-28
Excellent scoop much better than the ones with holes in!!!! How are you expected to get rid of used cat litter if the scoop has holes in it??? this is brilliant and does the job brilliantly.
| | 2014-10-10
J'ai acheté cette pelle pour la litière de mon chat et j'en suis très satisfait, pour le prix l'article est plus que correct.
| | 2014-03-12
A very handy scoop.Very suitable for bags of cat litter because of its size. It fits in the hand very well.
| | 2014-03-05
very good. works very well.very worth while gettingwould highly recremend itgood product.sould't have to write this much for a review
| | 2014-02-03
I foster cats in a cat cabin and I store fresh litter in a smaller bucket and so needed a smaller scoop. This was excellent though a bit pricey. Would recommend.
| | 2013-09-29
This scoop is great for litter beds it scoops up all in one go - I thoroughly recommend this item.
| | 2013-01-14
Not much to say about a litter scoop. It does the job well, we use it for wood-based cat litter. I would recommend it.
| | 2010-11-08
I use this for dog biscuits and find it is perfect for this use. Small dog has one scoop full and the large one has two scoops full. Very reasonably priced, light and easy to handle.
Period from 2016-03-29 to 2017-03-17
| | 2017-03-17
J'adore cette petite pelle, elle est parfaite pour bien dosé la nourriture de notre labrador chocolat.3 pelleté et il a sa ratio journalière de croquette notre Dingo
| | 2016-03-29
Great scoop - good size for kitty litter. Unf we got rather a dull beige colour scoop - shame you can't chose the colour, hence only 4 stars.
Period from 2019-03-18 to 2019-03-18
| | 2019-03-18
Period from 2020-01-07 to 2020-01-07
| | 2020-01-07
3 utlisation et cassé.
Period from 2017-06-01 to 2018-06-06
| | 2018-06-06
Very flimsy broke on 3rd day.
| | 2017-06-01
Amazone dit dans le descriptif que l'achat est un lot de 6 pelles et je n'ai reçu qu'une pelle en plastique rouge !

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Trustami is an independent service provider for the display of external reviews. Trustami imports customer ratings from third-party platforms. Unfortunately, we cannot verify the authenticity of all the reviews that we collect automatically. Therefore, in case of imported ratings, Trustami cannot ensure that these ratings come exclusively from consumers who have actually used or purchased the goods or services.

Product Information

Trixie Kunststoff Streuschaufel, klein, farblich sortiert
Description: Kunststoff auch als Futterschaufel geeignet
Pet Supplies
Price (average): 5.64 €

Last Update: 2021-01-15

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Trustami rating scale
5.00 - 4.75 Excellent
4.75 - 4.25 Very Good
4.25 - 3.75 Good
3.75 - 2.75 Satisfactory
2.75 - 1.75 Sufficient
1.75 - 1.00 Poor