Recensioni ed esperienze sui prodotti per
Vaillant 0020132682 Diverter Valve with Adaptor

Molto bene
96 recensioni
4,67 / 5,00

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59 recensioni
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Vaillant 0020132682 Diverter Valve with Adaptor
MM 1 valutazioni
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0 recensioni

Vaillant Vorrangumschatventil Messing mit Adapter 0020132682

Recensioni dei prodotti

5 stelle
4 stelle
3 stelle
2 stelle
1 stelle
Periodo da 26/04/2016 fino al 21/12/2023
| | Alles bestens. Artikel wie beschrieben. | 21/12/2023
Sehr schnelle Lieferung. Alles bestens!
| MM | 20/02/2023
Produit d'origine constructeur (Vaillant), donc impeccable, ça correspond même si la notice est un peu légère. Livraison rapide, pas trop mal emballé. Prix correct.
| | Good value replacement | 07/07/2022
OE parts, all including all seals and screws and loom adapter cable. All arrived in good condition.
| | gesamt paket | 04/06/2022
hat gepast und Dichtungen waren auch dabei
| | Es Funktioniert 😁 | 21/12/2021
Moin, mein altes Ventil hatte schlagende Geräusche von sich gegeben, immer wenn die Temperatur vom Heizkörpern abgesenkt wird! Nach dem ich es getauscht habe sind auch die Geräusche verschwunden 👍
| | Original Ersatzteile | 09/05/2021
Sehr schnelle Lieferung! Original Ersatzteile und endlich keine Störgeräusche mehr 👌 Kleiner Tip: man könnte etwas Hahnfett dazu legen.Ich hatte etwas 😁 Sehr gerne wieder 👍
| | As described | 24/12/2020
It fits perfectly and on time
| | excellent customerf servise | 03/12/2020
replaced part as soon as i managed to make contact
| | cheap compaired to local plumbers supliers | 25/11/2019
every thing was there all seals screws and clips. quick service
| | alles ok | 10/09/2019
alle Teile ,die man zur Montage braucht waren dabei
| | 12/05/2019
Good quality, easy to fir and cable conversation kit
| | Best price for a genuine Vaillant part | 14/03/2018
Great value for money, comes with everything you need to complete the job. Best priced genuine Vaillant part on eBay. Comes in the original unopened box.
| | efficient service. | 03/10/2017
No problems good first fit with the speedy delivery.
| | Reiview | 31/07/2017
good to do buisness with you
| | Vaillant Part | 19/07/2017
It what I needed for the job it was the right part.
| | boiler valve | 15/07/2017
comprehensive repair kit replaced in 30 min's works perfectly
| | Great product works 100% | 23/01/2017
Works 100% for last 2 months Quick and brand new
| | Right part, genuine part, good price. | 13/01/2017
This is the genuine deal. The price is right.
| | Worked perfectly and excellent qulaity | 02/08/2016
Worked perfectly and excellent qulaity
| | Replacement diverter valve | 04/05/2016
Genuine part all bits needed to change valve and fare price
| | Purchase | 26/04/2016
Prompt delivery, item as described on the advert. Definitely recommend
Periodo da 26/04/2016 fino al 21/12/2023
| | Alles bestens. Artikel wie beschrieben. | 21/12/2023
Sehr schnelle Lieferung. Alles bestens!
| MM | 20/02/2023
Produit d'origine constructeur (Vaillant), donc impeccable, ça correspond même si la notice est un peu légère. Livraison rapide, pas trop mal emballé. Prix correct.
| | Good value replacement | 07/07/2022
OE parts, all including all seals and screws and loom adapter cable. All arrived in good condition.
| | Es Funktioniert 😁 | 21/12/2021
Moin, mein altes Ventil hatte schlagende Geräusche von sich gegeben, immer wenn die Temperatur vom Heizkörpern abgesenkt wird! Nach dem ich es getauscht habe sind auch die Geräusche verschwunden 👍
| | Original Ersatzteile | 09/05/2021
Sehr schnelle Lieferung! Original Ersatzteile und endlich keine Störgeräusche mehr 👌 Kleiner Tip: man könnte etwas Hahnfett dazu legen.Ich hatte etwas 😁 Sehr gerne wieder 👍
| | As described | 24/12/2020
It fits perfectly and on time
| | excellent customerf servise | 03/12/2020
replaced part as soon as i managed to make contact
| | cheap compaired to local plumbers supliers | 25/11/2019
every thing was there all seals screws and clips. quick service
| | alles ok | 10/09/2019
alle Teile ,die man zur Montage braucht waren dabei
| | 12/05/2019
Good quality, easy to fir and cable conversation kit
| | Best price for a genuine Vaillant part | 14/03/2018
Great value for money, comes with everything you need to complete the job. Best priced genuine Vaillant part on eBay. Comes in the original unopened box.
| | efficient service. | 03/10/2017
No problems good first fit with the speedy delivery.
| | Vaillant Part | 19/07/2017
It what I needed for the job it was the right part.
| | boiler valve | 15/07/2017
comprehensive repair kit replaced in 30 min's works perfectly
| | Great product works 100% | 23/01/2017
Works 100% for last 2 months Quick and brand new
| | Right part, genuine part, good price. | 13/01/2017
This is the genuine deal. The price is right.
| | Worked perfectly and excellent qulaity | 02/08/2016
Worked perfectly and excellent qulaity
| | Replacement diverter valve | 04/05/2016
Genuine part all bits needed to change valve and fare price
| | Purchase | 26/04/2016
Prompt delivery, item as described on the advert. Definitely recommend
Periodo da 31/07/2017 fino al 04/06/2022
| | gesamt paket | 04/06/2022
hat gepast und Dichtungen waren auch dabei
| | Reiview | 31/07/2017
good to do buisness with you
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo
Non siamo riusciti a trovare alcuna esperienza in forma di testo

Autenticità delle recensioni

Trustami è un fornitore di servizi indipendente per la visualizzazione di recensioni esterne. Trustami importa le valutazioni dei clienti da piattaforme di terze parti. Purtroppo non possiamo verificare l'autenticità di tutte le numerose recensioni che raccogliamo automaticamente. Nel caso di rating importati, Trustami non può quindi garantire che tali rating provengano esclusivamente da consumatori che hanno effettivamente utilizzato o acquistato i beni o servizi.

Informazioni sul prodotto

Vaillant 0020132682 Diverter Valve with Adaptor
Descrizione: Das Vaillant Vorrangumschaltventil Messing mit Adapter 0020132682 ist eine hochwertige Komponente für moderne Heizungsanlagen. Dieses Ventil ermöglicht eine effiziente Umschaltung zwischen Heiz- und Warmwasserbetrieb. wodurch die Priorisierung der Warmwasserbereitung optimiert wird. Hergestellt aus robustem Messing. bietet es eine lange Lebensdauer und Zuverlässigkeit in Ihrem Heizsystem. Der mitgelieferte Adapter erleichtert die Installation und sorgt für eine sichere und passgenaue Verbindung. ...
House & Garden

Ultimo aggiornamento: 08/02/2025

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5 / 5 stelle
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Trustami è nato come progetto dell'Università tecnica di Berlino (TUB) con l'obiettivo di rendere Internet più affidabile. Il lavoro di ricerca nell'area "Social Media Analytics & Big Data" presso la Cattedra di Information and Communication Management (IKM) ha fornito un primo prototipo che ha consentito la raccolta e la raccolta di informazioni sulla reputazione. Questo è stato poi ulteriormente sviluppato come parte di una borsa di studio sponsorizzata ed è ora uno spin-off indipendente.

Scala di valutazione Trustami
5,00 - 4,75 Eccellente
4,75 - 4,25 Molto bene
4,25 - 3,75 Bene
3,75 - 2,75 Soddisfacente
2,75 - 1,75 Sufficiente
1,75 - 1,00 Inadeguato